Thursday, July 4, 2013

You will not stumble

In John 16:1, Jesus says that all the things that He has spoken to will help us not stumble.  This is so important in the day in which we live.  People are looking for examples and role models.  Being a Christian today is as hard as any time period in history.  For the last 50 years Christian influence in our society has been decreasing.  Today more and more people have no standards to follow.  We live in a society of ever changing values.  That which is wrong has now become right.  For example 50 years ago abortion, gay marriage, redefinition of the family and other things were not issues.  Traditional family values were cherish and not maligned.  Truth, honesty, integrity and love were promoted.  Today whoever makes the most noise and lobby's the hardest get their agenda put to the top of the political and legislative list.  Righteousness, justice, and truth have been discarded for convenience.  Jesus said all the things He has spoken will help us not stumble.  The things of God give us clear vision.  We know what God wants and this helps us live out our Christianity before a blind and lost world.  We know that love, acceptance and forgiveness must be valued and lived out.  We know that faith, hope and love are three virtues still needed in the world.  With these and other truths we impact our world for Christ.  Let us pray that today we do not stumble and if we do, let us let the Lord pick us up to start again.     

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