261. The man who possesses everything and yet does not have Christ has in truth has nothing.
262. Worship has been said, to be an attitude of the heart express. Problem is today is that many a Christian seems to struggling with heart failure.
263. The ostrich is strong, fast, arrogant and proud. Yet they forget their young, are unable to fly above their circumstances and earthbound. The eagle is majestic, caring, faithful and tenacious. They care for their young, fly above all their circumstances and touch the sky. Which do you want to be?
264. Never be in a hurry and learn to slow down because usually around the corner is a man with a photo radar machine.
266. Never take your days for granted each day is a gift to be enjoyed and used for the glory of God.
267. When you are the temple of God you will never have a housing crisis.
268. Many leave their travelling arrangements for trips and vacations to the last minute but the one thing you should leave to the last minute is your travelling arrangements for eternity.
269. Why is it that when we have so much to choose in life we choose the foolish and inane instead of the fruitful and productive. Wise men choose life and know why. The foolish man chooses death and have no idea why they did it.
270. Humor is found in the most childish things. A baby will laugh when their loved one makes a funny face. Keep your humor simple and your life.
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