Psalm 85 - Psalms of Steel
Why is man so wicked and what causes His sin?
Why is man more foolish than wise?
What are the common delusions of the wicked?
How can a person be so blind and not see the truth?
I have pondered this is here are my conclusions.
The wicked and foolish think that sin gives fullness of life.
Sin when fully conceived brings only death.
The fool trusts in family, friends and others to give them life.
God is no respecter of persons only the repentant will be spared.
The religious wicked think they will be heard,
Because of their long and vain prayers.
They fool themselves into thinking that righteousness,
Is created because of dead works and vain traditions.
The wicked are self reliant, self confident and self seeking.
They only think of themselves, forgetting others.
Man is not the measure of all things,
Selfishness in any form leads to destruction.
The fool is like the home owner who builds on the sand.
The view may be pretty,
But at the first storm the house will collapse.
Such is the wicked who builds outside the Lord.
The foolish trust in riches and are enslaved.
The very thing they think will free them,
Is the very thing that traps and ensnares them.
Prosperity is more deadly than poverty to the child of God.
The wicked thinks that creation is more important than the creator.
Idols of nature or man lead to destruction.
Delusion is thinking creation comes without a creator.
God made all things but is not in all things.
The wicked think they have all the time in the world.
They do not know that every day they live they are one day closer eternity.
The fool does not discern the time in which they live in.
The wicked wastes valuable time on themselves.
The Lord counts the days. They are like a sand glass.
Each moment is closer to eternal life or death.
The wise discern this and live life accordingly.
The fool will miss this and die in their foolishness.