Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Romans 1

Romans 1

Vs 1 – Paul is a servant of Jesus Christ.  He was called to be an apostle.  To live a separated life for the Gospel or Good News of God.

Vs 2 – This was a promise written about by the prophets in the Holy Scriptures.

Vs 3 -   God’s Son is Jesus Christ our Lord.  He is the Seed of David.  God’s promise to David, come in the flesh.  He is God with a face.  God walking among us.
Vs 4 -  He was declared the Son of God with power.  The Spirit of holiness has declared Him this through His resurrection of the dead.
Vs 5 – Through Christ, Paul has received grace and apostleship.  He is to be obedient to the faith ,to proclaim the gospel to all nations for His name sake.
Vs 6 -  The Romans have been called by and through Jesus Christ.

Vs 7 – This letter was written to the Christians of Rome.  They are the beloved of God and His saints (Called out ones).  Grace and peace has been extended to them by God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Lord Jesus Christ is a title used to establish Jesus’ Lordship and authority.

Vs 8 -  This is Paul’s prayer of thanksgiving for the Romans.  Their faith has been spoken or broadcast throughout the Christian world.
Vs 9 – Paul wants them to know through this oath that He is praying for them unceasingly.  This is through the Spirit and His love for the gospel.
Vs 10 – He prays for a successful journey in the future in the will of God to come to them.

Vs 11 – Paul then relates why he wants to come.  To impart a spiritual gift to help them and establish their faith more.
Vs 12  - Paul wants that through their mutual faith they can comfort each other.
Vs 13  -  He wants them to know He has wanted to come to them but has been prevented thus far.  Paul wants to have spiritual fruit among them as he has seen in other places.

Vs 14 – Paul establishes the fact and thought he is debtor to God and to all mankind.  He must repay that debt of salvation by telling all men about Jesus Christ.
Vs 15 – His resolve is that he wants to preach the gospel in Rome as soon as possible.

Vs 16 – Paul is proud of the gospel.  He is never ashamed of this glorious gospel.  It is good news.  It is the power of God working salvation in every one who believes.  The Jews had the first opportunity to receive the gospel but now it is being offered to all. 
Vs 17 -  The gospel is the righteousness of God through the avenue of faith and it will continue to grow through faith.  Paul then quotes Hab 2:4, “the just will by faith.”  You are justified in God’s sight by faith.

Vs 18 -  The whole world is guilty before God.  The wrath of God will be against the ungodly and unrighteous.  They are individuals who hold to truth but it leads them to unrighteous.     

Vs 19 -  Mankind is held to account because creation is the silent witness for God.  God has shown mankind there is an intelligent creator. 
Vs 20 – The invisible things of Him made at creation are clearly seen.  The witness of creation can be clearly understood.  This evidence show His eternal power and God head.  So mankind is without excuse.

Vs 21 -  There was a time mankind knew God.  This is called the time of conscience.  They however did not glorify Him as God. Neither were thankful.  The result was that they became vain in their thinking and this led to a darkening of their foolish hearts.
Vs 22 – They claimed to be wise but in truth were fools.
Vs 23 – The changed to glory of the incorruptible God to the images of corruptible man and creatures.  They became idol worshippers.

Vs 24 -  God then gave them over to uncleanness.  This was caused by the lust in mankind’s heart which led them to dishonor their bodies by doing evil acts among themselves.

Vs 25 – There are two sins God gave man up to defile their souls.  They changed the truth of God into a lie.
They worshipped and serve creatures of stone, wood and metal instead of the creator is to be blessed forever.  Amen.

Vs 26 – God gave them up.  He did not want to give them up but they did what was unnatural.  He burned in lust for each other.  In nature male and female procreation is the norm. 
Vs 27 – Men left their natural affection for women gave into the sodomite spirit and burned in lust for each other.  Their conduct is vile, evil and will lead to destruction and death.

Vs 28 – They did not retain their knowledge of God.  God gave them over to their reprobate mind where they do things that will lead to separation from God and eternal punishment.

Vs 29 -  As a result of their apostasy Paul lists 23 sins that damn the soul.  Unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity and whisperers.
Vs 30.  Paul continues on with his list.  Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventing evil things and disobedient to parents.
Vs 31 – Paul finishes up his list in this verse.  Without understanding, breakers of covenants, without natural affection, implacable and unmerciful.  All this is a result of God allowing them to give themselves over to their lusts.

Vs 32 – What is terrible is through out this verse is that the apostate knows judgment is coming but they neither fear God or His judgment.  They know that these things they do are worthy of death but they encourage others to do them and take pleasure in them. 

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