Thursday, October 31, 2013

Did not Condemn

In John 3:17, Jesus said He did not come to condemn the world but that through Him the world might be saved.  This message is so appropriate because the world by and large is anti Christian these days.  Everywhere you go something is being said or done against Christian values and the message.  As our society becomes more and more secular we need to be aware that our message needs to be refined.  Jesus came to save the world.  He died so they might live.  When we bring the message of Jesus Christ to our world we must do it in the power of love.  The message of love is not only said it must be done.  There is a story about a group of Christians who wanted to reach their community for Christ.  So they decided a blimp would be the way to do it.  As the story goes they used this blimp to tell people.  At first it was an annoyance but over time the people of the community became proud of the blimp but what started out as an evangelistic tool became more and more secular.  The man who dreamed about the blimp became disillusioned about the blimp and dropped out. He came back a few months later with His neighbor who was now saved.  When the committee who were using the blimp to reach the town asked Him how the neighbor got saved.  He told them that the blimp had nothing to do with his salvation.  It was the love his neighbor who was the Christian that won Him.  A good lesson for us to learn.  Actions always speak louder than words.  So love as Jesus did and you will win people in your world.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

You will have peace.

In John 20:21, Jesus told His disciples to be at peace.  As the Father sent Him, so He was sending them.  This wonderful portion of scripture has three components to it.  First, that we are going to have peace and be instruments of peace.  Peace is that internal quality where you have peace within yourself and in turn you give this peace to others.  The source of this peace is not something you work up yourself but the Prince of Peace dwells in your heart.  You allow Jesus to come inside and He creates in you a peace that passes all understanding.  It fills your heart and mind.  When you have peace within yourself, you in turn are able to give this peace to others by telling them about Jesus Christ.  The next component is that you know that Christ has been sent from the Father.  Jesus is more real to you than any material possession or thing you can handle with your hand.  Jesus is the centre of your universe.  He is the person that you most want to be like and you want his will, plan and purpose for your life.  You know that Jesus has redeemed you from sin.  He has given you forgiveness of sin and a new life.  You have through Him both eternal and abundant life.  These facts give you a purpose for life.  You want to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and you want to love others as you have learned to love yourself.  You have a purpose and that is to tell others about Him, teaching them to be the best disciples they can be.  You know that the Lord Jesus Christ is with you to the end of the age.  You have peace, a purpose and a passion.  This is what Jesus has promise for you today.  So go and live your life to the fullest for His praise and glory.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lord Help me

In Matt15:24 a Canaanite woman knelt before Jesus and asked Him to heal her child.  Jesus of course did help and heal her child.  Interesting fact is that the two people who exhibited the most faith in Jesus' day were two non Jews.  In both cases they knew that they did not deserve Jesus' help but they also knew that He was the only one who could help them.  What they displayed was absolute trust in His ability to meet their need.  When you ask the Lord for help believe that you will receive and it will be given unto you.  That is what Jesus said.  It is time for us to get desperate about our needs.  In Canada we have everything we need so the problem is that we are not desperate about our needs.  In countries around the world there are many people who do not even know where their next meal is going to come from.  So they asked God for things and miracles happen over and over again.  God wants to do more for you that you can ask or even imagine. (Eph 3:20).  What you need to do is ask.  James 4:2, says you have not because you ask not.  When the Canaanite woman asked for her child to be healed she knew that only Jesus could heal and so she was persistent.  She refused to leave Jesus' presence until she got what she asked for.  She was willing to meet any condition or do anything He asked.  She wanted her daughter to be well.  What is it you need from God?  Do not give up until your answer comes.  Hold on and keep asking.  Walk in faith and stay on the matter until God comes through and brings your victory.  Be like the Canaanite woman and the Centurion they got their answer and you will get yours.   

Monday, October 28, 2013

German Shepherd wake up call!

Boxing Cat Beats Up Dog For Touching Him

The world's most funny dog video

In His distressing disguise

In Matt 25:40, Jesus was teaching about acts of charity.  When we feed the hungry, cleanse the leper, visit the sick, clothe and shelter another person Jesus said, "we are doing it unto Him."  Mother Theresa was asked one time how she could minister to the lepers in Calcutta.  She said, "I look at them as Jesus in His distressing disguise."  When we do acts of love we are doing it to Jesus.  Jesus is the face of the broken hearted.  Jesus is in the aches and pains of the sick and infirmed.  He is with those that have no home and no hope.  He walks the streets with those who are lonely, depressed and discouraged.  We are His hands and feet extended.  James writes that if we tell someone to be warm and filled and yet we do nothing to make that happen, our religion is in vain.  He says that we show faith by what we do.  God has called His people to be the ones who are first in to help when something goes wrong in someone's world.  Our time, talents and resources should be His.  If God needs something from us to minister His love and grace to another it should be available.  One time a pastor learned of a family that was in need.  They had lost their home in a fire.  He rally the church to help this family even though they did not go to the church.  They replaced everything the family lost and rebuilt the home.  This became a catalyst for change in that church.  They became a church that was known for compassion and love.  Today are your time talents and resources available for God to use for His praise and glory?  If they are not it is time to let them so God can minister to others through you.  Remember you are doing it to Jesus in His distressing disguise. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Lessons from Jesus' Suffering

Oct 27 – Lessons from Jesus’ Suffering

                Today I have chosen not to include a scripture but focus on lessons we can learn from Jesus’ trial, sentence and walk to Calvary.

1.       Jesus was the King of the Jews and when the people were given the opportunity to set Him free they chose rather to put Him to death.  A lesson we can learn here that we need to be aware of the choices we make.  The smallest of choice could be one of the most significant events in our lives.  Always cover each choice and opportunity with prayer.  It only takes a moment and it could save you massive amount of trouble later.

2.       Great judgment was coming to the Jews because of their rejection of Christ.  It would come some forty years later.  Jerusalem would fall to the Romans and thousands would be killed and millions would be sold into slavery.  Wrong choices often carry with them severe consequences.  Be careful of your decisions and choices.  If in doubt study the word, pray and seek good counsel.  Never make a rash or hurried decision and never let someone force you into a decision either by pressure to time constraints.  Be wise in decision making you could hurt yourself or others.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Yes, Virginia there is a God. Robert Dean Steel.MOV

"What Were Ya Thinkin?" By Mark Lowry

Mark Lowry Denominations

Letter to the Nations - Canada

Letters to the Nations

Canada, this will be your finest hours. Over the decades God has promised you many great things. Many prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers and apostles have come here to proclaim that Canada would be a nation that would help heal other nations. Canada will rise with healing in its wings. 
There is a call right now of the Holy Spirit calling at those who have the ministry of prayer and intercession to throw off every weight and shackle that has beset them. There is a cloud of witnesses who have gone before cheering you on. You have been given the privilege of praying for this current generation. You are the key to this next great move of God. Revival will come from your lips and heart as you speak to God on behalf of others. There are many who waiting to be endued with power from on high and it will begin in the prayer closets of the intercessor.
To the watchman and gate keepers in the spiritual realm. God is about to give you a brand new anointing and assignment. As you have been calling out day and night for God to fulfill His promises and will. Your new assignment to proclaim that God’s Kingdom is coming and His will shall be done among all the nations that have come to Canada for restoration, freedom and new beginnings. 
To those who work among young people. This next move of God will start with them. Joel 2:28 says that God will pour out His Spirit upon all the flesh. Our sins and daughters are going to prophesy and the young men shall see visions. What God did in the past was marvelous but what He is going to do in the near future will be even greater. So those who work among the young, enlarge your tent pegs and get ready for the harvest. If you are not ready God will give it to someone else who is ready. Don’t miss what God has in store for you.
The current unrest in our nation is actually going to be a catalyst for revival. The province of Quebec will see great change but the secret will be the churches who pray. We need to stand with our brothers in Quebec and pray that the darkness that has descended upon that place will be lifted. There is a fire that is starting to burn there but it needs to be flame by all of us among the other provinces to help it happen.
Do not be fooled by what is happening in Canada among the money markets. It is a false hope and security. What is happening around the world can and will happen here if we do not place our security in the Lord. Remember what can be shaken will be shaken. Never place your security in that which can be seen. Hard assets like silver, gold or precious stones can not save you. Oil is a false hope. Your debt will be your undoing. Remember the borrower is always the slave to the lender. Get your house in order or it will crumble. 
To the church in Canada. You must throw your apathy, lethargy, procrastination and apostasy. Seek the Lord while He may be found. There is right now a call of the Spirit. He is calling each of us into a deeper place with Him. A place of still waters where your soul can be healed. We are the ones called to humble ourselves, to pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways. If we do not our moment will pass. Revival and judgment begin in the house of the Lord. Remember righteousness exalts a nation and sin is a reproach to any people. 
There is a call of the Spirit to all right now. He is saying come. To the blind, lame, imfirmed, sick, broken and hurt, Come. To Christian, backslider, and unsaved, He says come. Come to the Lord and you will find Him loving, compassionate and forgiving. But Come.

Friday, October 25, 2013

My God, why have you forsaken me.

In Matt 27:46, We have those immortal words where Jesus said, 'My God, My, God, why have you forsaken me."  Here we have the full impact of sin hitting the perfect and sinless one.  The writer of Hebrews said it this way, "He who had no sin became sin for us.  Jesus Christ was the perfect man.  The perfect union of the natural and the divine.  He was the God man.  Hanging on the cross our sin was put on Him and in that moment the full impact of that total separation that happens when a person does not know God, hit Him.  It is our sin that separates us from God.  Jesus died on the cross that you and I would not have to know that.  When He stated these words, for the first time in His natural life He knew what it was like to be separated from God.  Before I became a Christian in 1974, I was separated from God by my sin.  On that Thanksgiving Saturday in a park in Havre, Montana I gave my life to Christ.  From then on every day I have been aware of God's presence.  I have experienced His love, acceptance and forgiveness every day.  You can too.  Jesus died so we could have a dynamic relationship with the Lord.  Today do not let anything come between you and God.  Love Him with every fibre of your being.  Serve Him with gladness and joy.  Read the word and pray everyday.  Go to the house of the Lord with anticipation and share your faith with others.  Jesus cried these words for you and me.  He was forsaken so you and I could be accepted.  He died so we could live.  Let us live for Him. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Jesus Wept

In John 11:35, we have the shortest verse in the Bible.  It simple states that Jesus wept.  Jesus' friend Lazarus had died ad Jesus was standing at the tomb. When He saw the condition of the people and the hopelessness of their grief He wept.  Jesus' weeping however were not tears without hope.  Jesus had the solution and is the solution.  Many times you and I have wept or cried over our situation.  We have had no hope or did know what to do and where to turn.  It is in these times we should remember that Jesus not only has the solution but is the solution.  God promises that when we are mourning He will give us the oil of joy.  When life is to heavy to bear the Lord will give us the garment of praise.  The Lord promises one day to wipe away every tear.  In the mean time you and I have the promise that Jesus is weeping and interceding for you right now.  You have divine help right now.  All you have to do is ask.  After Jesus wept, He raised Lazarus from the dead.  No matter what we face the Lord is with us.  He will never leave or forsake us.  Paul states in Eph 3:20, that the Lord would do beyond what we could ask or imagine.  When you find yourself in situations that make you weep and cry out for divine help the Lord will come and do a miracle for you.  So today commit all your situations of life to the Lord and let Him bring about His miracle and victory for you. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Taught with Authority

In Matt 7:29, Jesus had just finished teaching and the people said that He was a man who taught with authority.  There has never been a greater teacher than Jesus Christ.  His teaching method was a combination of simple stories and deep spiritual truth.  He could take the ordinary and make it extra-ordinary.  He could take the wind and use it as an analogy for the Holy Spirit.  He could take bread and wine and make them one of the most deep spiritual experiences ever.  He used the analogy of being a shepherd and show God's care and love.  He used light and darkness to illustrate the human condition.  Jesus was a master and spinner of spiritual truth.  No one has or ever will be able to teach like Him.  The most amazing thing is that Jesus lived what He taught.  He would never ask someone to do something He was not willing to do Himself.  Teaching with authority means to live what you preach.  Your walk and your talk line up.  People see you back up every word with action.  So today let the words and lifestyle of Jesus be your example and you too can teach and live with authority like Jesus.  Let Him be your role model, your Savior and Lord.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Without a Shepherd

In Matt 9:36, it says, Jesus had compassion on the crowds because they were helpless and harassed.  They were like a sheep without a shepherd.  Jesus is known as the Great Shepherd.  He wants to lead and guide us.  He wants to be our protection and help.  The truth about the condition of man is that we are harassed and helpless.  Everywhere we turn we are being harassed by the world, the flesh and the devil.  They are constantly trying to make us sin and fall away from God.  Every thought, word and deed are fighting against the will and plans of God.  We are constantly being tempted by materialism, pride and the pull of the world.  The devil is constantly tempting, accusing and lying to us.  Yet we are not alone.  The Lord Jesus Christ is with us.  He is our shepherd and guide.  He is there to help us.  We have the Holy Spirit living inside of us empowering us to a place of victory.  We are not alone in this battle.  We have the weapons, armor and power to not only win the fight of faith but to be victorious over the enemy at every turn.  Paul said in Rom 8:11, "that the same Spirit who raised Christ from the dead dwells in us."  What a great promise.  Resurrection power, weapons, armor and a shepherd to lead us to victory.  Like David of old, God wants to lead us to safe pasture and sweet water.  He wants to help us to be not only overcomers but conquerors through Jesus Christ.  So today make a decision to not stay harassed and helpless.  Walk into the arms of the loving shepherd, avail yourself to all that He has and walk in eternal and abundant life.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Pleasing God.

In John 8:29, Jesus said, that the one who sent Him did not leave Him alone.  For Jesus did what was pleasing to the Father.  This should be the motto for our lives.  We should try to do everything the Father wants us to do.  One time a man asked me what was the will of God for the Christian?  I knew it was a test question but I gave the best answer I could.  I said, "To be like Jesus."  He said, "Yes."  The old hymn puts it beautifully, "To be like Jesus, all I asked is to be like Him, through life's journey from earth to glory, all I asked is to be like Him."  Jesus was never alone according to this verse because He was doing the will of the Father.  Now in Matt 28:20, Jesus said, "He would never leave or forsake us."  When we are doing the will of God the Lord will be with us.  Every thought, word, deed and attitude He will be behind.  Every step of our walk with Him He will be with us.  It is so comforting to know that we are walking with the God of the universe.  He is keeping a close watch on us.  He know what we will face before we face it and He has ordered our steps even before we take one step.  If we trust God all things will work out.  This does not mean that all things are good but all things will work out for good.  So today be like Jesus and do the will of the Father.  You will not be alone and you will have divine help. 

Pleasing God

In John 8:29, Jesus said, that the one who sent Him did not leave Him alone.  For Jesus did what was pleasing to the Father.  This should be the motto for our lives.  We should try to do everything the Father wants us to do.  One time a man asked me what was the will of God for the Christian?  I knew it was a test question but I gave the best answer I could.  I said, "To be like Jesus."  He said, "Yes."  The old hymn puts it beautifully, "To be like Jesus, all I asked is to be like Him, through life's journey from earth to glory, all I asked is to be like Him."  Jesus was never alone according to this verse because He was doing the will of the Father.  Now in Matt 29:20, Jesus said, "He would never leave or forsake us."  When we are doing the will of God the Lord will be with us.  Every thought, word, deed and attitude He will be behind.  Every step of our walk with Him He will be with us.  It is so comforting to know that we are walking with the God of the universe.  He is keeping a close watch on us.  He know what we will face before we face it and He has ordered our steps even before we take one step.  If we trust God all things will work out.  This does not mean that all things are good but all things will work out for good.  So today be like Jesus and do the will of the Father.  You will not be alone and you will have divine help. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

You are a Treasure

In 2 Cor 4:7, Paul says that we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power, may be of God and not of us.  In other words, God has placed in us a treasure.  This treasure is to be used by the Lord for His praise and glory.  Jesus said in Acts 1:8, that we are to tarry until we be endued with power from on high.  God has placed in us a power that when fully given over to Him can do amazing and impossible things.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Peter was able to raised a lame man.  Paul was able to cast out demons, Philip was able to travel amazing distances.  These were ordinary men who availed themselves to amazing power.  Rom 8:11, tells that there is resurrection power in every Christian all we have to do is utilize it.  Through faith and prayer amazing things can happen.  Mark 16:17, says these signs will follow those who believe.  As a Christian when you believe and trust God supernatural things happen.  Recently, I went to a comedy show and I ask the Lord for a parking place at the venue and a good seat in the club.  God provided me with a parking spot close to the club and a table right by the stage.  We could see the nose hairs of the performers.  It may have been a small thing but God does the small things to remind us that when a big thing is needed He is able to do more than we can think or imagine.  So today remember that God is has placed in your earthen vessel a treasure, it is the power of God used for His praise and glory and not for our own.  We are vessels in which He wishes to flow through.  Let yourself be that vessel today.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Our Food

In John 4:24, Jesus said that His food was to do the will of Him who sent me and to accomplish His work.  What a great statement and this should be the desire of every disciples of Jesus Christ.  The will of God should be the foremost thing in our lives.  Jesus said it was His food.  It was the reason why He came.  His work and aim in life was to accomplish the work that God gave Him to do.  Now Jesus had a single focus through His life.  He had come to show the Father and then to die for the sins of mankind.  The will of God for each of us if different but there are some key components to the will of God.  They are as follows: We are to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love others as ourselves.  This is called the great commandment.  We show the Lord in our lives by the way we love ourselves and others.  The next one, is going into our world and preaching the goodnews of Jesus Christ and making disciples of all men.  We are bringing Christ into our world.  This is the Great Commission.  The last one is loving one another.  This is the day to day decision of loving every one we are involved with.  Even if some of the people we meet are not so lovely.  Love is a decision.  Following Christ is a decision as well, as bringing Him to others.  You do this by your thoughts, words, deeds and attitudes.  So today let your food be the will of Him who has sent us and let us accomplished His will for the glory and praise of God.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Self Control

In Gal 5:23, Paul talks about the last fruit of the Spirit being self control.  This is a quality that most people want but do not know how to get it.  You have for example the person who follows eastern mysticism.  They believe that through the process of yoga and meditation they will receive self control.  Others who follow the exercise philosophy believe that if you work hard at self discipline you will have self control.  Paul says that self control comes but allowing the Holy Spirit to control and lead you life.  When a person comes to Christ the Holy Spirit comes inside and begins a process of changing our lives every day.  Some days it is subtle and gradual others times it is dramatic and everyone notices.  Either way little by little the Lord changes us from the inside out.  Things that use to bother you do not any longer.  Areas of your life that were so hard to bring under control are not a problem any longer.  All because the Holy Spirit is changing you.  Your part is too allow Him to do that.  Saying no, to the old things and saying yes, to Christ.  It is praying and reading God's word to know God's will and then putting those things in practice.  It is submitting your thought life to God.  Simply put you get self control by letting another control your life, the Holy Spirit.  So today let this fruit of the Spirit be evident and all will rejoice for what God has done. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Truth about seeking God first.

In Matt 6:33, Jesus says that if we seek the Lord with all our hearts all these things we be added unto us.  In recent days I have seen such a miracle.  My brother in law whose name is Dave was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of cancer and he was given some three months to live.  That was last June.  According to the doctors Dave should have been dead by Thanksgiving.  Well yesterday which of course was Thanksgiving, Dave was eating Thanksgiving dinner with us.  Dave who had been a nominal Christian up to his news of cancer has since become a strong follower of Jesus Christ.  As Dave says, "When you are faced with death it changes your whole outlook on life."  Recently I spent some two and half hours with Dave.  He told me his journey back to faith, his renewed love for Jesus Christ and how God was in the process of healing him.  The doctors told him he would never be able to ate a meal again with out a feeding tube.  He eat a wonderful dinner last night.  They said the cancer was aggressive and the tumors would just get bigger.  He had a report and it stated the tumors have gotten smaller.  They told him that surgery was not an option for him and now they are planning to operate to remove the tumors.  Every step has been a miracle.  Dave has got a long way to go but with prayer and determination he believes He will be here for a long time.  But as Dave puts it, "Even if I do not beat cancer I will still win, I will be with the Lord."  What a great attitude and miracle.  Paul, says, "To live is Christ and to die is gain."  It all started with seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things will be added unto you.   

Friday, October 11, 2013

God will listen

In Psalm 34:15, David states that God watches over the righteous and listens to their cries.  What a wonderful promise.  First, to know that God is watching over you.  He knows everything you are doing and facing.  He sees what is happening at the beginning and He is with you through out all of it.  He knows how it will turn out and what lessons you will learn from it.  He sees how it will affect you in the long term.  How it will either make you better or bitter.  So in the midst of every situation you need to ask yourself and the Lord.  "Lord, what should be my attitude through out this situation?"  How can I grow through this?"  How can I glorify you?"  These three questions will help keep us on track.  David says in this verse that not only will the Lord watch over us but He also hears our cries.  The Lord will hear every prayer you utter.  He will send the right answer at the right time for the right reason.  He will order your steps as you trust Him.  The secret is to trust in Him.  God is the God of the perfect timing.  He is never early or late, He is always on time.  I love the phrase, "God and comedy have one thing in common they both rely on timing."  God will watch over you.  He will hear your cry.  He will answer your prayers and help you.  This is His promise and when you trust Him, it will be your reality.   

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Our call

In Isaiah 43:21, the prophet explains why we have been formed.  If you have ever wondered why you were created this is one very strong reason.  Isaiah tells us that God formed us as His people so that we may declare His praise.  When God created man He wanted people who would love and serve Him.  He did not create little robots who said, Yes, Lord, yes, Lord."  He gave us a will that we could freely love Him and others.  Free will is a great gift.  You can choose for yourself what kind of person you want to be and if you want to serve God or not.  God in His mercy and love allows this choice because when someone loves you for who you are there is nothing like it.  Just talk to the young man or woman who falls in love for the very first time.  It takes them to the highest or most lovely emotions.  If that love is returned by another life feels complete and beautiful.  If that love is spurned or rejected it hurts like nothing else in life.  In i1 John 4:8, it tells us that God is love.  It is part of His nature.  He has communicated this attribute to us.  We have the capacity to love and return love to others.  When it is given freely it completes us and the one we give it too.  As God's children we were formed by Him.  We are His act of love.  When we fulfill God's plan for our lives then we show forth His praise.  Our lives become a witness of God's love, acceptance and forgiveness.  We become His instruments of care and healing.  Showing forth His praise means that we became His ambassadors and representatives.  People see what God is really like through us.  They see love, mercy, grace, peace and joy through us.  They see how we love with no strings attached and forgive immediately when hurt or offended.  These things show His praise.  So today remember you have been formed by God to show forth His praise.  Do it and you will be complete and whole for His praise and glory. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Worthy is the Lamb

In Rev 5:12, Jesus is introduced as the Lamb of God who was slain.  The theme of redemption and salvation is the central theme of the Bible.  In the Old Testament, 300 prophecies were given about Jesus Christ and His coming.  They told of His life and work.  Here in this final book of the Bible Jesus is introduced once again as the Lamb of God.  Jesus is the one who took away the sins of the world.  He is the one who gave mankind an opportunity for eternal and abundant life.  In this verse the statement is made that "Worthy is the Lamb."  The reason He is worthy is because He was slain.  It was His blood that secured salvation and healing for all of us.  So because of that He has received power.  No power can stand up to the power of the blood of Jesus.  The blood of Jesus is the most powerful element in the universe.  He will receive wealth.  All of heavens resources are His to give to whom He wishes and He gives us these riches of grace and mercy, wisdom and might.  There is no wisdom that matches the wisdom of God,  No might, authority or Kingdom can match the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ.  Honor and glory are His and His alone.  When Jesus gave His life for us all that which was His before was given back and even more.  There is no one like Jesus.  All blessing is His.  What I love is that all these are ours through Jesus Christ.  Paul says that we are joint heirs with Jesus Christ.  Jesus shares these attributes with us as we serve Him. So today like the writer of Revelation let us say, "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, let Him continue to receive the power, wealth, wisdom, might, honour, glory and blessing.  Jesus is worthy and we will worship Him for who He is and what He has done.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The bad conversation.

In Eph 5:4, Paul exhorts his readers to not allow obscene, vulgar or profane conversation proceed from their lips.  As Christians our speech often commends or condemns us.  People listen very carefully to what we say.  They often judge us based on our conversation.  Paul says that we are to use language that is considered right for a Christian.  Paul says the best way to guard against bad conversation is to always be a thankful person.  Being thankful will season every conversation you have with others.  You can be thankful for the wonderful salvation that has been given to you.  Be thankful for the righteousness, peace and joy that you have been given.  The grace, mercy, love, acceptance and forgiveness that you have the privilege to give to others.  Be thankful for the inheritance that is waiting for you.  The eternal and abundant life Jesus Christ purchased for through His death burial and resurrection.  Be thankful for the relationships that you have been given in Christ.  You are part of a great and wonderful family.  Walk in thanksgiving for all the benefits of heaven.  You have access to the throne of grace through prayer.  You have a compass for life which is the word of God.  You can fellowship with other believers and you have the privilege of sharing Christ with others.  When you are thankful for these things you will have no time for vulgar, profane and obscene conversation.  They will not be part of you.  So today walk in thanksgiving and in the joy of the Lord. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Victory through Christ

As we are heading into thanksgiving, Paul begins our week reminding us what has been given to us through Jesus Christ.  He says, "Thanks be to God, who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."  Paul was aware of how much was given to us through Jesus Christ.  You see Paul at one time was a strong opposer of the church.  Before he became a Christian he was a persecuter of the church.  It says in the book of Acts that he went from house to house looking for Christians and when he found them he put then into prison.  In fact he was on his way to Damascus when Jesus Christ met him and changed his life.  Paul was one of those men Jesus talked about.  "Those that have been forgiven much, love much."  Paul had been forgiven of so much that he wanted everyone to know what Jesus had done for him.  Paul had received eternal and abundant life through Jesus Christ.  He was a sinner turned saint.  He knew what Jesus had done for him and the victory that came through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  He knew that Jesus allowed His body to be broken and His blood shed so that we could have forgiveness of sin and come into a relationship with God.  Paul many times exhorted his readers to follow the Lord with every thing they had.  He knew that we have victory over the world, the flesh and the devil.  That we are joint heirs with Jesus Christ,  The gifts and the fruit of the Spirit are ours through Jesus Christ.  All this and so much more came through Jesus Christ.  So today like Paul give thanks to the Lord for the victory that has been given to you through Jesus Christ.  This will release more benefits in your life for the glory of God.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Praising the Lord

In Psalm 136:1, David says that we are to give thanks to the Lord.  There is something wonderful about praising the Lord.  Praising the Lord means to thank the Lord for what He has done.  Being a Christian has so many benefits.  Eternal and Abundant life for example.  You have healing in every area of your life.  You can pray, read God's word, go to the house of God and tell others about Jesus Christ.  The broken body has secured victory in every area of your life.  Jesus' blood has given you forgiveness of sins, success, access to the throne of God and so much more.  These are things to be truly thankful for.  David then says that the Lord is good.  He is good to us because of His love, acceptance and forgiveness.  His grace and mercy have been extended to us.  Paul says, "That while we were yet sinners, Jesus died for us."  Jesus provided for us a way back to God.  All this before we even knew Him.  David closes off this verse reminding us that the steadfast love of the Lord endures forever.  Paul in Romans 8 said that nothing can separate us from the Lord of God.  God's love is eternal and it is steadfast.  The love of God will always be there.  You will never find the love of God waning at any time.  He was faithful in the past, He will be faithful today and in the future.  God will always be there.  He will never forsake or leave you.  So today gives thanks to the Lord, For He is good and His steadfast love will endure forever.  Praise the Lord.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

An Inexpressible Gift

In 2 Cor 9:15, Paul writes that God has given us an inexpressible gift.  This gift is His Son Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins.  Paul says that we should give thanks to God for this gift.  Thanksgiving is a time for a person to give thanks for the many blessings that they have received.  For the Christian this gift is eternal and abundant life through Jesus Christ.  All the benefits of heaven have been given to us through Jesus Christ.  Before we were Christians we were away from God.  We were His enemies.  We did not care for Him or want Him.  But through our acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior all that changed.  In that moment of salvation we changed addresses and hearts.  We became citizens of heaven and followers of Jesus Christ.  We went from wanting our will to following His will.  Jesus Christ became our priority instead of our will.  I love salvation because in a moment of time a sinner becomes a saint.  In that moment we become new creatures in Christ.  As Paul said in 2 Cor 5:17, the old has pass away and all things are becoming new.  This is a very exciting process.  As we approach the Thanksgiving season.  Walk in praise, worship and thankfulness.  The Lord has given us an inexpressible gift.  Receive it with thanksgiving and gratefulness.  You could do nothing to earn it.  So enjoy all its benefits and live for Him today.  Have an attitude of gratitude.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Rejoice in Hope

Today we are in our third day of getting ready for Thanksgiving.  Paul here in Rom 12:12, says that we should rejoice in hope.  Hope is that quality that allows you to believe in the future when it appears you have no future.  It is like the man who has heard that they have cancer and they still choose to believe that they will not only survive it but live a productive life because of it.  This quality allows you to face the next thing Paul mentions.  You are patient in tribulation.  Trials and testing come to all of us.  When those times come instead of asking "Why this is happening to us?"  We should be asking, "What can I learn from this."   David wrote that thought we walk through the valley of the shadow of death the Lord's rod and staff comfort us.  Hope brings about patience.  Paul closes off this verse with the secret of having hope and being able be patient.  The secret is being instant in prayer.  When something happens immediately you bring the issue to the Lord in prayer.  You say, "God here is what happening and I know you have everything under control.  I will rejoice in hope.  I will be patient during this time of testing and trials and now I bring this before you and believe for the victory."  By doing this you have involved God in the process and you know everything will work out.  This is the secret of being a thankful and optimistic person in the Lord.   

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Who you really are!

In 1 Pet 2:9, Peter lays out what the Christian really is.  There are many thoughts and misconceptions of what a Christian is.  Some believe it is following a set of traditions or rules.  Others think it is a denominational bias or a set of theological ideas.  Peter sets the record straight.  You are a chosen generation.  God in His mercy and grace chose you from among the people's of the earth.  You also made yourself chosen by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.  You are a royal priesthood.  You belong to those who act as spiritual mediators in your home, workplace and world.  You have the privilege of bringing Jesus Christ to your world.  Also you can pray for your world which is of course a great responsibility.  You are a holy nation.  You have been set apart to show Jesus Christ in your world.  You walk in love, acceptance and forgiveness.  You have the Holy Spirit in you making you more like Jesus everyday.  You are a unique individual.   There is no one like you.  No one can reach or minister to people like you can.  God has made you one of a kind.  You are a somebody.  You are God's.  These wonderful qualities that Peter has stated are for two reasons.  First, to show or demonstrate the praises of God.  You are God's example, showcase or Bible.  People will see what God is really like through you.  I trust you are working hard to be an example for those around you.  He brought you out of darkness into His marvelous light.  You once were a sinner but now you are a saint.  You were heading to hell but now you are heading to heaven.  You were in darkness but now you are in the light.  This is who you are all because of Jesus Christ.  I trust that the confusion of who you now are is now cleared up.  Now go and live like a child of God.