Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday, Now a time for the Blues!

Now I cannot say I like Mondays all the time but they are the start to the work week.  Every Monday I have to get up at 4 a.m. to get to work and do the Morning Show on Am 930 the Light.  As I drive to work I pray and ask the Lord to use me to touch the thousands that I have been given the privilege to touch for the Lord.  Each day I am thinking about the devotional, I will be sharing.  The features, the bible verses and the prayers I will be offering on the show.  I also am then thinking about the people I will be meeting and the divine appointments God will bring across my path for that day.  Being a Christian is a great responsibility because everyday you get the chance to bring eternity to someone.  It is all about the making the most of your time for the Lord.  Having a maximum impact in the minimum amount of time.  Paul starts in Ephesians that we are to redeem the time.  God's timing is perfect but sometimes ours might be a little off.  Sometimes we are not in the mood to share or we are to distracted to share or we are just plain selfish.  My prayer for me has always been Lord make me aware of those that need your help and help me not to be to distracted or out of touch to where you are to miss your will.  I pray that will be yours prayer as well. 

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