Friday, March 30, 2012
Monument to self.
Today in my early morning devotion I was looking at the life of Absolom a young man who built a mounment to himself. Absolom was a young man who was living in the shadow of his father. David was a very godly man and Absolom was a very ambitious man. As I said a few days ago ambition is not a bad thing when directed the right way and to the right things. In Absolom's case he wanted to be king and he would do anything to get the throne. He spent four years conspiring against his father and eventually seized the throne. This led to a brief but bloody civil war where thousands died and eventually Absolom was killed. The lessons we can learn from his life are many. First, we learn that ambition misdriected will cost much in the long run. Secondly, building monuments to oneself which Absolom did will be destroyed or shown for the foolishness they are. Thirdly, promotion of oneself leads to the destruction of those around us. Many a family has been destroyed because a husband or wife is a casualty because to much time being spent on a occupation or career. Children are neglected or ignore as a parent pursues the almighty dollar or career. The price is to high. Jesus said, we are to store up treasures in heaven where moths cannot eat it, they will not rust or be stolen. Where are you storing your treasures, in this world or the next?
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Think before you act.
I love the story of David and Bathsheba found in 2 Sam 11. It has so many twists and turns and is such a human story. David is walking on his balcony, he sees a beautiful woman and falls for her in one glance. Problem is she is married. He throws caution to the wind and has an affair with her. She gets pregnant. He tries to cover up the sin and brings back her husband to sleep with her. When tist fails David has him ordered killed but makes it look like an accident. David then takes Bathsheba as his wife and a child is born to them. Nathan the prophet exposes the sin and the child born to this union becomes ill, David repents but the child stills dies. What a human story.
We all have done things we will later regret. The tragedy of human life is we all make mistakes and sin. With that sin sometimes comes consequences we have to face. In Galatian 6:8, it states, "God is not mock, whatever we sow we will reap." If you sow sin, you will reap sin and if you sow righteousness you will reap righteousness. Here is food for thought. I suggest that all of us look hard at our lives and decide today what kind of life we wish to sow. My desire is to sow righteousness and make an impact on my world. I trust you will wish to do the same. It is our decision.
We all have done things we will later regret. The tragedy of human life is we all make mistakes and sin. With that sin sometimes comes consequences we have to face. In Galatian 6:8, it states, "God is not mock, whatever we sow we will reap." If you sow sin, you will reap sin and if you sow righteousness you will reap righteousness. Here is food for thought. I suggest that all of us look hard at our lives and decide today what kind of life we wish to sow. My desire is to sow righteousness and make an impact on my world. I trust you will wish to do the same. It is our decision.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Desire for the Lord
In my devotions today I was looking at the life of David. In 1 Sam 7:8-27, we find a marvelous story of David wanting to build a temple for the Lord. His desire was to have a central location for worship of the Lord. As he was preparing for the task the Lord told him he could not build it. When he inquired about this, the Lord told him that he had spilled to much blood in his life time. Now for most most this would have discouraged them to the point that they would have moved on to another task. David however was not like most men. He looked at this setback as an opportunity for growth.
David immediately spent the rest of his lifestime doing a work of preparation. David gathered material to build the temple. It was David who drew up the plans for the temple and he also gave much of his personal fortune to the project. David look at this setback as an opportunity. Many times in our own lives we face setbacks and problems and how we face them is very important. We can be like many and fume and fuss and take our ball home so to speak or we can grow and become better because of them. Our view and attitude is so important. One of my favorite saying is, "Attitude is everything in the things of God." One of my present board members says, "Attitude is the only thing." Setbacks and problems are God's tools of refinement. How they refine us depends on us.
David immediately spent the rest of his lifestime doing a work of preparation. David gathered material to build the temple. It was David who drew up the plans for the temple and he also gave much of his personal fortune to the project. David look at this setback as an opportunity. Many times in our own lives we face setbacks and problems and how we face them is very important. We can be like many and fume and fuss and take our ball home so to speak or we can grow and become better because of them. Our view and attitude is so important. One of my favorite saying is, "Attitude is everything in the things of God." One of my present board members says, "Attitude is the only thing." Setbacks and problems are God's tools of refinement. How they refine us depends on us.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Doing the right thing.
Today in my devotions I was reading about Job and how he did anything he could to maintain his position and power. He literally eliminated anyone who stood in his way. He actually killed his rivals. Now today many people employ similar tactics as Job does. They may not physically kill people but they will do anything they can to destroy a reputation and make themselves look good at the expense of others. Once a Christian business told me that business was business and Christianity was Christianity. I asked him if they could mix and he said to my shock that sometimes they could not. My remark to him was that you have to take you Christianity into every facet of your life or you are being a hypocrite. We live our lives in the public arena as Christians as well as in our homes. What we do in public does matters as it does in our homes. I know that what we do in private affects our public realm and vice versa. Your thoughts, words, deeds and attitudes reflect who really is in control of your life. Is Jesus in control of your life or not? It is time for personal examination. I know I have been talking about this issue a lot recently because each day we live we are one day closer to the coming of the Lord. The signs of the times indicate we are getting closer and closer. Recently in one of our evening services a word from the Lord came telling us that Jesus is coming very very very very soon. This word shook me to my very foundation. I have resolved to live my life as if Jesus would come back in the next seven minutes. This has change my whole perspective. I hope it will change yours.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Proper choices
In my devotion today, I was reading about the tribe of Judah chose David to be their king some seven years before the rest of the tribes would. The tribe of Judah had the mind of God years before others did. Saul had been the choice of the people but David was God's choice. Problem is that it sometimes takes people a little to catch up with God. I have often mused about myself and how I have ended up where I have. For example, I have been a pastor for 33 years and have pastored in many places. These were churches that I never though I would ever be at. One time I was sitting in the home of a family who had been in Yellowknife. They were describing life in the North and I thought no way man would I ever go there. It was my next community. Another time I was driving through Salmon Arm and the Lord said, this is where you will pastor one day. I thought great. I will pastor the Pentecostal Church here. I did return to pastor in Salmon Arm but it was with the Foursquare Church. Back in 2000, we were having lunch by the Sturgeon river in St. Albert and my wife said, "would it be great to pastor here." I replied, "only it you drag me kicking and screaming." I did not like large cities but here I am.
I wrote all this for one reason. I have never looked at myself as a talented or special person. Just a willing heart. You must be willing to go, do and be what God wants you to be. Over the years I have met and so have you, talented, intelligent, wonderfully gifted people sitting on the sidelines doing the minimum for God. Why are they sitting there doing relatively nothing. It is the condition of their heart. My exhortation to you is to be a willing heart. Make yourself available to God. David did and see what God did for him.
I wrote all this for one reason. I have never looked at myself as a talented or special person. Just a willing heart. You must be willing to go, do and be what God wants you to be. Over the years I have met and so have you, talented, intelligent, wonderfully gifted people sitting on the sidelines doing the minimum for God. Why are they sitting there doing relatively nothing. It is the condition of their heart. My exhortation to you is to be a willing heart. Make yourself available to God. David did and see what God did for him.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Sunday is a great day.
I always look forward to Sunday and have since I gave my life to Christ. Sunday is the day I get to hang out with my local Christians. It is the time that I get to corporately worship the Lord and hear or present the word of God. The local church is such as a wonderful thing. It is the place you can healed, restored, delivered, receive forgiveness, be encouraged, strengthen and come into full victory. There is nothing like having a loving family lay their hands on you and pray for you when you are going through a hard time. I feel so sad for those who decide to either stay home or refuse to go to the house of the Lord. They are missing so much. Yes, I have heard all the arguments but in the grand scheme of things they really are so insignificant. You may have many reasons in your mind to not go to the local church. Let me give you one why you should. The local church was God's idea. Let me give you another. Jesus made the local house of worship His habit and if you are His disciple you should as well, otherwise you are just being disobedient. I will not mix words on this issue. Go to God's house today and be an example. Take your children and show them the importance of it. I have four children who serve the Lord and the local church was an important role in that happening. Church was never an option and they are saying that today to their children. So I encourage you to go to your local house of worship and be a blessing.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
What is the Problem?
I was paying as I do every Saturday morning for revival. This is a habit that I have had since Sept 25, 2005. You may ask the question, "What was so significant about that day?" That was the day the Lord spoke to me particularly to pray for revival. Up to that point it was an occasional thing but that day it became a focus of every Saturday. I have been faithful ever since. This morning as I was praying and I asked the Lord why we were not seeing the results we wished and His answer was very clear, much to my surprise. He said the problem was His people. In particular it was our hearts. I asked Him to show me my heart and I did not like what He showed me and so I spent a significant time just repenting. The truth of the matter is there are not as many of us as there should be in the place with God that we should be. Now we can use many excuses to justify our present condition. We are to busy, distracted, to many demands, life has been hard, people have hurt us, etc. The reality is we really do not have an excuse. Judgment and revival begin in the House of the Lord. I will not speak for any one else. I just know I have dropped the ball. So if people in your world remain relatively unchanged and you are not seeing the results you want to see. Look at your own heart it saves a lot of time and frustration. 2 Chron 7:14, reminds us that if we want to see God hearing us, forgiving our sin and healing our land it begins with us. We need to humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways. The answer is simple yet so complex. If you are like me you do not want your heart exposed. Self examination is encouraged in scripture but we do not like to do it because it may show us what we are really like. We all have an image of how people see us. We work from that image to present the best us, we can. The reality is we should be asking God how He sees us because at the end of the day it is Him that we have to give an account of our lives. Scary thought unless you keep short accounts with Him. Our lives should be lived for an audience of one. For God and Him alone. Change your world today by changing your heart. Remember Jesus said when we seek the Kingdom of God first, then all things will be added to us. Now as Doctor Laura says, "Go and do the right thing."
Friday, March 23, 2012
Being Honourable
This morning in my devotions I was reading 1 Sam 26 where David had a chance to kill Saul and chose not too. Saul had been an enemy of David's for a long time and tried many times to kill David but David never retaliated. Why was that? Saul was the Lord's anointed and David had great respect for that office. The gifts and callings of God are without repentance. This means when God calls someone He is not sorry He did. Now I know there has been lots of misuse of God's callings by individuals over the years but this does not diminish the office of the Lord's anointed. God is the one who deals with each person. David let God deal with Saul. From history we know that Saul eventually took his oown life and the Kingdom went to David.
I believe that we must let the Lord fight our battles and deal with our enemies. When we try to fight our own battles we often make the situation worse. I have had over the years many people misunderstand what I was trying to do and attack my character and reputation. When I am tempted to rataliate or try to defend myself I remember that no matter what any one does to me I must not do the same to them. I must walk in love, acceptance anf forgiveness. God will help me and I will do things His way. The beautiful thing is that I am still in the ministry after 33 years, I now am doing radio, writing, doing internet ministry and pastoring. Those early critics are gone and I am still here which I find amazing. So let God fight your battles and just stay focused on the Lord.
I believe that we must let the Lord fight our battles and deal with our enemies. When we try to fight our own battles we often make the situation worse. I have had over the years many people misunderstand what I was trying to do and attack my character and reputation. When I am tempted to rataliate or try to defend myself I remember that no matter what any one does to me I must not do the same to them. I must walk in love, acceptance anf forgiveness. God will help me and I will do things His way. The beautiful thing is that I am still in the ministry after 33 years, I now am doing radio, writing, doing internet ministry and pastoring. Those early critics are gone and I am still here which I find amazing. So let God fight your battles and just stay focused on the Lord.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Love Stories
Today in my deovtions I was reading about Abigail and David. What a great story. First Abigail is married to a selfish and foolish man named Nabal. David had been very kind to Nabal and in return for that kindness, Nabal was rude and vengeful. David was about to destroy Nabal and all his household when Abigail through an act of kindness intervened. After Nabal had died, David married Abigail. The Bible is full of great love stories, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Rachel. Things did not always go smooth for these couple but it was their faith in God and their love for each other that got them through. It is the same with all marriages. Things are not always good, right, smooth or easy. Yet it is our faith in God and love for each other that will get us through. I do not know what you are facing today in your marriage but let the Lord be the third person in your marriage and allow Him to help you get through. He will help find the solution you need, make you have the determination and resolve to keep moving forward and help you see this is not the end of your story.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Why I do what I do!
One time I was asked why I do what I do? The answer is simple, I love my Saviour and I want to touch as many as I can for Him. I will not deny that I am driven. I want to reach as many people as I can while I have time. I know that we are living in the last days and that each day is a gift. The two mediums that God has given me lately has been pastoring and the radio. I love both mediums. My love for radio began when I was 13 when I received a information package from the Columbia School of Broadcasting. This is what I wanted to do with my life. When I got saved at the age of 17, God changed my priorities and called me into full time Christian service. I went to Bible School after I had finished my radio training at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology. I became a pastor in 1979 and returned to radio in 1985. Since then I have been doing both in the many locations which I have lived. Through these mediums I have been able to touch mutlitudes of lives for the glory of God. Today I have the largest opportunity yet. To pastor in a large city and to be on a Christian Radio Station is so wonderful. All of this was said for one reason. I have attemtped to reach my world for Christ. I know what Jesus has done for me. He took a broken, angry young man and changed his life forever. He can do the same for others. We must tell others of the love and transforming power of God. He set us free, let us not be so selfish to keep this message to ourselves. We have a duty and obligation to tell others. I am driven and comsumed by this thought. Will you not join me and touch your world for Jesus.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
I have a dream.
I had the privielge yesterday of attending a rally with more than 2000 people to defend the parental rights to teach children what we believe to be true. The education act has a clause in it that says all education in the province whether a public, Catholic, private or home school must comform to the human rights act. This sounds at first like a good idea until you tear back the real message. The human rights act come into direct conflict with biblical teaching. The Bible says that God is the creator of the universe, not evolution. The bible says that life begins at conception, which the proponents of abortion do not. The bible says that homosexuality is a sin and morally wrong. At this time if a parent chooses to teach these truths they would not be subject to prosecution this may all change. The education minister yesterday gave assurances that this was not the case but what he says and what is written in the act are two different things. Freedom of speech, and parental rights have been up to this point a treasured freedom in Alberta. This could all change. Make your voice known today. The bill is currently is being debated in the legislature today and could be law as soon as Thursday. E mail your MLA or phone them and let your voice be known.
Monday, March 19, 2012
The Goliath's of Life.
In my devotions today, I was looking at the story of David and Goliath. There are so many truths contained in the story. For example I learned that David learned to trust God in that moment for without God he would not get the victory. Secondly, Goliath was not insulting David, or Israel, but God. God is looking for a champion who will defend his name. Thirdly, I learned that when David went into battle he did not use Saul's armour because it did not fit. Many of the solutions that are presented sound great and even look great but they do not fit us. Fourthly, I learned that David went into battle with five stones and a sling. He went to fight the giant with what had helped him gain victory over previous opponents. Most of the solutions to many problems can be done through things we have learned in previous battles.
David when he came face to face with Goliath knew that the battle was no his but the Lord. We must know that as well. When we face obstacles in our own strength and power there is a high probablity of failure. With the Lord working with us we will come through to victory every time. We have this promise from God that we will overcome every mountain or giant in life. I love the fact that I have the God of the universe in my corner when I go into a fight or battle. My faith is not in my ability or power but the Lord's. So today let us walk in victory and see all the giants in our lives defeated through the Lord.
David when he came face to face with Goliath knew that the battle was no his but the Lord. We must know that as well. When we face obstacles in our own strength and power there is a high probablity of failure. With the Lord working with us we will come through to victory every time. We have this promise from God that we will overcome every mountain or giant in life. I love the fact that I have the God of the universe in my corner when I go into a fight or battle. My faith is not in my ability or power but the Lord's. So today let us walk in victory and see all the giants in our lives defeated through the Lord.
Friday, March 16, 2012
The weekend is upon us.
Well here it is, Friday and the weekend is almost upon us. TGIF, and the living is easy. Well maybe for you but not for me. I get to spent the weekend getting ready for Sunday. Sunday is game day, the big day of proclamation. I get to tell the church I pastor all about Jesus. This Sunday is very important because this Sunday is our Annual General Business Meeting. This is where we talk about the direction of the church and our goals for the next year. In 2012, I have decied to keep it simple. We are going to focus on the word, prayer, fellowship, evangelism and the moving of the Holy Spiriit. We are going to speak a language of faith, nurture a culture of honour and create an atmosphere of passion. Keeping things simple and going back to the basics is never a bad thing. To many times we have complicated our lives with so many non important things that we become burdened down for all the wrong reasons. I try to live my life with the thought that Jesus could come back in the next seven minutes. What will I be doing in the minutes prior to that? Keeps a person motivated to not waste time. The problem is that we have so many voices demnading our time. Most times it is the urgent and not the important that get our attention. So keep it simple is the best way to walk in the things of God. So as you get ready for this weekend. Please enjoy every moment of it and remember to go to your house of worship. For me it is Cornerstone in St. Albert. Serve God and keep it simple this weekend.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Has your glory departed.
Today in my devotions I was looking at 1 Sam 4:19-22, where the ark of the covenant had been captured by the Philistines and the two sons of Eli has been killed. It states the glory of God had been lost in Israel. This all happened beause of pride and sin. Pride in oneself and sin being allowed to continue in a life. The problem with most of us is that we allow ourselves a little room for certain hehaviour. We say things such as, "I have a right to this little pleasure." How many people are over weight because they think this little habit of fried food or sugar will not hurt them. How many people do not exercise because they just do not have the time. How many say they don't have time to pray, read the word or go to church. There are many Sunday's for example where people do not come to church because they reason within themselves that Sunday is their only day to sleep in. Great excuse to give to God on judgment day. The glory of God has departed from to many lives today. When we first get saved we are on fire and then in time we lose the fire. Why? Simple, pride and worldiness. It takes real work to stay in the centre of God's will. You cannot compromise for a minute. Every minute we have in life is so precious. How many of us waste time watching T.V. playing video games or surfing the net. Doing none productive stuff. This is not a diatribe on time management or a complaint against lack of church attendance is a cry to come back to God and have His priorities and purpose again. Ask yourself this question today, "Has the glory of God departed from my life?" If it has then go back to basics and start again.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Don't have a family failure.
Today I was reading in my devotions about Eli. In 1 Sam 2:12-17, we find that Eli was a godly man and a great spiritual leader but was a failure as a father. He was so engrossed in his ministry and hwat he was doing for the Lord that he lost his family. The tragedy for Eli is that God warned him to do something about his boys and he refused. He was passive when it came to the things of his family. You must never be passive but pro-active when it comes to your family. To me the greatest blessing I can have is children serving the Lord. I have that privilege. I have four children and all four are serving the Lord. This past Sunday I was standing in church and there was my entire family doing something for the Lord. It was a great blessing. This does not come over night. It was consistent prayer, teaching, mentoring and role modelling for the Lord. Everyday I spend a great deal of my prayer time praying for my family. I do not take anything for granted when it comes to my family. I take very seriously the promise of Joshua 24:15 which states, "as for me and my house we will serve the Lord." I claim that promise and work towards it with my children. I know the greatest work is done everyday. Being a good parent is not easy. It sometimes is boring and monotonous. Yet if you stay consistent and focused you will win the day. We parents are the key. Our children are looking for role models and mentors. Even today I still am role model and mentor for my children. They still ask me questions and advice. I do not push my views on my children or at least I try not to but our relationship is one of constant give and take. The bottom line is be the parent God designed you to be and you will not end up with an Eli situation.
Monday, March 12, 2012
What words can mean to our future.
In my devotions today, I was reading in Ruth 1, where Ruth stated. "Your people will be my people and your God will be my God." Statements of faith can have such a profound effect on our present anf future. Recently in one of my prayer times, I came to the conclusion, I did not want to utter another prayer unless it went straight to the heart of God. I know we all pray but my concern for myself, that I was praying for the sake of praying and not for the real reason and that is for fellowship with God. I was concerned that my prayers were more from the head then from my heart. Heart felt prayers are the type that touch God's heart. You are praying from your innermost being. I want God to change my world. Status quo for me is no longer exceptable. I don't want anyone in my world to not be touch powerfully by God. God is all powerful and sometimes when we pray it is like our faith is acting like He is on life support. Faith, must be powerful and active. We must believe God for the miracle because we need miracles these days. The reality is that our families, friends and people around us are going to hell if they do not give their lives to Christ. Hoping they get saved is not enough. They must get saved and only effective fervent prayers will make that happen. That is the type of prayers I want to utter these days. I want my world changed and I will pray with expectation, faith, and tenacity until it happens. My future is hanging in the balance. I want every blessing God has promised in His word. I want my world to be changed. Nothing less is acceptable. I will pray until it happens for the glory of God. I pray that is your wish as well.
Friday, March 9, 2012
One of a Kind.
Today in my deovtions I was reading about Samson. He was one of a kind. This man could defeat any foe when the Spirit of the Lord came upon him. Samson is also the most human of all Judges. He was capable of the most lewd and human of acts. Samson greatest weakeness was that he could not leave foreign women alone. This of course would lead to his defeat and most embarassing moment. Samson shows that the gift and callings of God are without repentance. God gives us gifts and talents to be used for His glory. Sometimes we do it well and other times we do not. Yet if we are available God will use us. Samson is a lesson for all of us. He shows us what happens when you wallow in the world. You can and will lose everything. Yet he is also an example of redemption. At the end he learned his lesson and God used him one more time to defeat his enemies and he destroyed more of his enemies at the end then he did throughout his lifetime. Zech 4:6, reminds us that it is not by might or power but by the Spirit that all things spiritual are accomplished. Smith Wigglesworth saw great healings by the Spirit. Billy Graham has seen million of souls come to Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. You can see God work in your life and situation when you rely on the Holy Spirit. So whatever you do today, invite the Holy Spirit to be part of it and you will see the glory of and presence of God, Whenever I proclaim the gospel that is my wish and I hope yours.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Potential For God.
I love the fact that God does not sees us as we are but what we shall become. God looks at us through rose coloured glasses. He sees us through the blood of Jesus Christ. God sees us from the future and not the present. I love that fact. He sees what I shall become in ten years or even further. Over the years, I have attempted things that seemed like almost impossible and yet God has made them to come to pass. I would simply listen to His voice and then do it. Obedience always secures blessing. Faith always brings about the impossible. Recently I was sitting in my office in St. Albert and God told me to contact Jon Ramer of Touch Canada Broadcasting. I obeyed and one month later I was the morning man at AM 930 the Light. This is a great opportunity and challenge. I am now pastor to many. Everyday I get to tell people about Jesus Christ over the airwaves and share my faith in a new arena. God is good. I though had to take that step of faith and make the call. Obedience secures opportunity. Whatever you are called to you need to walk by faith and step out when God opens the door. See your potential and do it things for God.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
A lesson for all ages.
In my devotions today I was looking at the book of Judges where there is a statement that described what is happening today. Everyone did was right in their own eyes. Everyone does what is right in their own eyes. How many people have you heard in your life say, "I can do whatever I want, I have a free will." What a lie. You can do whatever you want but everything we do has consequences. Yes, you can put a cancer stick in your mouth everyday but sooner or later it will effect your body. Yes, you can lie, steal and cheat but sooner or later that will catch up to you where no one trusts you and you will lose everything. Yes you can drink and party but sooner or later your body or your lifestyle will cost you everything. People forget that sin is a hard taskmaster. It will take you places you never though you would go, do things you never thought you would do and make you what you never thought you would be. I am glad I learned early in life to give my heart to the Lord. I have avoided many of the pitfalls of life. Yet I did not miss them all much to my shame. I am glad I serve the Lord and His grace has been enough. My hope is that through this and other exhortations you will give all to Jesus and let Him lead your life. Secondly, ifyou have any residue of past life let Him deal with it and you get on serving the Lord. You have a great future ahead. Let the weights and sin of the past stay there.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Make a plan for the future but be subject to change.
There is an old adage that states, "If you fail to make a plan, you plan to fail. I am all about making plans and setting things in order. Earlier this year I spent a few days getting my messages for the first siix months of the year ready. I know exactly what I am preaching on until June. Yet I also know it is important to be available to the instant moving of the Holy Spirit. There is this tension I have as a Spirit filled Christian. The tension is my tendency for long term planning and the instant obedience to the changing flow that can happen in following the Holy Spirit. I believe there is a balance. Every morning we should make our plans and do our preparation but make them subject to change. Never get so fixed on how you will do things for that day but be ready for change. There are always going to be people, situations and circumstances that can change your focus and direction immediately in any day. I have learned to never sweat the small things. No let me rephrase, I am learning to not sweat the small things. So make you plans, do all you can to get ready for the day but be open to where God wants you to be and be ready to give the hope that lies within you.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Monday, New week, New opportunities.
Every Monday is a time to start the week with a new focus and new view of things. Many people look at Monday as just the start of a work week but forget that with each Monday comes a chance to make a difference in someone's life. Children get to go to school and bring the love of God into their classmates and teachers lives. When you go to work you have an opportunuty to speak a moment of grace and love into another life. Your reaction and actions make such a difference. As a parent for example everyday you get to mould and shape a young life for the glory of God. Monday is the beginning of the work week and is also the time where you get to estlabish you priorities for that week and what you are going to do for God. I love Mondays for that fact. So today let God use you to touch others for His glory and make it your aim to bless other through your attitudes, speech, actions and thoughts.
Keep your promises.
Joshua 24: is all about making an agreement with God and then keeping it. We all know that there are consequences to every promise we make. When you make a promise to a loved one and do not keep it, it creates a blockage between you and them. Our children especially feel this. When you make a promise to God you must keep it. Israel in this chapter made a ovenant with Joshua that they would serve the Lord. Joshua made a statement to Israel, that he and his family would serve the Lord. I use this verse everyday as a promise for my families household salvation and so far this promise has been fulfilled. Last night our family went to any event where my son Ryan was playing in the Vanguard Choir. I was sitting with, Rob, Rachel, Ryan,, Lois, Gideon and Gabrella. Each one serving the Lord. Three generations of Steel's each in love with God and on fire for Jesus Christ. When Lois and I were driving back to St. Albert after the event we were so grateful to God for the privilege of having our children serving the Lord. It has taken consistent prayer for 30 years but God has answered our prayers. We gave our family to the Lord and God has taken that and has been faithful. When you make an agreement with the Lord, you do your part and God will do His.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
God looks at the heart.
Recently I have been coming across in a lot of places and ministries the subject of Rahab. She was the young women who hid the Israelite spies from the men of Jericho and then secured their promise that when the Israelites overcame the city that she and her family would be spared. Great story of faith and household salvation. I just want to point out a couple of things here. First, God never looks at the outward appearance but the heart. He sees what is happening in the heart. I think it is a good lesson for us. Let us not make any judgments about people. God knows so much more than we do. Let us trust Him to bring the right people in our lives. The second lesson is that like Rahab let us be concerned about our loved ones. She secured her families existence and we should do the same. We must tell our family members about the Lord and then pray for them.. Acts 16:31 is a scripture that verifies the promise of household salvation. It says not only will you be saved but your household as well. What a great promise.
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