Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Parable 93 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

   One afternoon two men sat in a canoe on a northern lake.  They were enjoying the quiet serenity of the lake.  The fish did not seem to be biting so the conversation turn to spiritual matters.  One man was a Christian and he shared about what the Lord had done for him.  He shared how at one time he was addicted to drugs and alcohol but Jesus had set him free.  The other man listen between casts and asked questions. Soon the fish began to bite and the activity turned into catching fish.
   When they got back to shore the Christian asked him what he thought of their conversation.  He replied, "I will have to think about it."  That would be their last conversation.  Later that week the man was dead.  He died in a tragic boat accident.  Whenever you hear the message of salvation that is the day you become accountable.  Don't think you have all the time in the world.  You don't.  Come to Jesus today before it is too late.

The Blood of Jesus Christ

In Luke 22:20, Jesus says that His blood is the covenant which is shed for you.  There is no element in the universe as powerful as the blood of Jesus Christ.  Through His blood all mankind for all time can be forgiven.  Let me give you an example.  Right now on this planet there are over seven billion people.  If we all sinned once today, that would be seven billion sins and the blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse all those sins.  That is powerful.  When Jesus shed His blood mankind was given a second chance.  Through the blood of Jesus Christ was have forgiveness of sins.  Through the blood of Jesus we have access to the throne of God through prayer.  Through Jesus' blood we can have success.  Through His blood we are adopted into the family of God.  Through the blood we have all the benefits of heaven.  I love that saying that is popular today.  "This blood is for you."  Jesus knew that He would have to have His body broken and His blood shed because there was a new covenant coming.  Communion is our way of remembering and focusing on the blood and all the benefits it brings.  Whenever I take communion I always remember that I could not save myself and that Jesus died in my place.  It is during the time of communion that we remember what it was all about.  Jesus gave us a new and living way back to God and that was through the shedding of His blood.  His blood purchased our salvation and forgiveness.  So today remember what Jesus did for you.  He allowed His body to be broken and His blood to be shed so you and I can be friends with God.    

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Psalm 116 - Psalm of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Why are you anxious my heart and soul?
Did not the Lord say He is with you.
The Lord said in the day of trial and sorrow,
He will supply all that is needed in that time.
You will know what to think, say and do.

The Lord has given you His Spirit.
His gifts, fruit and power will empower you through.
He is your comforter, teacher, guide, helper and rescuer.
You cannot add one inch to your height,
Or one hour to your life.  So do not worry.

Your resources, power and intellect will fail.
The Lord will be your source when you tust in Him.
Turn your problems, situations and trials over to Him.
Pray in faith and with a thankful heart.
The Lord will be your help and your defender.

Again I say to myself, "Why am I worried or anxious?"
I will cast all these things to the Lord.
He is my source, hope and victory.
Ever care, concern and situation is His.
He cares, loves and forgives me.  Bless His name.

God of the Living

In Luke 20:38, Jesus says that God is the God of the living and not the dead and to the Lord we all are alive.  In this statement Jesus was saying that to God all people are alive and candidates for salvation.  Jesus was also saying that God is looking for people who are going to live for Him.  Living for the Lord is quite the concept when you break it down.  Living for the Lord means that you love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  You make God your priorities and the things of God your daily goal.  You want to glorify and honor God with your thoughts, words, deeds, attitudes and motives.  You want to touch your world for Jesus Christ.  One time a man asked me what was the top priority for the Christian?  I answer, "To be like Jesus."  He said, "correct."  When Jesus came to the earth, His one goal was to glorify the Father and to bring redemption to this world.  As His disciples we are to do the same.  Every focus of our lives should be directed to this mission.  Jesus said in Matt 28:19-20, that we are to go into all the world and preach the gospel, making disciples of all men.  This is known as the great commission. He also said in the book of John that we were to love each other as He loves us.  This is known as the great commandment.  If we do the great commandment and the great commission we are doing what God wants us to do.  We are being living sacrifices and following God's plan for our lives.  Contrary to popular belief, which is the accumulation of land, family and possessions.  Real life is glorifying God and following His plans and purposes for our lives.  When we stand before the Lord and give account we will not be telling God about our family, possessions or status.  We will have to give an account of how we spent our time, talents and resources in His service.  In that moment we will hear one of two phrases.  "Well done good and faithful servant enter into my rest or depart from me for I never knew you."  Which one do you want to hear?

Monday, July 29, 2013

Sow the Word

In Mark 4:13, Jesus says, "The sower sows the word."  There is nothing like being able to talk about the word.  Everytime you share the gospel you are sowing the word in some form.  Paul said in Romans that the feet of people who shared the word are beautiful.   They are beautiful because they are sowing the word into someone's life.  We have the privilege and respomsibility to share the word of God with people.  Paul again says in Romans 10, how people need to hear the gospel.  The reality of every person who lives on this planet is the fact they are in one of two positions spiritually.  They are either saved or they are not.  They either belong to God or to satan.  How one transfers from the kingdom of satan to the Kingdom of God is simple, they must be saved.  To be saved one must hear the good news and that good news is brought to them by someone who shares the word of God with them.  That responsibility falls directly on to us as His people.  Jesus said, in Matt 28:19 that we were to go into the world and share the gospel, making disciples of all men.  God expects every one of us to be involved in the process.  We share  the gospel by what we say and do.  We are living Bibles for those around us.  I always asked myself this question, "What do they see when they see me?  Do my thoughts, words, deeds, attitudes or actions show Jesus Christ?  Is Jesus the most important thing in my world?  Good solid question.  So today see yourself and your role in this eternal and cosmic conflict.  You have an opportunity to share Jesus.  Boldly step forward and share Him with those in your world.  The Lord and others are waiting. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Shrewd Manager

July 28 – The Shrewd Manager - Luke 16:1-13

                Jesus told His disciples a story about a manager who was caught wasting resources.  The master brought him before himself and asked him about it.  The master then fired him so he started to think about what he could do.  He wasn’t strong enough for manual work.  So he called each one of the master’s debtors.  He then reduced their bills by 20%.  The master commended his servant for being so shrewd. 
                Jesus went on to say that people of the world are more wise and shrewd than people of the light.  Whoever can be trusted with little can be trusted with much.  If a person cannot be trust with worldly wealth they certainly cannot be trusted with true riches. 
                Jesus then goes on to say that they will not be given true wealth for their own.  He closes off this parable with the point that a person cannot servant two masters.  You cannot serve God and mammon. 

July 29 – Jesus reveals the hearts of the Pharisees. – Luke 16:14-18

                The Pharisees who loved money sneered at Jesus.  He replied, “You know that you try to justify yourself to men but God knows your heart.”  He told them that the things that are highly esteemed among men are an abomination to God.
                Jesus then taught that the law and the prophets were waiting for Jesus.  He stated that right now the Kingdom of God is being preached and every man is being pressed by it.  The Lord is looking for decisions right now.  The day you hear about Jesus Christ is your day of decision.  You become responsible the very moment you hear about Jesus Christ,  You are in the valley of decision.  Jesus also said that when the Kingdom of God is being preach many will try to for force their way in but they will not succeed.

                Jesus then stated that heaven and earth will passed away before one letter of the law will pass away.  Jesus never came to do away with the law but to fulfill it and then institute a new covenant created in and through His blood.  As one the writer of Hebrews puts it, “He gave us a new and living way.”  Today in your time of decision make sure you chose Jesus and not the law, life and not death.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Parable of the Lost Son

July 27 – The Parable of the Lost Son – Luke 15:1-32

                The account we are about to examine is one of the most beloved and well known of Jesus’ parable.  It is the classic story of failure and redemption. 
                Jesus the master story teller talks about a son who asks his father for his portion of his inheritance.  This son then goes to a far off land where he spends his money on foolish and poor choices.  When the money runs out he find himself in dire straits.  He finally is able to get a job on a pig farm.  This is obviously the worst job in the world for a fine Jewish boy.  After a while he becomes so impoverished that even the pig food begins to look good.  He comes to his senses and goes back to his father repenting. 
                The father more than accepts him back.  He puts on a feast in his honor.  The older brother comes back and becomes jealous.  The father tells the older son that everything he has belongs to Him.  He should rejoice over his brother who has come back.  Here are some life lessons we can learn from this story.

1.        Living in the world brings nothing but despair and anguish over time.  We have so much more when we live for the Father and do His business.
2.        When we come to our senses then we begin to see how hopeless things really are and we come back to the Father who receives us back with open arms.
3.        We as brothers in Christ must welcome back all who have gone astray and we are to do it with love.

Friday, July 26, 2013

True Forgiveness

In Matt 6:14-15, Jesus addresses a major problem that people face everyday and that is un-forgiveness.  It is easy these days to be offended and hurt.  It is easy to be riddle with unforgiveness.  Jesus says that we are to forgive others when they hurt and offend us.  Jesus says that if we do not forgive the our heavenly father will not forgive us.  Our spiritual health is directly connected with forgiveness.  When we forgive we release ourselves and others of very negative factors in our lives.  We allow the love of God to fill us and we are walking in true repentance.  Forgiveness is such a powerful place to be.  To be able to have clear vision of what God wants for your life.  That is so amazing.  The example of course was Jesus Himself.  He was on the cross and He said, "Father forgive them they know not what they do."  Many times when people hurt and offend us they don't even know that they have done it.  Today, remember this fact if you do get hurt or offended.  Forgive immediately and then let the Lord work it through your heart and you will be release and free to walk in true love. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Prince of Peace

In John 20:26, Jesus says to Thomas and the rest of His disciples, "Peace to You."  One of the titles that have been given to Jesus is the "Prince of Peace."  Peace is absence of war or strife in one's personal world.  Jesus is the one who can bring that.  He is the one who through His broken body and shed blood purchased your peace.  It was through His death, burial and resurrection that our peace was secured.  Before we knew Christ we were at war with God and ourselves.  Jesus gave us a way to peace.  When Jesus came that day to His disciples their personal world's were in turmoil.  They had told Thomas that Jesus was alive and His response was, "I will believe it when I see His hands, feet and side."  When Jesus arrived that day and gave them His greeting He was speaking directly to their hearts.  In Thomas' life Jesus spoke directly to His statement.  Jesus said, "Thomas, here is my hands, feet and side."  It was then that Thomas said, "Lord I believe."  Today Jesus is speaking directly to the turmoil in your life.  He is saying, "Peace to you."  The Prince of Peace is here today to calm you heart, mind and life.  He knows what you are facing and He already has the solution.  Calm your heart.  Let the Prince of Peace come in and bring His peace which the world cannot give or the world cannot take away.  Your Promises today are:  Eph 2:14, 5:21, 5:33, Psalm 23:4, 34:10, 46:1 and 71:1.  Your Insightful Thought today.  When you want peace, allow the Prince of Peace to come and greet you with the saying, "Peace to you." 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Psalm 115 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

I cannot believe what has been done to me.
The one I counted on the most has betrayed me.
Together we did His work for His praise.
We had the sweetest fellowship and friendship.
Then when I was away he betrayed and spoke against me.
He slandered and maligned my character and my reputation.
Now many have followed him in the lie.

Lord you are my defender, my hope and my help.
I cannot defend myself, every word I say, gets twisted.
The more I say in my defense the deeper the hole I dig.
I did nothing to deserved this and not once did I speak of him wrongly.
My conscience is clear.  I offered nothing but love and friendship.
You know my heart in this matter.  I am blameless.
You must right the wrong and reveal the truth.

I refuse to take revenge, I refuse to return lie for lie.
Though offended, hurt and in pain.  I choose the path of forgiveness.
I refuse to nurse this in my heart or rehearse my hurt and make in larger.
I will not curse or demand my own way or will.
I choose to disburse this to you oh God.
You know my heart, keep me in the path of love.
I will reverse this and will walk in love, acceptance and forgiveness.

There is only one path when offended and hurt.
It is the path of forgiveness.
It leads us to a place of love, joy and victory.
No matter what others will do to me.  I refuse to do the same.
God is my hope, my salvation and I will put my trust in Him.
He will help me in my time of pain.
He will heal my heart.  Praise the Lord.

Psalm 114 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

The Lord is true love and light.
Praise His name forever.
The Lord is righteousness and holiness.
Praise His name forever.
He is gracious, kind, patient and merciful.
Praise His name forever.
With Him is peace, joy, hope and grace.
Praise His name forever.
He is gracious and compassionate to the repentant.
Praise His name forever.
To all who call on Him, He will answer.
Praise His name forever.
He will hear the prayer of the offended.
Praise His name forever.
He will care and restore the widow and the orphan.
Praise His name forever.
He will not cast out the brokenhearted.
Praise His name forever.
Strength, victory and freedom are His banners.
Praise His name forever.
Those who trust in Him will overcomes all their foes.
Praise His name forever.
In Him are rewards, commendations and crowns.
Praise His name forever.
Rejoice give thanks and praise Him for He is worthy.
Praise His name forever.Praise His name forever.
Let the people of God rejoice.  
Praise His name forever.
Dance, shout, clap, bow and lift your hands.
Praise His name forever.
The Lord is enthrone with majesty, glory and honor.
Praise His name forever.
Again I say.  Praise His name forever.

Psalm 113 - Psalm of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

I was awake in the midnight hour and my heart was troubled.
I know you are coming Lord, you said so.
Am I ready? Will I be caught unawares?
That is my question for me and then I thought about your people.
So many of us are apathetic, lethargic and apostate.

We are rich, increased with goods and lacking nothing.
But in truth we are naked, poor, blind and lame.
Our gold is fools gold and our silver is lead lined.
We live in houses with sand foundations.
We do not even see our poverty when we claim prosperity.

Oh God in your mercy call us back.
Open our eyes before it is too late.
You told us to watch and pray.
We are asleep and refusing to redeem the time.
We know you are coming soon but do we really?

We act like we have all the time in the world yet we don't
Your coming is immanent but we are like the foolish servant.
We bury our treasure in the ground.
Forgive us, cleanse us and help us to repent.
It is not too late.  There is still time in the midnight hour.

I turned my face to the Lord.
I called out to Him and He heard me.
He came and restored my life and vision.
He helps me to see and He helped me to obey.
Lord keep all of us to do this or we could miss the greatest time in history.

Hard for the Rich

In Mark 10:23, Jesus states that it is almost impossible for someone who is rich to enter the Kingdom of God.  The problem is simple, they love their riches too much.  Paul said that the love of money is the root of all evil.  The reality is that the more stuff you have the more it has you.  Security is a huge need for most people.  The more stuff we have the more secure we feel.  How many times have you or I heard someone say, "If I win the lottery I will be secure."  I have even heard Christians say, "If I won the lottery I would give most of it to the church.  Deep down they love money and the so called security it brings.  Jesus points out here that it is almost impossible for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God.  Riches usually corrupt even the most purest of motives.  So how does one break out from under this?  Turn everything over to God.  Love Him with every fibre of your being.  Be willing to give up everything for Christ.  Do not love anything in this world.  Make everything you have and are available to Christ.  Turn your time, talents and resources over to the Lord, ready to be used for His glory.  Repent of your love for riches.  It is not wrong to be rich but to love riches.  Prosperity not poverty is the greatest enemy of the modern day church.  Today turn over everything to God and let Him do the impossible in your life. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Lord of the Sabbath

In Luke 6:5, Jesus states that He is the Lord of the Sabbath.  In Jesus' day the Sabbath was on Saturday.  Today for most people in the church it is Sunday, which is the day of the resurrection.  Now this devotional is not designed to tell you which day is better to go to the house of the Lord, Saturday or Sunday.  According to Paul in Romans 14, it is matter of choice and conviction.  The issue is going to the House of the Lord.  Today there is a growing number of people who are saying that going to church is not necessary or for one reason or another they stay home and do church by watching some evangelist or T.V. preacher.  That is not doing church.  Let me give you one good reason for going to the House of the Lord.  Jesus made it a habit.  He was either found on the Sabbath in a local meeting place or in the temple.  If Jesus saw the need, as His follower you should as well.  David was a firm believer in the House of the Lord.  He said in Psalm 122:1, "I was glad when they said let us go to the house of the Lord."  David was known as a man after God's own heart.  Skipping or choosing to not go to the house of the Lord shows you are not a true worshipper.  Now as a close today.  Here are some reasons for going to church.  First, in church you have an opportunity to interact with fellow Christians in praise and worship.  In the house of God you have an opportunity to see and experience love, acceptance and forgiveness in action.  In church you get to hear the Word of God not filtered through your own bias.  In church you get grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.  In church you get a chance to be discipled and interact with other true believers.  Being in God's house gives you an opportunity to share your time, talents and resources.  Lastly, it gets you out of the house and breaks your cycle of selfishness.  So be like David and be glad to go the house of the Lord.  

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Word of God

In Matt 4:4, when Jesus was in the wilderness being tempted by the devil He used one method to defeat him,  Jesus used the Word of God.  When Jesus defeated the devil in the wilderness He gave us a pattern to follow.  We are to use the Word of God to overcome and defeat the devil.  Jesus said in this verse that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.  Jesus associated the Word of God as spiritual food.  When we read, study and meditate on the Bible we are spiritually being fed.  Your inner man is being fed and you are growing stronger in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Jesus also associated the Word of God as directly from the mouth of God.  Peter puts it this way. "Holy men of God were carried along by the Spirit as they wrote the Word of God.  The Bible are words directly from the mouth of God.  They are spirit and life.  You cannot go through spiritual life without the Word of God.  The Word of God is our offensive and defensive weapon in our war against evil, wicked and dark forces that would destroy us if given the opportunity.  The beautiful thing is that through the Word of God you defeat them every time.  The blood, the word and the name of Jesus Christ will defeat the devil every time so today apply the Word of God into your situation and walk in victory.  Your promises today are:  Psalm 17:4, 107:20, 199:20, 89, 105, 107, 130 and 133.   

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Mustard Seed

July 21 – The Mustard Seed – Luke 13:18-21

                Jesus compared the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed tree.  It is the smallest of seeds but grows into a large plant or tree.  Jesus said that faith is like that.  It starts out small but when allowed to mature it becomes a great factor in spiritual life.  Jesus also addressed here about yeast.  Yeast in bread grows and works through the bread.  Both good and bad things happen when these things are present.  When faith is present the glory of God is exhibited.  When the yeast of the Pharisees is allowed to make it way through the heart it can spoil or destroy the things God wants to do in our hearts.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Crippled Woman

July 20 – The Crippled Woman healed on the Sabbath – Luke 13:10-17

                Jesus was a local meeting pace when a woman crippled by a spirit for 18 years was seen by Him.  He set her free and she straightened up and praised God.  The ruler of the meeting place was mad because Jesus healed on the Sabbath.  Jesus rebuked him because they would help an animal on the Sabbath.  This woman had been in bondage for 18 years and was set free by God.  His opponents were humiliated and the people were delighted by the things Jesus did.  Our lesson is simple.  Do not be concerned about the traditions of man or even your spiritual point of view and miss the great meaning of what God is doing.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Repent or Perish

In Luke 13:1-5, Jesus was told about the Galileans that Pilate had killed.  They asked Him if the Galileans were sinners or not.  Jesus pointed out that these men perished because they were no better or worse than any person in Jerusalem.  All must repent.  Jesus was saying that we need to live ready because we never know when we could be ushered into the presence of the Lord.  All mankind must come through the same person, the Lord Jesus Christ.  Are you ready for His return?  Today turn your time, talent and treasure over to the Lord.  Live your life as if this was the last five minutes on this planet because the reality it could be.  Your promises are:  Matt 28:20, Matt 6:33, James 1:5, 1 John 4:4 and James 4:7.  You Insightful Thoughts are:  Bitterness in the heart will cause bitterness in all areas of life.  It is o.k. to be hurt but not to stay hurt.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Seek His Kingdom

Jesus continues his discourse in Luke 12, and He says do not worry about food, clothing or shelter God will meet the need and He will take care of all things.  Seek His kingdom and all things will be given to you.  The Father has given us the Kingdom.  He has a treasure waiting for us that will not rust and cannot be stolen.  Be watchful for Christ's return.  He will come when you least expect Him.  Be faithful until He comes so He will not have to punish you.  Jesus came to bring division not peace.  Family will be against family because of Him.  Many do not know how to interpret the times when Jesus was there or even now.  We must judge right and try to reconcile all things before ending up in court.  This is a lesson in walking in forgiveness.  All these things are encouraged to be lived out today.  Your promises today are:  Rom 8:1, John 3:17, Psalm 46:10, Prov 3:26, Phil 1:6, Heb 3:14 and 1 Pet 5:7. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Worry and Hypocrisy

Jesus in Luke 12 deals with the issues of hypocrisy and worry.  He gave this teaching to His disciple and ultimately to us.  Jesus told the disciple to be on their guard against the yeast of the Pharisees which is loving traditions and money more than God.  Nothing shall be hidden and all that has been spoken in private will be shouted from the house tops.  A good rule of thumb is think before you speak.  Jesus then says does not fear those who can kill the body but be afraid of God who puts the body and soul into hell.  God will take care of you as you serve Him.  Acknowledge Jesus before men and He will acknowledge you before the Father.  Do not speak against the Holy Spirit or you will not be forgiven.  When in trouble do not worry about what you are going to say because the Holy Spirit in that moment will give you the words and He will give you the wisdom.  Be on guard against greed in any form and do not be like the rich fool who died in his sin.  Riches and the cares of this life will take you aware from God.  It is not poverty but prosperity that is the enemy of the child of God. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Scribes and Pharisees

In Luke 11:37-54, Jesus gives six woes to the scribes and Pharisees.  The Pharisees were more worried about what was on the outside and traditions than what was going on in the heart.  The Lord made the inside and outside.  The Pharisees were wicked on the inside.  They should have given to the poor and that would have helped make them clean.  The Pharisees paid tithes but they did it for men not God.  They loved prestige and the greetings they got more than God.  They were unmarked graves which men walked over without knowing it.  The lawyers put burdens on people they could not bear and the lawyers did nothing to help carry these burdens.  They built tombs to the prophets that their ancestors killed.  These tombs testified of the scribes approval of killing of the prophets.  God told them and this generation they will be held accountable for their blood.  They had the key to knowledge and they kept it from the people.  They did not enter in themselves and kept others from entering into God's rest.  The scribes and Pharisees hated Jesus and were looking for ways to trap and eventually kill him.  The challenge for us today is not become like these people.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Parable 102 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

The pastor was walking down the stairs into his basement when out of the corner of his eyes.  He saw something which disappeared into the laundry room.  The pastor immediately investigated and as he opened the door the presence of God rushed out to meet Him.  He began to cry and a sense of love, joy and peace filled his heart and mind.  As with many of his personal encounters with God and angels he knew this was a special moment.  He stayed there for a few moments and then when the presence left he thought, "this truly is a unusual place to meet with God."  God in the past has met his people in threshing floors, caves and dungeons.  Never get hung up on the place where you meet God but be thankful that He has chosen to meet with you and let you experience His presence.      

Parable 101 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

The young pastor was sitting in his office and across from his desk were sitting and older couple.  They had come to him to get married.  He sat there wondering what he could tell them about marriage.  He himself had been married less than a year.  They smiled and nodded their heads as he tried to explain the meaning of marriage.  Then he stopped and said, "You both are widows and you were married for many years.  You know more about being married than I will probably ever know.  The only advice I can give is make Jesus Christ the foundation and centre of your upcoming marriage."  The male of the couple said. "Pastor that is the best advice we have heard you give."  The pastor smiled and then they talked about the ceremony.  Make Christ the centre of your marriage, home and future and you will have the best foundation for life.  

Parable 100 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

   The young couple had just brought their beautiful baby girl to the hospital.  She had been sick for a couple of days and she was pale and sickly.  The doctor examined her and immediately admitted her for condition was grave and serious.  She had become completely dehydrated and had picked up a serious infection.  Over next few hours her condition worsened.  Later that evening the doctor informed them that her condition was life threatening and it could go either way.  They were devastated.  They prayed and prepared themselves.  The father excused himself and went for a walk.  As he walked he praying asking the Lord for a miracle for his daughter who only a couple of days before was so full of life and vigor.  He cried, beg and pleaded with God for her life.  Suddenly a peace come over his heart and he left the results to God.  When he returned his young wife met him in the hallway and she was crying.  He ran to her but the tears she shedding were not tears of sorrow, but joy.  Miraculously the child had begun to improve.  Within a few hours she was out of danger and two days later they were able to take her home.  Commit your ways to the Lord and trust him and no matter what you face good or bad.  God will be faithful.

Parable 99 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

   It was the spring of the year when the two teenagers decided to go down a local river in a canoe.  The day was sunny, warm and beautiful.  At first the river quiet and serene.  Then it began to change more and more it became wild and chaotic as they approached a set of rapids.  Being novice canoeists the teens were challenged.  They bobbed and weaved through the rapids missing rocks and debris.  Finally they made it through the rapids.  The river was still moving fast when one of the teens lost his paddle.  He watched it float into a cove of the river.  They manage to get to shore where his friend told him that to continue he had to retrieve the paddle.  He made his way along the river bank and reached the cove.  He waded in and as he reached for the paddle the river bottom where he was stepping suddenly dropped off.  He took one more step and immediately he was under water gasping for air.  In desperation he lunged for the paddle.  He grabbed it and used it as a flotation device.  He kicked his feet and was able to get back to shore.  His friend who saw the incident ran into the area and helped him ashore.   
   In times when you are in over your head it is wonderful to know that there is something or someone God will provide to help you.

Parable 98 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

  He had just gotten off the phone and  he was shaken and sad.  The news of his father`s death was overwhelming.  He sat down and ponder the news.  He had in the past few years renewed his relationship with his father and they had grown close.  It was only been a couple weeks before that he had seen his father.  At the time his dad was not as strong or as healthy as he had been before but he seemed well enough.  What bothered him the most was he was not sure where his father would be spending eternity.
  The man had shared with his father the truth about God`s demands and provision.  He told him the path and way to eternity to which his father stated that he would think about it.  He also stated that he felt he was alright for now.  The consolation the man had was that he had done what God had told him to do.  He had shared his faith and had told his father about salvation and eternity.
   Loved ones can be the hardest to reach because they know you but never let that stop you from sharing your faith and the message of salvation,  At least on the day where all things shall be revealed they cannot say they did not know,

Parable 97 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

   Lack of rain had turned the countryside into a dust bowl.  Animal and human alike were suffering.  Crops were failing, rivers and wells were drying up.  Things were becoming desperate.  A special prayer meeting was called at a local church.  The subject of the prayer was simple, rain was needed and it was needed now.  The believers gathered together with great anticipation and faith.  They knew they had to have rain and they made a decision they would not leave the building until the Lord opened up the heavens with the sound  of the abundance of rain.  As they gathered one their members arrived.  What was different was he was the only one who came with an umbrella.  This man not only came in faith but he had come prepared for when the answer came.  He was the only one who went home that night and did not get wet.  Faith is believing and then acting on what you believe.    

Parable 96 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

In a small town in Southern, Alberta is a giant white building.  It sits on the top of a hill and can be seen for miles around.  It is a beautiful piece of architecture.  The grounds around the building are well groomed and kept.  The people who serve at this building are well groomed, helpful and sincere.  The building, grounds and people present a stable, presentable and well order society.  On the outside it is very appealing but the reality is that they are sincerely deceived.  Their founder was deceived by a fallen angel.  He wrote another testament of the life of Jesus Christ and two other books.  Those who have taken in by this deception do not even know they are deceived.  What a tragedy it is to believe you are right and find out at the end of life you are not.  Satan comes as an angel of light to rob, kill, destroy and deceive.  Don't be his next victim.  

Parable 95 - Parable of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

   The young defensive back was having a great game.  He was able to sacked the oppositions quarterback several times during the first part of the game.  His size, speed and agility made him a hard target to stop.  Finally the opposing tea devised plan to stop him.  They got two offensive lineman to get a tandem blocking assignment to stop him.  As he was moving around the outside of the line the one lineman block his way while the other moved towards him.  Before the defensive tackle could get out of the way the offensive lineman hit him.  The defensive tackle was smaller than the line man so it look like a mosquito hitting a Mack truck.  He bounced off the bigger man and ended up flat on his back.  This technique however was only successful once.  The defensive back quickly adjusted his game because he did not want to be slammed again.  When you get knocked down, get up, adjust your game and move on.  

Parable 85 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

   There once was a man who as a young man loved being a part time prospector.  He was good enough at it that besides his regular job his prospecting brought in extra money.  One day he came across a small cave and inside he found a small ribbon of gold.  He stake his claim but to his frustration all the land around his claim was staked by a large mining company. Located on a steep slope on the side of a mountain he had no way of getting the ore out and no capital to develop the mine.  He was approach several times over the years by the mining company but he refused to sell.  Over time the mining company forgot about him but kept their claims for the future.  Decades later now an old man he would go to the cave and dream what of could have been.  He died with that dream.  Whenever you have a dream never be too stubborn to let others help you fulfill that dream.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Parable 94 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

   People were lining up for lunch.  The young man was joking with his pastor and his wife.  The conversation was light hearted bordering on the foolish.  The pastor's wife jokingly make a comment and without thinking the young man stuck out his tongue and grunted like a pig.  A shock look came upon the pastor and his wife.  The young man immediately recognized what he had done and apologized but nothing could be done about how foolish he looked that day in front of hundreds of people.  There is a fine line between humor and folly.  A wise man knows where that line is, the fool rarely does.

Parable 92 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

   The pastor of a northern church was walking behind his building when he met a local street person.  Andy was a small man, kindly and friendly.  Alcohol had reduced him to a shadow of his former self.  He once had a family and a business but a personal tragedy began a spiral of alcohol and addiction.  That day the pastor spoke kindly to Andy about Christ and invited him to church.  Andy came to church the following day and continued to come for over a year.  He enjoyed the music, the preaching and the people of the church were friendly and loving toward him.  Andy however could not fully conquer his addictions.  One day while in a drunken stupor Andy picked a fight with the wrong man.  Andy was tragically knifed.  He was found dead the following morning.  We can be loved, have a form of truth but Jesus must have all of us or we will never truly be free sometimes with tragic results.  

Parable 91 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

  A three year old boy had just gotten into trouble with his mother and he knew a spanking was coming. Without thinking he ran off down a back alley behind their house.  He ran and ran.  As he was running he through everything in his hands away out of anger and frustration.  He ran to the end of the alley and walked down the street.  He walked and walked which to him seem like miles though in reality it was only a couple of blocks.  He felt good and safe.  As he wandered around he had no idea of the panic his family was in.  They were looking through back yards and talking to neighbors.  They called the police and scoured the neighborhood.
   They asked lady if she had seen a three year old boy with blond hair.  She said, "Yes I saw him go north about fifteen minutes ago.  The older brother ans sister ran that direction.  They ran yelling his name.  They stopped another man and asked him if he had seen a little boy.  He said, "Yes, just around the corner."  They ran around the corner and half way up the street was their little brother happily walking along.  They caught up to him, yelled his name, ran to him and held him tight.
   They returned home and the search was called off.  The little boy was told what he had put the family through and he said he was sorry.  He was punished but not severely because they were happy to have him back. Our selfishness can cause great pain, fear and trouble for those around us.  So think before you act.

Parable 90 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

   A biker pulled up to the restaurant and he was covered from head to toe with leather.  When he removed his helmet all saw he had long hair and a beard.  He got off the bike and removed his sunglasses and walked towards the door.  He had a slow and confident walk.  He entered the restaurant door and he filled it because he was a giant of a man.  As he walked through the restaurant the staff and patrons stared at him uneasily.  He walked through the building to an outdoor patio where he sat down.  Soon other motorcyclist's dress and looking like him arrived.  They too walked through the restaurant and sat down in the outdoor patio.  Before long a dozen of them had arrived.  The staff and patrons felt very uncomfortable.  A young waiter came out and took their drink orders.  To his surprise they either ordered coffee or a soft drink.  The bikers continue to to talk and the young man brought them their beverages.  They ordered lunch and their laughter could be heard through out the restaurant.  Soon everyone around was at ease.  The bikers laughed, told jokes and enjoyed their lunch.  Then they all got up, put their sunglasses and gear on and all walked to the counter to pay.  The young waiter boldly asked them if they belong to a motorcycle club to which one replied, "Yes."  "May I ask which one?"  asked the young man.  "Sure the Christian Biker's Association."  The young man looked relieved.  The biker smiled and winked.  He then said, "You can never judge a book by its cover."  They then got on their bikes and drove off down the highway.  

Parable 89 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

   The young evangelist had been warned about the dangers of the area he was about to enter.  Yet he felt the strong compulsion of the Lord to preach the gospel in this part of the province.  He worked among the people for several weeks.  Doing what ever he could to help them hear and see the gospel at work.  He would visit the sick and those in prison.  He help build a fence and bring food to a widow.  His acts of kindness and good will were notice by many, both friends and enemies.
   One day he was going from one village to another when he was stopped by a group of men who identified themselves as a local militia.  He was recognized by one of the men who hated Christians.  He was taken aside and treated harshly.  They mocked and beat the evangelist.  Then the hater raised a gun to the young man's head and said, "You have a choice to make, renounce your faith or die."  The young evangelist said, "I could never renounce my faith and if you pull the trigger, I will be with Jesus."  That was the last words the evangelist would utter.  That day he was martyred for Christ.  His death however was not in vain.  His sacrifice inspired others to come.  The young man who pulled the trigger later became a Christian and took his place.

Parable 88 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

   The bride was being led down the aisle by her father.  She looked beautiful and the groom look nervous.  As dad walked down the aisle he thought, "Time has gone so fast.  One moment she was this little girl who was running into my arms because she skinned her knee.  Now she is this beautiful young woman."  in that moment he remember the joy, pain, the fun and the crying that goes with raising a child.  He remembered the long talks on the edge of the bed, the hours of prayer, the mentoring and role modeling he did all leading to this moment.  Now he was releasing her to the care of another.  He did all he could and now it was up to her, this nervous young man and God.  He would always be there, praying, loving and trusting.  Then he remember, Prov 22:6, which says, "Train a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it."  He stood the end of the aisle now.  The minister said, "Who gives this woman." and he said with confidence and assurance, "I do." and he meant it.  

Parable 87 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

   The flowers in the vase were beautiful not a stem or petal out of place.  Th colors of the arrangement were vibrant and radiant.  Those who came into the room admired and remarked about its beauty.  The flowers gave a pleasant aroma and everything was perfect except the arrangement with silk and plastic.  The aroma of the arrangement was artificial provided through a can.
   Many people look, good, act right and smell great  However it is fake and a sham.  Outward appearance can be mere cover up or a mask of what is going on in the hart.  Jesus exposed the Pharisees and called them white wash tombs.  On the outside beautiful but on the inside full of dead man`s bones.  Today be beautiful on the inside and the outside will follow suit.

Lessons on Prayer

                Jesus in this passage gives some beautiful and wonderful lessons on prayer.

1.       The name of the Lord is to hallowed.  We are to pray that His Kingdom would come and that His will would be done.  We find in this prayer that our daily needs would be met and that He would forgive our sins and we will forgives those who sin against us.
2.       We are to pray that the Lord will keep us from temptation and also in the times of temptation.  Remember the Lord will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able to endure but with that temptation a means of escape.
3.       We are to be persistent in prayer and we know that the Lord will give us what we need.  We must ask so it will be given unto us.  We need to knock before the door will be opened.  We are to seek, before we can find.  There is effort involved in prayer.
4.       When we ask we will receive.  Jesus said the Father will give us exactly what we are praying for and need.

5.       The Father will give us the Holy Spirit more than we need or ask.

Parable 86 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

   A man walked into a local office supply store.  He was there to fax some important papers.  As he approached the fax machine he noticed a man standing by it.  This man was filling out some papers so without thinking the man put the papers into the fax machine.  To his surprise the man barked out rudely, "I was using that fax machine."  The man replied, "pardon."  The other man replied tersely, "I was going to use that machine."  The man said, "Sorry it was not my intent to take your machine."  The other man said, "Oh yes, you did."
   In that moment something began to rise up in the man, he wanted to retaliate but then he remember the proverb, "Never answer a fool according to his folly,"  so he made a choice.  He turned away and took his papers out and put them in another fax machine.  Well he was faxing them there were a couple of awkward moments.  Finally when the papers were sent he smiled and said, "Well, that is done."  He went to the cashier and paid the bill, wish the cashier a great day and left.
   There are times to speak and when not to speak.  A time to be angry and not to be angry.  Wisdom is knowing when.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Mary and Martha

In Luke 10:38-42, Jesus was in Bethany when Martha opened her home to Jesus.  Mary was at Jesus' feet listening to Him teach.  Martha was busy doing housework and getting the meal ready.  She became very annoyed that Mary was not helping and asked Jesus to get Mary to help her.  Jesus told her that she was worried about many things.  He then told her the most important thing was to listen to Him which Mary had chosen to do.  This would not be taken from her.  The lesson we can learn is to not to get worried over the small things and miss the real things of life and that those things have to do with Christ.  Your promises today are:  Psalm 68:19, 103:3, 107:2, 147:3, Isaiah 61:3, Matt 8:17, Rom 8:1 & James 5:15.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Most idols are not made of material one can see but by things we cannot see which are hid in the heart.  Bitterness is one thing that rots from the inside out.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Parable 84 - Parable of Steel - By Robert Dean Steel

The church picnic was winding down and it was the final event.  The pastor was asked to carry out the supplies for the pie throwing contest.  When he arrived several people started filling the pie plates with whip cream.  The youth pastor said that he had left the garbage bags they were going to use to cover clothing in the church and asked the pastor to get them which he did.  When he returned the pies were ready to go. The pastor then ask three other men if they would volunteer for the contest.  They all put on their garbage bags that had had arm and head holes cut out in them.  The pastor then was asked to lead the children and teens out to the place where the contest was to take place.  As he lead them he heard giggling and laughter.  He turned around just in time to see a flurry of pies flying his way.  Immediately he was covered from head to toe with whip cream.  As the cream was flowing down his head and into his eyes and ears, the second attack began.  This time he faced a barrage of water balloons which cause the cream to flow down his collar into his shirt.  Now he was wet from his head to his feet.  In that moment the pastor had a decision to make. Would he become angry or laugh?  He chose to laugh and every one around him laughed as well and a good time was had by all.  In life we can be attacked and become messed up.  In that moment we can choose to be angry and frown or we can laugh and smile.  The outcome will affect us and those around us.    

Parable 83 - Parables of Steel - BY Robert Dean Steel

The old man was sitting on a park bench watching the world go by when a young man sat down beside him.  They began to talk and it was not long before the young man relayed a story of pain and sorrow.  The old man listen intently and with compassion.  When the young man finished his bitter account, the old man look at the young man.  He then said, "I know you have been through a difficult time but this is not the end of your story or journey."  He then explained that life has its ups and downs.  Times of happiness and sorrow of defeat and victories.  That each season has it's purposes and lessons.  He then said that the secret of success in life is knowing that each one will pass and like every journey or adventure you have to enjoy the scenery on the way.  He then closed the conversation reminding the young man that he had not reached his final destination yet.

Parable 82 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

The little girl was running around the campsite playing ball.  She threw the ball up in the air and it would bounce down the hill.  She ran down the hill after it teetering on the edge of disaster like every two year old.  She picked up the ball after it rested by a tree and carried it back up to where the family was sitting.  She gave the ball to her dad who had been watching nearby.  He praised her and then gave her the ball which she threw up in the air again.  It hit the ground and rolled down the hill.  This game continued until the little girl fell down and hurt her knee.  Her father ran down to where she was and picked her up while she was crying.  He brushed her off, hugged her and kissed her forehead.  She sobbed into his shoulder and hugged him tight.  Finally when she felt better she got off his knee and started playing with the ball as if nothing had happened.  Life seems like a ball until we fall and get bruised.  Our heavenly father who is always nearby will be there to pick us up, brush us off, hug and kiss us and make it all better again.

The Good Samaritan

In Luke 10:25-37, Jesus then gave a parable to an expert of the law that came to test Him.  He asked Jesus how He could inherit eternal life.  Jesus told Him to follow the law and that he was to love the Lord with his whole heart.  Jesus then told him to love his neighbor as himself and he would inherit eternal life.  The man then tried to justify himself by asking who was his neighbor.  Jesus then told him the story of the good Samaritan.  A man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and was robbed on the way.  He was left on the side of the road to die.  A priest came along saw him and walked right by Him.  A Levite came along and saw him but he actually went on the other side of the road to avoid him.  A Samaritan came along and saw him.  He bandaged his wounds and took him to a nearby Inn and he took care of the man.  Then he paid the Inn keeper to take care of the wounded man and when he came back through he would pay the Inn keeper the rest of the cost of healing the wounded man.  Jesus then asked the man who was the real neighbour was?  The scribe said the Samaritan.  Jesus then told the man to do the same.  This is a teaching that Christ is giving us today.  We are to reach out to our neighbors.  We are His hand extended.  Your promises today are:  Ps 25:18, 42:11, 119:25, Isaiah 57:19, John 14:27 and Rom 8:11.  Your Insightful Saying is:  When you guard your heart, you rarely have to guard your mouth.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Parable 81 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

   The group of boys had just arrived at their destination.  It was a natural rock formation on the top of a hill.  In the rock formation were a series of small caves.  The boys were exploring the caves when one of the boys saw an approaching summer storm.  One boy said, "Let us take shelter in one of the caves until the storm passes."  All agreed except for one boy who said, "I saw better shelter in an abandon house just down the road."  As they were pondering their next move the storm hit.  The one who made the suggestion made a run for the house.  The others followed but they did not even make it done the hill when the hail and rain cause them to separate.  They were pelted by hail and soon in the open they were soaked to the skin.  The boy who made the suggestion hid under an abandon piece of machinery till the storm subsided.  He then ran to  a local farm where he got help.  Not long afterward the other boys were located and they were transported back to town where they got dry and warmed up.  The boy who made the suggestion apologized to his friends for putting them through the whole ordeal and he learn a valuable lesson.  When faced with an obvious storm find shelter and do not venture out because you could endanger yourself and others.

Why are you troubled

In Luke 24:38, Jesus uses a statement which is a statement of encouragement and assurance.  He asked His disciples, "Why are you troubled?"  The Lord is asking us today this question.  We have all we need for righteousness and truth.  The Lord is with us every step of the way.  He will not leave us or forsake us.  Yes, doubts arise and sometimes our problems seem bigger than we can handle but the Lord is with us.  We have nothing to fear because Jesus is with us.  He made a promise that He would never leave or forsake us.  When we come to Him in prayer we will have everything we need to walk in victory.  No problem, trial and situation will be able to overcome us because the Lord is with us.  We will never face anything alone.  This is not the testimony of those who live in the world.  They have no one walking with them.  They rely on their own resources, wisdom and help.  We however have the power, presence and provision in the Lord.  The Lord will give us everything we need to walk in victory.  So today commit your ways to the Lord.  Take every opportunity to tell others and when you feel overwhelmed turn the situation over to God and see Him provide the victory.  After all He is Jehovah Jireh, your provider.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I was withy ou daily

In Mark 14:49, Jesus makes a powerful statement, "I was with you daily in the temple teaching."  Jesus wants to be with us daily, teaching and showing us the things of God.  Today the challenge that many of us face is how to bring Jesus Christ into every situation of life.  We all know people that their Christian walk consists of a Sunday appearance and then the rest of the week Jesus does not seem to be a part of their lives.  We call them Sunday Christians.  Maybe you might be one of them.  Today a challenge is being made.  Why don't you let the Lord be a part of your life every day,  Make a decision today to let Jesus control your thoughts, words, deeds, attitudes and motives.  Read the Bible, pray and share your faith.  Jesus is Savior but today let Him be Lord.  You will be amazed at what will happen in your life.  You will find that you will have more focus, direction and guidance for your life.  You will see your attitudes change and your world become clearer.  Life will be simple.  The will of God will become your priority.  You will want to live like Jesus.  Jesus wants to be part of your life today.  So let Him and you will have the relationship with God you have always wanted.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Man Born Blind

July 7 – The man born blind – John 9

                This is our third day discovering the wealth of truth contained in it.  Today we will learn six more life lessons from this chapter.

1.       The man started by believing that Jesus was a prophet.  Even when he told the story a second time he was not fully believed until his parents confirmed it. 
2.       His parents refuse to verify that Jesus healed their son.  Like so many they were afraid of peer pressure.  Never allow the opinions of others to determine your faith.
3.       The world has its own rules and disciples which the Pharisees were.  The world had no idea who Jesus was and is.  Even when a man born blind is healed they do not believe it. 
4.       We learn that God listen to the godly and does what they ask.
5.       Jesus can do nothing and neither can we if we are not followers of God. 
6.       The world reacts violently to a person that follows God.  There is a price to pay to follow Christ but any price we pay is nothing compare to the riches we shall receive in Christ.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Man born blind.

July 6 – The man born Blind  - John 9

                Yesterday we outlined the events of what Jesus did with the blind man.  Here are five powerful truths we glean from this account.

1.        Sin is not the cause of all sickness but sometimes it is allowed to show the power of God.  We must work while there is day and Jesus who is the light of the world is working.  You are to maximize your effort in the minimum amount of time.
2.        Jesus made the man put feet to his faith when he sent him to wash in the Pool of Siloam. 
3.        This story show that some people will not believe in a miracle even when it happens.  Unbelief is a powerful tool of the devil.
4.        When a miracle happens it is good to have it verified.
The Pharisees were angry with Jesus because He healed on the Sabbath.  Not that He cured someone.  Never allow a narrow view of God keep you from believing and faith.  Some people did believe in Jesus because of this miracle.

Parable 80 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

   A couple was waiting in the doctor's office waiting for his verdict on the man's condition.  He had been sick for quite a while but he had put his sickness on just working to hard and being fatigued.  He had finally agreed to see the doctor only after many strong urging's of his wife.  It was in that first visit and the subsequent ones that followed that they now found themselves here.  The doctor came in and smiled and said, "Well I have good news and bad news, which do you want to hear?"  They replied, "Well lets hear the bad news first."  He said, "O.K. you have cancer but the good news is we can treat it."  They sat shocked for a moment and then sighed, "When do we get started?"  The doctor replied "Well I just have to check one more thing before you leave and I will get a treatment plan started."  The doctor left and came back a few moments later.  He face however was ashen and full of concern.  He looked at the couple and said, "I am so sorry, I misread your diagnosis.  You have four to six months to live."
   The couple left devastated.  The man sat on his porch that night thinking about he had spent his life.  Thirty years ago he had served the Lord but one offense had caused him to give up his faith.  Now in the face of eternity, he gave his life back to the Lord.  He was glad he gave his life back to the Lord but he had one regret and that was all the years he had wasted on selfish pursuits and those he could never regain.  He prayed he would finish well.  D.L. Moody said, "Death bed confessions or eleventh hour conversions as wonderful as they are, are like burning the candle at both ends and then blowing the smoke in God's face."

Parable 79 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

A company of good friends were sitting in a restaurant when a rather loud and proud young man boasted in could eat anything hot and spicy.  A young woman at the table dared him to try a rather hot and spicy dish on the menu.  Without hesitation he accepted the dare and ordered and while he waited boasted of his prowess in this area.  The waitress brought the food to the table and immediately the young man took a large mouthful of the hot and spicy food.  Instantly his boast was cut short as the spicy food took effect.  With eyes watering and mouth burning he squeaked out, "Give me some milk or water."  His friends howled with laughter as he down the liquid relief.  The moral of the story is, before you boast make sure you can back it up or you will looked more foolish than you already are.

Parable 78 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

The young man sat there for a moment after planting a field in his tractor.  He look with a sense of pride over the fine look the field had.  Off to the left at the edge of the field he saw a series of holes and mounds but he took notice of them.  As the produce of the field began to grow the reality of those holes and mounds became apparent.  The little gophers and rodents in these holes began to threaten the crop.  He began to try to destroy these pesky pests.  It seemed that no method he used to could capture or destroy these pesky rodents.  All seem to fail.  He then learn much to his misfortune that the time to deal with the gophers was at the beginning of the season when they are more docile and dormant not in the middle of the season.  The Kingdom of God is about dealing with the trials and problems at the beginning instead of ignoring them until the become a destructive force which can destroy your fruitfulness and productivity.

Parable 77 - Parables by Robert Dean Steel

The visiting pastor had been away for a number of years.  He was approached by a woman who had attended the church he had pastored years before.  After a few minutes of small talk she began to relate a tale of woe and hurt.  He was sympathetic and attentive to her account.  He then asked her when these series of events had happened.  To his surprise he found out that these events had happened many years before. The reality was that this lady had never forgiven or forgotten the people or circumstances involved.  Unless a person is willing to forgive and forget the past, it will become their present reality and view of life.

Parable 76 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

The little girl had just happily finished munching on the chocolate cookie.  Her face from the forehead to the edge of her chin was covered in a gooey chocolate mess.  Without thinking she wiped her messy hands on her dress and white leotards.  She was a true mess.  Her mom came with a wet wash cloth and wash her hands first and then her neck, chin and face.  Each stroke eliminated the gooey mess.  Mom then took off her clothes and threw them into the wash and then dressed the little girl.  Before long there was no evidence of the disaster that had befallen the little girl.  God will take our happy mess and clean us so there is no evidence of the sin we created by His blood and cleansing power.

Psalm 112 - Psalm of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

How majestic are your ways O God,
They are beyond all understanding and knowledge.
Your thoughts are greater and higher than ours.
Your ways are perfect and blameless.

They are not like man`s who are emotionally driven.
Man does not believe or walk in faith.
If they do not see it, hear it, taste, touch or smell.
It cannot be real or be understood.

God ways are eternal and everlasting.
His ways are unsearchable and unfathomable.
No intellect, educational tool or thought,
Can begin to understand or comprehend God.

Your ways O God are just and true.
No lie, deceit, temptation or excuse,
Can stand in the light of your purity.
Your power and might O God cannot be measured.

As I sit and ponder the greatness of God.
My thoughts, musings and meditation remind me of your greatness.
I rejoice how His love has been given to me.
Thank you and I will praise your name.

Psalm 111 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

As the marvel of creation is before you eyes.
The babbling brook or the mighty river.
The freshly cut hay field or the abundant fruit tree.
The neighing of a frisky colt or the mewing of the tiny kitten.

The majestic mountain or the rolling hills.
The mountain meadow in full bloom or the barren desert.
The raging torrent after the abundant rain.
The singing of the song bird or the crowing of a rooster.

All these attributes and wonders of creation and nature.
Show the creative, majestic hand and genius of God.
Only a mind of such vast intellect and skill could produce such wonders.
An individual who has imagination and vast resources.

There is no lack or barrenness with God.
Everything He does is with abundance and vast resources.
He can do anything and every thing He wishes.
He speaks and it comes to pass.  What He thinks happens

What He speaks is done.  Every promise He makes will happen.
Truth, righteousness, love, peace, hope, patience, holiness and victory.
Are His and His alone.  There is no one like our God.
Rejoice and give thanks, for He is God and Lord of all creation.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Rise and pray

In Luke 22:46, Jesus tells His disciples while they were in the garden to not sleep but to rise and pray lest you enter into temptation.  Jesus gives us in this statement the means and method for protection against temptation.  I am an individual who believes that Jesus never said something random.  I believe He always had a purpose for what He said.  In this case He was telling the disciples and us about how we can defend or prepare ourselves against temptation.  Temptation in the simplest sense means to be tested.  When we were in school testing was a normal process of our schooling.  We were tested to see how we were doing and how we were progressing.  Were we learning the material and things we had to learn on a particular subject.  That is also what life is.  Are we learning to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Jesus says that if we do not slumber or sleep.  If we stay fully awake and focused on the things going on around us we will not fall into temptation.  If we rise, stand up and refuse to go down without a fight.  We say this is where I take my stand, we will not fall into temptation.  The devil really is a coward.  James says if we resist Him He will flee from us.  Jesus then says, "Pray and you will not fall into temptation."  Prayer is the means of keeping ourselves from temptation.  As soon as the temptation arises begin to pray.  Get divine help and enablement right away.  Tell God what is happening and seek His aid, power and victory.  We are all tempted but that does not mean we have to give into the temptation or fall.  Jesus gave us a way to overcome it.  Let us employ it for His praise and glory.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

You will not stumble

In John 16:1, Jesus says that all the things that He has spoken to will help us not stumble.  This is so important in the day in which we live.  People are looking for examples and role models.  Being a Christian today is as hard as any time period in history.  For the last 50 years Christian influence in our society has been decreasing.  Today more and more people have no standards to follow.  We live in a society of ever changing values.  That which is wrong has now become right.  For example 50 years ago abortion, gay marriage, redefinition of the family and other things were not issues.  Traditional family values were cherish and not maligned.  Truth, honesty, integrity and love were promoted.  Today whoever makes the most noise and lobby's the hardest get their agenda put to the top of the political and legislative list.  Righteousness, justice, and truth have been discarded for convenience.  Jesus said all the things He has spoken will help us not stumble.  The things of God give us clear vision.  We know what God wants and this helps us live out our Christianity before a blind and lost world.  We know that love, acceptance and forgiveness must be valued and lived out.  We know that faith, hope and love are three virtues still needed in the world.  With these and other truths we impact our world for Christ.  Let us pray that today we do not stumble and if we do, let us let the Lord pick us up to start again.     

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

These signs shall follow.

In Mark 16:17, Jesus says that certain signs will follow those who believe.  The question I ask myself all the time is what signs follow me?  This is a very revealing question.  In the Christian life fruit and signs show a healthy life.  In Mark's gospel the signs of the Christian life are as follows.  We have the ability to cast out demons and defeat the enemy.  I trust that is happening in your life.  John said in 1 John 3:8 that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil.  You do not have to be afraid of the devil.  He is a defeated foe.  You will be able to speak in new tongues.  This is a gift from God for every beleiver.  It gives you power in the spiritual realm.  They can take up serpents or drink anything deadly thing and it will not harm them.  There is divine protection for the believer.  One man put it this way.  We are bullet proof until the Lord decides other wise.  You can lay hands on the sick and they will recover.  Healing for the sick and divine health is a blessing we can have.  Now I have just quoted the bible writer.  If this is not happening then ask the Lord to make it happen.  There are other signs of the fruitfulness of God.  There is love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness, faithfulness, obedience, righteousness, goodness, patience and self control.  All these show that God is working in your life.  Signs and fruitfulness show the life of God.  So today make them you aim and let the Holy Spirit flow through you to help this happen. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Chief Cornerstone

In Luke 20:17, Jesus quoted a passage in the Old Testament about how the stone that the people rejected would become the Chief Cornerstone.  The stone that all things would be measured from.  Jesus Christ is the foundation for any life that is going to matter.  Recently a friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer.  He had been a back slider and after the news He once again became a Christian.  Now I am grateful for that wonderful news but the reality is that he has only about 4 to 6 months to live.  I know that he will make the most of his last few months.  Now we are believing for healing and a miracle.  What breaks my heart is that 30 years ago he was a fervent disciple of Jesus Christ but because of a small offense he gave up his faith.  During those years he lived for himself and the world.  He lost 30 years of time to serve the Lord and make an impact for Christ.  He cannot retrieve those years and that s so sad.  My prayer for all of us is that we would not waste time in the pursuit of riches, fame popularity or man made things.  Today my prayer for each of us is that we would redeem every moment for God and use each day as an opportunity to impact our world for Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the chief cornerstone and foundation for life.  Be His ambassador and touch your world for Him.