Thursday, March 29, 2012

Think before you act.

   I love the story of David and Bathsheba found in 2 Sam 11.  It has so many twists and turns and is such a human story.  David is walking on his balcony, he sees a beautiful woman and falls for her in one glance.  Problem is she is married.  He throws caution to the wind and has an affair with her.  She gets pregnant.  He tries to cover up the sin and brings back her husband to sleep with her.  When tist fails David has him ordered killed but makes it look like an accident.  David then takes Bathsheba as his wife and a child is born to them.  Nathan the prophet exposes the sin and the child born to this union becomes ill, David repents but the child stills dies.  What a human story.
   We all have done things we will later regret.  The tragedy of human life is we all make mistakes and sin.  With that sin sometimes comes consequences we have to face.  In Galatian 6:8, it states, "God is not mock, whatever we sow we will reap."  If you sow sin, you will reap sin and if you sow righteousness you will reap righteousness.  Here is food for thought.  I suggest that all of us look hard at our lives and decide today what kind of life we wish to sow.  My desire is to sow righteousness and make an impact on my world.  I trust you will wish to do the same.  It is our decision. 

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