The Great
Commission - Matthew 28:19-20
This is the second part of the Great
Commission. Jesus is with His
disciples. Now this event happened in
Galilee but for the sake of consistency in our devotional the writer has place
it here. Jesus tells His audience that
He has been given all power in heaven and on earth. He has the power of attorney. He has won this right and privilege through
His death, burial and resurrection.
Jesus while He was a man was limited but now in His resurrected form all
His previous power, authority and dominion has been returned. Jesus then commissioned His disciples to go
into all the world and preach the gospel or good news about Him. This is a message to be preached and taught to all who will listen. We are to baptized them in the name of the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Water
Baptism is an outward sign of the inner transformation of the heart. This is formula for water Baptism. We are to baptize in the Trinity. Jesus then tells them to observe all things
that He commanded them. They were to
love one another and fulfill the great commission. Then He closes this passage with a great
promise. “I am with you always, even to
the end of the age. Jesus is with
us. No matter where we are, what we face
or why we are and where we are, the Lord is with us. This is a great comfort in life. Jesus has given us a task but He will now
leave us alone He is with us. What a
great promise. Matthew closes off this
final passage with Amen. Exclamation
point and done deal. Praise God.
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