Friday, January 20, 2012

Thank Goodness its Friday!

I remember growing up and it was during my teen years the phrase. TGIF was born.  It came about when young people who had been slaving in their boring and otherwise fruitless jobs came into the realization that Friday was a time to let your hair down and party.  Well it is Friday but for me I look forward to it because Friday is supposely my day off.  Of course these days I have to work on Friday mornings doing my radio gig but I love doing it and it is another day to proclaim the things of God.  Friday also is the time of the week that Lois and I go out for our weekly breakfast and catch up on things that have no relation to work, or ministry.  Friday also reminds me that Sunday is coming.  The day that I get to worship and hang out with the believers.  Friday is my Sabbath.  It is when I take time to worship and enjoy my church service as well.  I have a private church service and hear the word from great preachers and get spiritually encouraged.  This time is apart from my regularly time with the Lord.  Paul tells Timothy that he must build himself up.  Self motivation in God is a lost art for many.  Many think that someone must motivate you and build you up.  When I talk about self motivation it is not you telling yourself to get motivated.  It is allowing God to speak to your heart and motivate you to do His will and plan.  You say to yourself in Christ.  "Why are you discouraged oh my soul, God is your victory, power and presence, Rise up and walk in that."  So thank Goodness it is Friday and get motivated for God.

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