Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Reflections of 2013
I cannot believe that we are now at the end of 2013, it has been such a year. I also cannot believe that I have been with you now since 2011. As we head into 2014, I have some resolutions which I believe God has set before me. Now I do not believe in making goals that I will not keep. Life should be simple. I intend to spend more time with God and get to know Him better. The program will be of only the best quality this year. I also intend to make sure that Jesus Christ is the focus of everything I do. My motto will be, "What would Jesus do." For those who are part of my listening audience. I pray that you will grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus. That He will be the center of everything you are and do this year. Jesus is Lord remember that. He has great plans and purposes for your future. I realize that not every day is going to be easy and not all things are going to be rosy. In those time you will find God faithful and you need to trust Him. Life is never easy but remember all things work together for good. It does mean that all things are good but all things work together for good. Trust in the Lord this year. He has been faithful in the last year and He will be faithful this year. He will never leave you or forsake you. Have a great day and a wonderful year ahead.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Paul meets Jesus
Dec 30 – Acts 9:3-7 – Paul meets Jesus
In this passage Jesus appears in a more powerful and dramatic form. Paul is on his way to Damascus to destroy the church. Jesus meets Him on the way. A light from heaven shines on the party with whom Paul is traveling with. The light is so bright it blinds Paul. Paul falls to the ground and then Jesus asks him why he persecuting Jesus. An important note here when someone persecutes you they are actually persecuting Jesus and will be held accountable for it. Paul then asks who He is and addresses Him as Lord. Paul knows He is having an encounter with God. Jesus then tells him that he is kicking against forces he can never defeat. It like telling someone today that they are hitting their head against a wall. it hurts you but does not weaken the wall. Paul then asks Jesus what He is suppose to do to which Jesus tells him to go into the city and wait until he told what to do next.
Jesus in this passage is changing the direction and life of Paul. He will never be the same after this experience. When you meet the resurrected Lord you will never be the same. Jesus came in power. Light and love. He came to claim His own. He knew Paul’s heart. He knew that Paul would heed this event and He would be obedient to the Lord’s call. I trust it will not have to be a dramatic course change that will cause you to be obedient to the Lord. I trust it will be like the still small voice that spoke to Elijah.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Stephen Sees Jesus
Dec 29 – Acts 7:54-56 –Stephen sees Jesus
Stephen has just delivered one of the finest speeches given in the Bible. His audience however did not agree with Him. The results of His message were that they close up their ears. They also were cut to the heart and they gnashed their teeth. These expressions were used to denote their refusal of the gospel. Stephen full of the Holy Spirit looks up to heaven and sees the glory of God. He sees Jesus standing at the right hand of God the Father. Jesus shows Himself to Stephen. This event is often repeated in many near death experiences, Stephen the relates what He sees to the crowd. He says, “I see the heavens open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of the God.” The results of this vision was that He was killed. This would be another post resurrection appearance of Christ. Stephen reveals a powerful reality. Jesus right now is sitting at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us. He is acting on our behalf with the Father. It is so wonderful to know that today that you have an advocate with the Father. No matter what you do Jesus is pleading your case. That does not give you liberty to sin but the assurance that when you do you have someone acting on your behalf to help you get right with the father and stay right with the Father.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Dec 26 – When will you restore the Kingdom – Acts 1:6-7
The disciple gathered around Jesus and they asked Him a very important question to them. Interesting what seems important to us does not always seem as important with God. They asked Him if He was going to restore the Kingdom at this time. Right up to the end they did not fully comprehend that Jesus’ kingdom was not a political one. At this moment they still saw Jesus as a conquering Messiah not a suffering servant. Jesus answers bluntly and simply. It is not for them to know the times or seasons which the Father has Himself put into His power. John 21:20-23 comes into play. There are some things that we do not need to know. We are to simply follow God and do His will. We can read the signs but to predict or name the date of the coming of the Kingdom is not for us to know. We are call to live ready. If some maniac or false prophet comes along and tells you they know when Christ is coming back call them what they are a liar. Jesus states here this is the Father realm and His alone. You are I are call to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is enough to keep us busy until Jesus comes.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Command to Wait
Command to Wait – Acts 1:4
Jesus had some final instructions for His disciples in their final assembly together. He told them to not leave Jerusalem. They were to wait for the promise of the Father. Jesus had told them in John 14 and 16 that the Holy Spirit would come and lead them into all truth. His role would be one of comforter. He would take what He heard the Father say and bring it to us. It was essential for them to wait. Waiting is an act of obedience and discipline. It is a time of reflection, expectation and faith. Cam Floria said, “Waiting is often providential discipline for those who have been given a big task or work.” They needed the power of the Holy Spirit with its gifts to change their world. You will never truly change the world around you without the indwelling and out flowing of the Holy Spirit. You will never truly have power until you have been endued with power from on high. When you waiti on the Lord wait in faith, expectation, obedience and a readiness to go. Remember when the Spirit moves you want to move with Him and not find yourself trying to catch up. Tarry until you have everything that you need from the Lord through the Holy Spirit.
Friday, December 20, 2013
What Life is all about
Luke 24:52-53
Immediately after Jesus ascension the disciples worshipped Him. They had seen God with a face and they had seen his leaving. It would have a profound and life changing effect on them. When you meet or see Jesus you will never the same. They worshipped and were in awe of Him. They returned to Jerusalem with joy. Forty days before they were frightened and confused but now they were waiting for power and had great joy. They knew Jesus was alive and nothing was going to stop them. They next went to the temple and everyday they were found doing two things. They were praising and blessing God. They were thanking Him for who He was and what He had done. This gave them the capacity to bless others. We are called to be people who worship the Lord for who He is. This is done though a lifestyle of purity, integrity and character. We are called to praise and bless the Lord and in turn we will be that to others. Make that you aim and goal today, for the glory of God.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Jesus Ascends
Luke 24:50-51
Jesus and the disciples go out of the city up the Mount of Olives as far as Bethany. Now for some dramatic staging. Jesus lifts his hands and He blesses them. He gives them His final blessing. The lifting of hands is very symbolic for two reasons. Paul says that we lift up holy hands with wrath and malice. When you lift up your hands it is a sign of surrender and submission. Jesus had submitted to the will of the Father and He was about to return to the Father for good. His earthly ministry was over. For forty days He had shown Himself alive with many undeniable truths. Secondly when we raise you hands you are asking for a divine connection. Jesus had given them the instructions to stay in Jerusalem until they be endued with power from on high. This blessing was part of that connection. Then as Jesus was raising His hands the began to ascend towards heaven in front of Him. Of course we know in the same manner that He ascended He will descend again. The question is, “Are you ready for His coming and do you have a divine connection with the Father through Jesus? Are you empowered by the Holy Spirit? If not get connected today and be a blessing.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Wait for Power
– Wait for Power – Luke 24:19
This is such a great verse. Jesus has just commissioned the disciples but now He gives them one more set of instructions and with this instruction is also a promise. He tells them in a few days they will be endued with power from on high To do what they have been called to do they will need power. This power cannot and will not come from man. With man’s power is man’s results. They are going to get the promise of the Father. Of course we know that this was the power of the Holy Spirit. He is third person of the God head who lives in us. He regenerates and empowers us for service. They were told to tarry and wait. This power and gift would come in the timing of the Lord. When the conditions were met and the timing was right the power and presence of the Holy Spirit would come and will come. These conditions are still in effect today. Too many are trying to do God’s work in the power of man. Paul rebuked the Galatians when He asked them why they were trying to complete in the flesh what was started in the Spirit. Jesus said, “Tarry until you be endued with power from High.” So today do not leave your place of prayer until you have been given God’s power. Gypsy Smith was asked one time what brings revival? He stated, “Draw a circle around yourself and stay there until you have been revived. Revival has started.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Romans 1
Romans 1
Vs 1 – Paul is a servant of
Jesus Christ. He was called to be an
apostle. To live a separated life for
the Gospel or Good News of God.
Vs 2 – This was a promise
written about by the prophets in the Holy Scriptures.
Vs 3 - God’s Son is Jesus Christ our Lord. He is the Seed of David. God’s promise to David, come in the
flesh. He is God with a face. God walking among us.
Vs 4 - He was declared the Son of God with
power. The Spirit of holiness has
declared Him this through His resurrection of the dead.
Vs 5 – Through Christ, Paul
has received grace and apostleship. He
is to be obedient to the faith ,to proclaim the gospel to all nations for His
name sake.
Vs 6 - The Romans have been called by and through
Jesus Christ.
Vs 7 – This letter was
written to the Christians of Rome. They
are the beloved of God and His saints (Called out ones). Grace and peace has been extended to them by
God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord Jesus Christ is a title used to establish Jesus’ Lordship and
Vs 8 - This is Paul’s prayer of thanksgiving for the
Romans. Their faith has been spoken or
broadcast throughout the Christian world.
Vs 9 – Paul wants them to
know through this oath that He is praying for them unceasingly. This is through the Spirit and His love for
the gospel.
Vs 10 – He prays for a
successful journey in the future in the will of God to come to them.
Vs 11 – Paul then relates why
he wants to come. To impart a spiritual
gift to help them and establish their faith more.
Vs 12 - Paul wants that through their mutual faith
they can comfort each other.
Vs 13 - He
wants them to know He has wanted to come to them but has been prevented thus
far. Paul wants to have spiritual fruit
among them as he has seen in other places.
Vs 14 – Paul establishes the
fact and thought he is debtor to God and to all mankind. He must repay that debt of salvation by
telling all men about Jesus Christ.
Vs 15 – His resolve is that
he wants to preach the gospel in Rome
as soon as possible.
Vs 16 – Paul is proud of the
gospel. He is never ashamed of this
glorious gospel. It is good news. It is the power of God working salvation in
every one who believes. The Jews had the
first opportunity to receive the gospel but now it is being offered to all.
Vs 17 - The gospel is the righteousness of God
through the avenue of faith and it will continue to grow through faith. Paul then quotes Hab 2:4, “the just will by
faith.” You are justified in God’s sight
by faith.
Vs 18 - The whole world is guilty before God. The wrath of God will be against the ungodly
and unrighteous. They are individuals
who hold to truth but it leads them to unrighteous.
Vs 19 - Mankind is held to account because creation
is the silent witness for God. God has
shown mankind there is an intelligent creator.
Vs 20 – The invisible things
of Him made at creation are clearly seen.
The witness of creation can be clearly understood. This evidence show His eternal power and God
head. So mankind is without excuse.

Vs 21 - There was a time mankind knew God. This is called the time of conscience. They however did not glorify Him as God.
Neither were thankful. The result was
that they became vain in their thinking and this led to a darkening of their
foolish hearts.
Vs 22 – They claimed to be
wise but in truth were fools.
Vs 23 – The changed to glory
of the incorruptible God to the images of corruptible man and creatures. They became idol worshippers.
Vs 24 - God then gave them over to uncleanness. This was caused by the lust in mankind’s
heart which led them to dishonor their bodies by doing evil acts among
Vs 25 – There are two sins
God gave man up to defile their souls.
They changed the truth of God into a lie.
They worshipped and serve
creatures of stone, wood and metal instead of the creator is to be blessed
forever. Amen.
Vs 26 – God gave them
up. He did not want to give them up but
they did what was unnatural. He burned
in lust for each other. In nature male
and female procreation is the norm.
Vs 27 – Men left their
natural affection for women gave into the sodomite spirit and burned in lust
for each other. Their conduct is vile,
evil and will lead to destruction and death.
Vs 28 – They did not retain
their knowledge of God. God gave them
over to their reprobate mind where they do things that will lead to separation
from God and eternal punishment.
Vs 29 - As a result of their apostasy Paul lists 23
sins that damn the soul.
Unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness,
full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity and whisperers.
Vs 30. Paul continues on with his list. Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud,
boasters, inventing evil things and disobedient to parents.
Vs 31 – Paul finishes up his
list in this verse. Without
understanding, breakers of covenants, without natural affection, implacable and
unmerciful. All this is a result of God
allowing them to give themselves over to their lusts.
Vs 32 – What is terrible is through
out this verse is that the apostate knows judgment is coming but they neither
fear God or His judgment. They know that
these things they do are worthy of death but they encourage others to do them
and take pleasure in them.
John's Testimony
John’s Testimony – John 21:24-25
John now testifies that all the things he wrote are true. This is his written statement about Jesus Christ. Then John states that he and the other disciples know that what he has written is true and Jesus is truth. Jesus when He testified about Himself are true. They saw Him both in human form and resurrected form. John makes it clear here that what he and others wrote is selective history. John had focused on what he believed under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit needed to write as did the other writers of the Gospels. If each incident was written down John says there would not be enough books written to cover them adequately. John was right about one thing here. Over the 2000 years such Jesus came billions of books have been written about Him. Everyday thousand s of books quotes and stories are written about Him. He is talked about by billions of people everyday. Jesus has become the most notable and important person in history. Not bad for a boy from a small Galilean town. Make sure you make Him the central focus of your daily life and routine.
Monday, December 16, 2013
They went forth
They Went Forth – Mark 16:20 This is such a great verse. It has five components to it. First, the disciples went forth. They had received their commission and they now knew what they were suppose to do and what they were about. The gospel is our main focus and direction as a Christian. We pray and then obey. Next, they went everywhere. They had been told to start where they lived and go from there. This message would one day circle the globe and include millions of people. There is no place on this planet that must be let untouched. Thirdly, the Lord was working with them. The Lord is the invisible power behind our message. We are workers together with God. He works in us and through us for His praise and glory. God is looking for a willing and obedient vessel to work through. Fourthly, the confirmed His word. Whenever we preach in Hid name the Lord will confirm the message. There will be a reaction. Isaiah stated the word of the God will not return void but it will accomplish what it has been sent to do. Lastly, the word will be confirmed with signs following. What a marvellous truth. The Lord will confirm what you do with signs, wonders and miracles. We should not seek the signs but the one who gives the signs. As any signs they are designed to point to something, in this case it is he Lord. He will confirm His word and through these signs many will believe and be drawn to Christ.
Friday, December 13, 2013
7 Disciples go fishing
Seven Disciples Go Fishing – John 21:1-14
We find the disciples back in Galilee and Simon decides to go fishing. It was familiar and it was something that helped them to cope with the time they had on their hands. They went out all night but caught no fish. Early the next morning Jesus was standing on the side of the shore when He asked them if they had caught any fish to which they replied, “they had not.” They did not realize it was Jesus. He told them to throw their nets on the right side of the boat and they would find some. They had nothing to lose so they did and they caught so many fish they were not able to haul all the fish in. It was then that John stated it was Jesus and so Peter jumped into the water and the others followed and they brought in a haul of 153 fish. They would haul this fish some 100 yards. Jesus then served them breakfast of bread and fish. They asked Him who He was even though they knew it was the Lord. This was the third time Jesus had appeared to the disciples after He had risen from the dead. The lesson we can learn from this story is that if we recognize the Lord as who He is we shall have even our ordinary task blessed with abundance. Jesus said He came to give us life and with it abundance. This story beautifully illustrates it. So whatever you need ask the Lord and He will not only supply your need but in an abundant way.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Signs and Wonders
These Signs will follow – Mark 16:18
We are continuing our discussion on the signs that follow those who believe. They will be able to pick up serpents and drinking any deadly thing. This of course is talking about divine protection in the small and great things. Paul demonstrated this ability on the island of Malta when a serpent grabbed onto his hand. He shook off in the fire. The result was that many believed in him. It is wonderful to know that you have divine immunity and protection in the middle of persecution and the storms of life. They will lay their hands on others and they will recover. Healing was and is still a part of the churches mandate. James says that if there is any sick among us let them call for the elders of the church to come and pray healing for them and they will recover. Healing can be immediate or gradual. Either way God is glorified and people see that the Lord is alive and well in His church. Our mandate from the Lord is clear. We have all of heaven standing behind us and Jesus will be with us all the way. Today bring the healing touch of the Lord into those in your world. Secondly hone your walk with God that people will see fruit and signs which show you are in close contact with the Lord. It will benefit you and others you come into contact with.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Signs Following
These signs follow those who believe. Mark 16:17 As a Christian there should be signs and fruit following our belief in Jesus Christ. First, they will have the ability to cast out devils. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. James 4:7, states that if we resist the devil, he will flee from us. John puts it beautifully in John 4:4, when he states that greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. The devil has no right, authority or power over us. We can send him to flight and should so. Next, we will be able t speak in new tongues. What a great gift the Holy Spirit has given us. We can speak in the tongues of men and angels. This gift is especially profitable when communicating with the Lord. When our native language fails us we can still pray using our heavenly language. This gift is also used a witness to the unbeliever. Signs are away that people know that we are His disciples. What signs are following you?
Monday, December 9, 2013
The Great Commission
The Great Commission – Mark 16:15-16
These next two verses are so powerful and yet at times controversial. Jesus tells His disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel or good news. Their mission and task are set before them. This message is universal and to every nation, creed, tribe and color. He who believes and is baptised is saved and those who do not believed shall be condemned. Now for some this means unless a person is baptised in water that person is not saved. Others think it means that if you are not baptised in the Holy Spirit then you are not saved. Both positions are incorrect. Jesus is saying here that when a person believes the next logical step is water baptism because it shows what has happened in the heart. In the book of Acts you see in most cases believers were baptised immediately. A good example was Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch. The second part of verse 15 does make it clear that salvation is by faith and faith alone. Today go into your world and bring Christ to those who believe and help them to understand the significance of water baptism and it be a celebration of a new life in Christ.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Great Commission
The Great
Commission - Matthew 28:19-20
This is the second part of the Great
Commission. Jesus is with His
disciples. Now this event happened in
Galilee but for the sake of consistency in our devotional the writer has place
it here. Jesus tells His audience that
He has been given all power in heaven and on earth. He has the power of attorney. He has won this right and privilege through
His death, burial and resurrection.
Jesus while He was a man was limited but now in His resurrected form all
His previous power, authority and dominion has been returned. Jesus then commissioned His disciples to go
into all the world and preach the gospel or good news about Him. This is a message to be preached and taught to all who will listen. We are to baptized them in the name of the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Water
Baptism is an outward sign of the inner transformation of the heart. This is formula for water Baptism. We are to baptize in the Trinity. Jesus then tells them to observe all things
that He commanded them. They were to
love one another and fulfill the great commission. Then He closes this passage with a great
promise. “I am with you always, even to
the end of the age. Jesus is with
us. No matter where we are, what we face
or why we are and where we are, the Lord is with us. This is a great comfort in life. Jesus has given us a task but He will now
leave us alone He is with us. What a
great promise. Matthew closes off this
final passage with Amen. Exclamation
point and done deal. Praise God.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Luke Great Commission
– Luke’s Great Commission – Luke 24:46-48
The Great Commission is given and in the synoptic gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke it has three parts. This is the first part. Jesus tells them that it has been written that the beloved Christ would have to suffer. As we learned yesterday Jesus had opened their minds to understand what was written about Him in the law, prophets and the psalms. All these told how the Messiah would be a Suffering Saviour. How the Christ would rise from the dead on the third day and here is Jesus living proof. The message and commission they were now being given was one of repentance and remission of sins. This message was to be preached in all nations beginning at Jerusalem . They were His witnesses and He expected them to preach this message. This is the same message we are given. We are to tell others that Jesus died for their sins for repentance and the remission of sins. We can testify that we were once like them sinners but now Jesus has set us free. Our sins have been forgiven and removed from us by the blood of Jesus Christ. We are now new creatures in Christ the old has passed away and behold all things are new. Jesus Christ has set us free and He will do the same for them. Bring Jesus into your world today and be His witnesses for the glory and praise of God.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Jesus offers more proof
Jesus offers more proof – Luke 24:41-45 The apostles and those with them were still not convinced so Jesus asked them if they had any meat. They gave Him some fish and a piece of honey comb and He ate it in front of them. Jesus presented them with two proofs that He was alive. Jesus then told them that all the words He spoke in their presence came from three sources. They were the Law of Moses. The Prophets and the Psalms. In these scriptures over 300 prophecies had been written about Him and He had fulfilled them all. Jesus told His disciples before His death, burial and resurrection that He came not to do away with the law but to fulfill it. Then Jesus opened us their mind to understand the scriptures. In that moment they saw clearly who Jesus was and why He had come. May your prayer be the same. Do not walk in fear but in the joy of knowing who Jesus is and what the scriptures say about Him. Ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten and teach you about who Jesus is, and the wonderful life He has in store for you.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Proof of His Resurrection
– Proof of His Resurrection – Luke 24:38-40
This next incident is proof positive that Jesus was alive. Jesus said to them, “Why are you troubled and why do thoughts arise in your heart.” Jesus always addresses what is going on in our minds and hearts. He knows what we are thinking because He is all knowing. He knows when we are troubled and negative thoughts are leading our perceptions. God gives us great promises from the word to help when we find ourselves in times like these. Jesus told the apostles to look at His hands and feet. Touch me and see, Jesus said, “You want proof. Here is your proof. My hands and feet bear the scars of the suffering. His hands and feet will bear these signs for eternity as a remembrance for all what He did to purchase our salvation.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Jesus appears to the Ten
Luke 24:36-37 – Jesus Appears to Ten
As the two disciples that Jesus met on the road to Emmaus were sharing about what had happened Jesus appears in their midst. What great timing and staging. Imagine you are listening to an account of a friend and loved one being raised from the dead and then flash they appear in front of you. Jesus immediately addresses their fears. They felt they had seen a ghost. He says, “Peace be unto you.” Basically He tells them everything is o.k. “I am here.” When Jesus comes into the middle of our life a peace comes. It comes because He is the Prince of Peace, Luke explains what is happening to the apostles. They were two words, terrified and frightened. They thought they had seen a Spirit. Jesus comes to take care of our fears. Paul states in 2 Tim 1:7, “God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind. John says that perfect love casts out all fear. If that is that state of your life today or any part of this day, remember the Prince of Peace is here to take away your fear and give you His love, power and sanity.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Report tot he Apostles
Luke 24:33-35 – A Report to the Apostles
So we have the two disciples immediately within the hour going back to Jerusalem and finding the apostles telling them what they had experienced. The apostles were in a gathering and there were others with them. They told them that Jesus had risen and that Simon had seen Jesus was well. This information must have come from Jesus, They told the apostles how Jesus had spoken to them on the way to Emmaus and then how He had revealed Himself when they sat down to eat. What a story to tell. Here everyone thinks that Jesus is dead and then He shows Himself alive to the two disciples. What is amazing is how quickly they went to tell others about what they had experienced. This is what we must do. We have the greatest message ever. Do not be selfish and keep it to yourself. Jesus is your Saviour, Healer, Baptizer in the Holy Spirit and your Soon Coming King. Share this message with others and change your world. Some will not believe but others will for His praise and glory.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Acts 1:5 –
Holy Spirit Baptism
This is where the phrase, “Baptism of the
Holy Spirit,” comes from. Jesus said
that John had baptised with water. The
concept here is to be fully immersed. To
be willing to die to self and live for God.
To identify with the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the same way the disciples would be
immersed in the Holy Spirit. All that
was of the flesh would die. They would
submit to leadership of the Holy Spirit and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. They would be fully immersed in the things of
God. The things of this world would be
washed away and the new life of Christ would be their goal. When one is baptised in the Holy Spirit new
life and purpose arise. You have gifts
that are designed for service. You have
the oral gifts, the power gifts and the revelational gifts. Each designed to be under t he complete
control of the Holy Spirit. The hymn
writer puts it beautifully, “the things of earth grow strangely dim in the
light of His glory and grace. These are
graces or virtues that come when you have been baptised in the Holy
Spirit. Seek the Baptism today we all
its benefits for His praise and glory.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Peter Re-Instated
Peter is Reinstated – John 21:15-19 This is a very interesting passage because Jesus re-states Peter but He does it through one question being asked 3 Times. Jesus asked this question because Peter denied Jesus three times. Three is also a strong cord of truth. In scripture when someone does something three times or is asked a question three times it becomes a cord of truth or spiritual reality. The book of Ecclesiastes tells us a three fold cord is not easily broken. When Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved him, it was followed by the exhortation to feed His sheep. Here is a truth, you can love Jesus and not feed or care for His people. Love is the motivation behind unity. When you love the church you will do every thing to keep unity and relationships. You will keep short account with God and others. If you find your self not in unity with the church you do not really love Christ as you should. Peter told Jesus that he loved Him. Jesus then tells Peter how his life will end and what will happen to him in the future. Peter would later be martyred for the faith and his death would glorify God. When we choose to follow Jesus there is always a distinct possibility of suffering, persecution and even death. In fact we learn that death for the cause of Christ is something that glorifies God. It was evident here that John wrote this gospel after Peter was killed and how he was martyred.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
The Great Commission
The Great Commission - Matthew 28:19-20 This is the second part of the Great Commission. Jesus is with His disciples. Now this event happened in Galilee but for the sake of consistency in our devotional the writer has place it here. Jesus tells His audience that He has been given all power in heaven and on earth. He has the power of attorney. He has won this right and privilege through His death, burial and resurrection. Jesus while He was a man was limited but now in His resurrected form all His previous power, authority and dominion has been returned. Jesus then commissioned His disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel or good news about Him. This is a message to be preached and taught to all who will listen. We are to baptized them in the name of the Father, Son and Hoy Spirit. Water Baptism is an outward sign of the inner transformation of the heart. This is formula for water Baptism. We are to baptise in the Trinity. Jesus then tells them to observe all things that He commanded them. They were to love one another and fulfill the great commission. Then He closes this passage with a great promise. “I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Jesus is with us. No matter where we are, what we face or why we are and where we are, the Lord is with us. This is a great comfort in life. Jesus has given us a task but He will now leave us alone He is with us. What a great promise. Matthew closes off this final passage with Amen. Exclamation point and done deal. Praise God.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Tell others
In Matt 28:19, Jesus told His disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel, making disciples of all men and baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit,. This is a commission and life work for the Christian. Everyday we get the opportunity to share Christ with those in our world. We do it by the way that we live and what we say to others. We say more with our lives then with our lips. Jesus said that people would know we are His disciples by the way that we love each other. Love is the greatest witness for Christ. One time there was a man who wanted to win his friend to Christ. First, he told his friend about Christ. He laid out the plan of salvation and then he asked his friend if he wanted to know Christ. His friend politely replied, "no." The man was not discouraged. As he was praying for his friend the Lord impressed him to just love his friend which he did. About six months later his friend knocked on the man's door. The man opened the door and after a few minutes of small talk, the friend asked him if he could give his life to Christ. The man said, "of course." This man lead his friend to Christ and both were joyful. A couple of weeks later this man was curious about why his friend came to Christ. He asked him and his friend said, " I came to Christ because you not only told me but you lived your Christianity out before me" So today don't just tell people live your Christianity out as well.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Jesus and the Women
Jesus meets the other Women – Matt 28:8-10
Jesus is appearing now every where. The women had just left the tomb and they were filled with joy and fear. They were going to tell the other disciples what had happened. Jesus met then and greeted them. They did three things, they came, they held his feet and they worshipped Him. He tells them not to be afraid. The Lord always deals with our fears and then He re-emphasized the angel’s message of going into Galilee and waiting for Him there to meet them.
When ever we encounter the Lord there is always going to be a reaction. It will be fear, awe amazement and joy. In the case of the women they were fearful and joyful. When God does something wonderful in our lives we are always joyful but we also are in awe of Him. It is beautiful to know that the God f the universe still works on our behalf. Trust Him today and you will see His glory at work.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Mary and Jesus
Mary and Jesus - John 20:13-17
This is a very interesting account. Mary had just talked with the angels about where they had taken Jesus and she turns around and there He is. At first she thinks He is a gardener. She asks Him if He had taken the body. She wanted Him to show her the body so she could go and get it. Then Jesus spoke and immediately she recognized Him and called Him master. It appears she made an attempt to cling onto Him. He told her that she could not because He had not ascended. She would have kept Him there to herself. He then told her to go and tell the others. He then told her that He was going to back to His Father. He then called His Father her Father, and His God and her God. Jesus made it clear that because of the resurrection Mary and us have a new relationship with God. He is our Father and our God. Scholar have struggled with this passage because it indicates that Jesus was about to go back to His Father or He would ascend a second time later. One thing is clear that Mary wanted to keep Jesus there but Jesus did make it clear that He had other things to do. A good lesson we can learn from this is that our relationship with the Lord is an evolving thing. It will always change as we get to know Him better and see how God wishes for us to know Him better and as our faith deepens.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Mary and the Angels
24 – Mary Magdalene and the angels –
John 20:11-13
Mary was still at the tomb crying when two
angels appeared in the tomb. One at top
of the tomb where Jesus’ head was and the other at the place where Jesus’ feet
was. They asked Mary why she was
crying. She replied that someone had
taken away Jesus’ body and she did not know where they had taken it. The reality of the situation had not fully
dawn on her. All the facts had not yet
fallen into place. Mary would see things
differently in just a moment of time but at this time her emotions and the
reality of the situation were guiding her reactions. Never let your emotions and perception of God
be dictated by the reality of the moment.
God may still have more to teach and show you. Solomon said that we are trust the Lord with
all our heart and not to lean on our own understanding but in all ways
acknowledge Him and He will direct our path.
Always trust God because the full answer to your question is on the
way. The timing is God’s not ours.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Mary Magdalene and Peter
23 - Mary Magdalene tells Peter – John 20:2:-10
Mary had come to the tomb according to John
and found the tomb empty. She run back
to Simon Peter and John and told them Jesus’ body has been taken and she did
not know where they had taken it. So
Peter and John run to the tomb but John out ran Peter. John did not enter the tomb at first. He looked in and saw the grave clothes. Peter went right in and saw the napkin that
had been on Jesus’ face was not with the clothes but was wrapped up in another
place by itself. When John came in he
saw the evidence and believed that Jesus had risen. At the time they were not aware of the
scripture that talked about His resurrection.
They would of course believed it later.
Many times when God does something we are not aware of it until later
when things fall into place. Peter and
John would know that later. Today if you
do not have all the facts still believe and trust God. He knows what He is doing in your life. Also resurrection power flows through
you. So believed and you will see God’s
glory and resurrection in your life.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Resurrection Events
Today we are continuing on with the account of the angel of the women from Galilee. I love this next part, The angel of the Lord which had rolled back the stone and was now sitting on it said, “He is not here, for He has risen.” What a wonderful statement. Jesus is not dead, He is alive. Death, hell and the grace could not hold. The world, the flesh and the devil have been defeated. Then He said, “Come and see the place where He laid.” You want physical evidence and real proof. Here is the empty tomb. You have the witness of the angel, the guards and the women. He then told them to go and tell Jesus’ disciples that He has risen from the dead. He then told them that Jesus would go ahead of them into Galilee and it is there that they would see Him. This statement made sense because at the beginning of the account they were from Galilee. The resurrection and the empty tomb are the evidence that Jesus is alive. Without these evidences our faith is in vain. Jesus was just another good man. The resurrection and tomb prove categorically that Jesus is who He said He was. Today walk in these truths and let them be the foundation for your faith and life in Christ. Remember that same Spirit who raise Christ from the dead dwell in you.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Resurrection Events
The Events of the Resurrection – Matt 28:1-4
Matthew gives a wonderful account of the Morning of the Resurrection. It says that it was at dawn that Mary Magdalene and the other Mary cam to the tomb. While they were there a great earthquake happened. In front of them and angel of the Lord descended from heaven. Talk about dramatic staging. The angel came back and rolled back the stone. He sat upon it as if to say to all who were there. “What are you going to do about this?” Remember Jesus had been put to death by the world power at that time and here was heaven resisting political and world power. His countenance was like lightning and his clothing was white as snow. The glory and purity of God was on this angel. The guards and people assigned to keep the tomb and impose the power of Rome became like dead men. No power and authority can defy God. The angel than said to the women, “Fear not, for I know you seek Jesus who men had crucified. He knew why they were there. By the way that phrase, “Fear not is found 365 times in the bible, one for everyday of the week. It is wonderful that nothing can stop God or His children. We need to put aside our fear and walk by faith and win our world for Jesus Christ. Besides we have angels walking with us and we have inside of us the power of the Holy Spirit. This is winning combination.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Women of Galilee
Luke 23:55-56 – The Women from Galilee This little account of the women of Galilee is noteworthy because of three reasons. First it states that they were women who had follow Jesus from Galilee. They had been part of His ministry from near the beginning they had seen the different phases of His ministry. They were there when he started out, His year of popularity, than opposition and then His death. They were loyal not only to concept of the Messiah but they were loyal to the man. Secondly, they follow the men who buried Jesus to see where the body was laid. Thirdly, they wanted to prepare the body with spices and ointments. It was obvious to them that Jesus’ body needed a feminine touch in the burial. They would rest on the Sabbath and return on the first day of the week to finish their preparation. A thought to ponder today. Are you loyal to the thought of Jesus Christ or to the man? Will you be with Him at the end as you were at the beginning? Last thought, Will you finish well and in victory. These ladies did.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Mary at the Tomb
Mary and Mary Magdalene at the Tomb – Matt 27:59-61 This event is note worthy because four things that happened. First, Joseph took Jesus’ body and wrapped in a clean linen cloth. As we learned yesterday that he and Nicodemus wrapped the body in linen stripes in the custom of Jewish burials. He then took the linen cloth and wrapped the body in it. Matthew leaves Nicodemus out of the account. Next, the tomb Joseph used was his own which he had cut of the rock. Joseph gave his own tomb. Joseph gave his best in a last act of worship for Jesus. Thirdly he rolled a large stone in front of the tomb. This was to keep the body in and raiders out. The last noteworthy item is the fact that Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were sitting there across from the tomb. This is not worthy because they would go the tomb on Sunday Morning. They wanted to know where Jesus was. Do you know where Jesus is? Do you know what He wishes to do in your life? Be like the two Mary’s and wanted to be as close to Jesus as you can.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Joseph and Nicodemus
Jesus’ Burial – John 38-42 Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus asked for the body of Jesus. In the other gospels it was Joseph but John clarified that Nicodemus was also involved as well. They took the body and prepared it with 75 pounds of spices. The same amount that would be used to bury a King. Very fitting because Jesus was and is the King of the Jews. They wrapped His body in clothes of linen in accordance to Jewish customs. They would then place Jesus in a tomb in the garden where Jesus was crucified. The tomb had never been used. Other gospels say it was Joseph’s tomb. The reason they did this was because it was the Day of Preparation and they Sabbath was almost upon them. It mostly was because of convenience that they did this. This is significant because it clarifies the location of the empty tomb. In Jerusalem there are two tombs where Jesus is supposed to have been laid. There is the traditional one located by Helen Constantine’s mother and the Garden Tomb located by General Gordon. The issue is not where He was laid but the fact that the tomb is empty because even though His burial and how it was done is significant. What is more important is that the tomb is empty and Jesus is alive.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Friday, November 15, 2013
Legs are Broken
The Thieves Legs are Broken – John 19:31-32
These two verses bring a reality of the harshness and cruelty of crucifixition and Roman law. The Roman soldiers saw that Jesus had died and so to hurry the death of the other prisoners along they brought their lives. In this act this show the disregard the Roman had for human life. Let us not be like the Romans, let us regard all life as precious and valuable. People have been made in the image of God and should be treated with love acceptance and forgiveness. An interesting side note. The thief who ask Jesus to remember Him when He came in Kingdom was about to have his wish fulfilled. Sometimes life can be cruel but the hope owe have in Jesus Christ will help to overcome what we face and one day we shall be with Him as the thief was. Let us put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ and walk in victory inspite of what happens in the world around us. Your Promises today are: Isaiah 53:5, 1 Pet 2:24, Prov 4:5-6, Matt 6:33, Luke 1:37, James 4:7 and 1 John 4:4. Your Insightful Thought is: Hope is confidence in God's ability and not man's.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
The Confession of the Multitude
Nov 14 – The confession of the multitude – Luke 23-48
The multitude of people after Jesus had died began to began to beat their breasts and went away. They knew that this was a death that was unnecessary. They knew they had put an innocent man to death. It was interesting that all who knew Jesus watch the whole event at a distance. The only ones were with Jesus at the cross was John and His mother Mary. Jesus was abandoned and faced this cruel death alone. Once He died the victory of Calvary was secured. The crowd got what it wanted but realized that what they wanted was not really what they wanted. They saw the horrendous results of their hatred. An innocent man was dead and they would have to face all the consequences of this act. A lesson we can learn from this event is that many times the things we want are not the things we should have. Pray the will of God to be done in your life and this will keep you have to be sorrowful and regretful for what has transpire in your life. The Lord wishes to give good things to His children.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
The Tombs are Opened
Nov 13 – Tombs are opened up – Matt 27:52 After the earthquake tombs through out the city were thrown open and many holy people were raised from the dead. This is an example of what resurrection power is all about. Here we have the one who came to give life bringing life to those who had been dead. The people who were raised were known for their piety and desire to follow God. Matthew says they were holy or righteous people. This event underscores the fact that Jesus came to give us life and with it more abundance. Another important fact was that they were seen through out the city. The supernatural elements of Jesus death spoke here because this was not an isolated event but many were seen. We do not have any evidence that those who were raised said anything but the fact that they were alive spoke to the incredible things that were happening that day. Today let resurrection power be displayed in your life as a testimony to your world that Jesus’ power and victory is in your life. Promises Today: 1 John 3:8, John 15:7, Psalm 84:11, Prov 10:11 and Jer 1:12. Proverbs for Today:
As the caterpillar struggles to free`itself from the cocoon to become a butterfly. Prayer through struggle frees the soul, mind and spirit to the beauty of divine presence and love.
Love like rope becomes stronger when more strands are added it.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
We know His voice
In John 10:27, Jesus says that those who are His sheep know His voice and they follow Him. What a privilege it is to know Jesus Christ. To hear His voice and follow Him. There are many voices in the world calling for us to follow them. There is the voice of materialism which says, "Follow me and I will make you rich and the things I give you will secure you success." In reality what happens is that the things we possess actually possess us. There is the voice of pride and education. It tells people that if they become more educated or get a better degree that will bring security and success in life. Most times you have a smart, educated fool. The voice of pleasure and passion says that it will make you pretty, sexy and successful but in reality like the Samaritan woman it leaves a series of broken relationships and empty dreams. There is the voice of religion that promises you peace in life when all it does is binds you in a bunch of rules and regulations. Jesus said, hose who come to Him will be set free. He will give peace that passes all understanding. He will bring us to the Father and we will become the children of God. When we come to Christ we are His sheep. We get to know His voice and we want to follow Him. Jesus gives us abundant and eternal life. Today meditate on this truth and get to know Christ better to follow Him and know His voice.
Monday, November 11, 2013
10 Things You Didn't Know About The Romans
10 Civilizations You've Never Heard Of
Top 10 Signs You Are Getting Old
Aging Rockers - Tim Hawkins
Tim Hawkins - Inappropriate Wedding Songs
Tim Hawkins-Shortend Songs for ADD
Tim Hawkins The dogs on fire.
Tim Hawkins- Old Rock Star Songs
Tim Hawkins - Hey There Delilah
Tim Hawkins Things you don't say to your wife
The Carpenters - Rainy Days And Mondays
carpenters -We've Only Just Begun
LOBO - Me And You And A Dog Named Boo - 1973 Official Video
Cherokee Nation-Paul Revere and The Raiders
Olivia Newton-John Have You Never Been Mellow (Live 1975)
Olivia Newton John 1974 I Honestly Love You
Debby Boone - You Light Up My Life
Beautiful Sunday- Daniel Boone- 1972
Nothing more is needed
Nov 11 –
John 19:30 – It is Finished
This was the phrase Jesus said before He died. It is a Word of Triumph. Sin has been dealt with. Satan has been defeated. It is the announcement that Jesus’ earthly
ministry has been completed. Nothing
more has to be done or said. Jesus is
anticipating resurrection. This is a cry
of victory. A plan was fulfilled,
salvation has come and love has been shown.
Jesus had taken our place. He
demonstrated both humanities weakness and God’s love. He offered Himself as the one and for all
sacrifice for mankind. This statement is
His declaration to His complete obedience to His divine purpose. Jesus was the Lamb of God who took away the
sins of the world. Nothing more is
needed or added. To do so would negate
the sacrifice of the cross. As he died,
it was finished. The greatest, noblest
man who ever walked this planet, God in flesh breathed His last. As I write this the awesome reality of what
was done has fully impacted this writer.
Jesus the perfect Lamb of God died for me. Praise God.
As this day is the Day of Remembrance for those who gave their lives for
the freedom of man. Let us remember the
greatest sacrifice for freedom ever.
Friday, November 8, 2013
A Love Story
In 1 Sam 25, there is a wonderful love story between David and Abigail. Abigail was married to a selfish and foolish man named Nabal. He was very rude to David after David had been very kind to him. David was going to take revenge when Abigail through and act of kindness intervened. Later Nabal died and David married Abigail. The Bible is full of great love stories. There is Abraham and Sarah, Issac and Rebekah, Jacob and Rachel. All these stories center around love. God was in the middle of these relationships. The Bible records that things did not always go smooth between these couples, yet their faith in God and their love for each other always prevailed. Sometimes as married couples things are not always easy. There is money troubles or sickness in the family. If you put your trust in the Lord He will see you through. He is the third person in your marriage. Remember that today.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
What is in your heart?
In Mark 7:20-23, Jesus tells His audience what is in their hearts. Jesus said that what comes out of man is in His heart. He said that in the heart of men are adulteries and all kind of sexual sins, murder, theft, covetousness, wickedness, lies, bad living, pride, foolishness and evil intents. All these come from within and defile a person. The only thing that can deal with the evil of the heart is a brand new nature. That nature comes by giving one's life to Jesus Christ. I love redemption and salvation for two reasons. One, that it restores a person to right standing with God and two, that a sinner can be turned into a saint. When a person comes to Christ, the Holy Spirit takes up residence. He comes and lives in an individual. He then begins to change that person from the inside out. He works on our thoughts, words, actions, attitudes and motives. He also regenerates our hearts and helps us to think differently. As children of God we want to do the will of God. We learn to appreciate what God has done and our desire is to show our love and appreciation by living for Him. One of the keys of really understanding how much God has done for you is to realize what a sinner you were. I know when I came to Christ I knew what a sinner I was. I knew I could not save myself and so I knew how much God loved me. Jesus said those that are forgiven much love much. It is a realization of God's grace and mercy. You know what Jesus has done and you are so thankful that He died in your place. This also helps to bring about righteous living because you want to do the things that please God. So today let righteousness and love flow out your heart into life and influence those around you for Jesus Christ. You have a new nature now act like it.
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