Tuesday, April 16, 2013

WHo needs a Physician?

In Luke 5:31-32, Jesus talks about those who need and do not need a physician.  The sick are those who need a doctor and not the well.  Jesus then went on to say that He came to call the sinner and not the righteous to repentance.  Jesus came to save all mankind because all mankind are sinners.  Paul says in Romans 3:23, that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.  Jesus came to deal with our sin.  His death, burial and resurrection, effectively dealt with the sin problem in our lives.  What needs to happen for us is to recognize that we are sinners and need His healing.  When I was 17, I was invited to a young people's convention in Havre, Montana.  At the time I did not think I was a sinner.  I thought because I went to church once in a while I was alright.  Basically in my mind I was as good as the next person.  On the Saturday morning of that convention I heard a message on what a sinner was and it was then I recognized that I needed Christ.  I was living in a false sense of security thinking that good works would get me to heaven.  That day I found out that only by the grace of God could I be saved.  I learned that day that a way for eternal life had been provided for me.  That day, I responded to the message of the gospel and gave my life to Jesus Christ.  That day a sinner came home as the old hymn says.  Today whenever I hear or give a message of salvation, I do not have to respond because I am righteous and am whole.  Today however if you have not given your life to Jesus Christ you are sick and you need the great physician to come and make you whole.  Give your life to Christ and be made whole and come into eternal and abundant life.

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