Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Blood of Jesus Christ

In Luke 22:20, Jesus says that His blood is the covenant which is shed for you.  There is no element in the universe as powerful as the blood of Jesus Christ.  Through His blood all mankind for all time can be forgiven.  Let me give you an example.  Right now on this planet there are over seven billion people.  If we all sinned once today, that would be seven billion sins and the blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse all those sins.  That is powerful.  When Jesus shed His blood mankind was given a second chance.  Through the blood of Jesus Christ was have forgiveness of sins.  Through the blood of Jesus we have access to the throne of God through prayer.  Through Jesus' blood we can have success.  Through His blood we are adopted into the family of God.  Through the blood we have all the benefits of heaven.  I love that saying that is popular today.  "This blood is for you."  Jesus knew that He would have to have His body broken and His blood shed because there was a new covenant coming.  Communion is our way of remembering and focusing on the blood and all the benefits it brings.  Whenever I take communion I always remember that I could not save myself and that Jesus died in my place.  It is during the time of communion that we remember what it was all about.  Jesus gave us a new and living way back to God and that was through the shedding of His blood.  His blood purchased our salvation and forgiveness.  So today remember what Jesus did for you.  He allowed His body to be broken and His blood to be shed so you and I can be friends with God.    

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