Saturday, March 24, 2012

What is the Problem?

   I was paying as I do every Saturday morning for revival.  This is a habit that I have had since Sept 25, 2005.  You may ask the question, "What was so significant about that day?"  That was the day the Lord spoke to me particularly to pray for revival.  Up to that point it was an occasional thing but that day it became a focus of every Saturday.  I have been faithful ever since.  This morning as I was praying and I asked the Lord why we were not seeing the results we wished and His answer was very clear, much to my surprise.  He said the problem was His people.  In particular it was our hearts.  I asked Him to show me my heart and I did not like what He showed me and so I spent a significant time just repenting.  The truth of the matter is there are not as many of us as there should be in the place with God that we should be.  Now we can use many excuses to justify our present condition.  We are to busy, distracted, to many demands, life has been hard, people have hurt us, etc.  The reality is we really do not have an excuse.  Judgment and revival begin in the House of the Lord.  I will not speak for any one else.  I just know I have dropped the ball.  So if people in your world remain relatively unchanged and you are not seeing the results you want to see.  Look at your own heart it saves a lot of time and frustration.  2 Chron 7:14, reminds us that if we want to see God hearing us, forgiving our sin and healing our land it begins with us.  We need to humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways.  The answer is simple yet so complex.  If you are like me you do not want your heart exposed.  Self examination is encouraged in scripture but we do not like to do it because it may show us what we are really like.  We all have an image of how people see us.  We work from that image to present the best us, we can.  The reality is we should be asking God how He sees us because at the end of the day it is Him that we have to give an account of our lives.  Scary thought unless you keep short accounts with Him.  Our lives should be lived for an audience of one.  For God and Him alone.  Change your world today by changing your heart.  Remember Jesus said when we seek the Kingdom of God first, then all things will be added to us.  Now as Doctor Laura says, "Go and do the right thing."    

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