Wednesday, October 30, 2013

You will have peace.

In John 20:21, Jesus told His disciples to be at peace.  As the Father sent Him, so He was sending them.  This wonderful portion of scripture has three components to it.  First, that we are going to have peace and be instruments of peace.  Peace is that internal quality where you have peace within yourself and in turn you give this peace to others.  The source of this peace is not something you work up yourself but the Prince of Peace dwells in your heart.  You allow Jesus to come inside and He creates in you a peace that passes all understanding.  It fills your heart and mind.  When you have peace within yourself, you in turn are able to give this peace to others by telling them about Jesus Christ.  The next component is that you know that Christ has been sent from the Father.  Jesus is more real to you than any material possession or thing you can handle with your hand.  Jesus is the centre of your universe.  He is the person that you most want to be like and you want his will, plan and purpose for your life.  You know that Jesus has redeemed you from sin.  He has given you forgiveness of sin and a new life.  You have through Him both eternal and abundant life.  These facts give you a purpose for life.  You want to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and you want to love others as you have learned to love yourself.  You have a purpose and that is to tell others about Him, teaching them to be the best disciples they can be.  You know that the Lord Jesus Christ is with you to the end of the age.  You have peace, a purpose and a passion.  This is what Jesus has promise for you today.  So go and live your life to the fullest for His praise and glory.

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