Today we are in our third day of getting ready for Thanksgiving. Paul here in Rom 12:12, says that we should rejoice in hope. Hope is that quality that allows you to believe in the future when it appears you have no future. It is like the man who has heard that they have cancer and they still choose to believe that they will not only survive it but live a productive life because of it. This quality allows you to face the next thing Paul mentions. You are patient in tribulation. Trials and testing come to all of us. When those times come instead of asking "Why this is happening to us?" We should be asking, "What can I learn from this." David wrote that thought we walk through the valley of the shadow of death the Lord's rod and staff comfort us. Hope brings about patience. Paul closes off this verse with the secret of having hope and being able be patient. The secret is being instant in prayer. When something happens immediately you bring the issue to the Lord in prayer. You say, "God here is what happening and I know you have everything under control. I will rejoice in hope. I will be patient during this time of testing and trials and now I bring this before you and believe for the victory." By doing this you have involved God in the process and you know everything will work out. This is the secret of being a thankful and optimistic person in the Lord.
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