Insight and Encouragement
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Jan 21 – Psalm 8:3-4 - What is man?
Jan 21 – Psalm 8:3-4 - What is man?
David is thinking about the heavens, the stars, moons and planets. God made them all. The sky, mountains and all creation they are beyond words. The moon and the stars. David was looking at the sky one night and made this observation. Then he thinks of man and how could God be mindful of us. “The Son of man that you care for Him.” David is again looking into the future like a prophet. This verse talks about Jesus who would come a thousand years later. This Psalm is a prophetic Psalm which is quoted by the gospel writers. Here we get a glimpse of Jesus in the Old Testament. There are over 300 prophecies concerning Jesus in the Old Testament. This Psalm contains information vital to who Jesus really is. He is introduced as the Son of Man. One of the titles given to Him in the Gospels.
With all the vastness and majesty of creation God still knows the number of hairs on our head. He knows our thoughts, motives, attitudes, words and deeds. He cares about the smallest detail of our lives. He would send Jesus to bring us back to Himself on a permanent basis. Through Jesus all things have been restored. The Son of Man implies Jesus humanity. Remember Jesus was the perfect combination of the divine and humanity. Jesus was 100% God and 100% man. David saw this and you should as well. Jesus came to today to remind you of God’s claims on your life. Let those claims come true today.
Monday, January 20, 2025
Jan 20 – Psalm 8:1-2 – Perfect Praise
Jan 20 – Psalm 8:1-2 – Perfect Praise
We are going to send the next four days in Psalm 8. It is so rich with truth. David states, “how majestic is your name in all the earth. David states the Lord is awesome, beyond description. His majesty and power is seen throughout the earth. God uses two witnesses to show Him, the witnesses of creation and conscience. Creation by its own voice speaks of a creator and conscience speaks of inner morality and standard of God.
Now then David reveals prophetically what would happen a thousand years later. Jesus on Psalm Sunday was ushered into Jerusalem on a colt and during this time people praised the Lord. It was also at this time a children’s choir sang about Jesus. The critics tried have Jesus silence the children but Jesus quoted this Psalm on how those who have a child like heart release perfect praise. Praise silences, the foe, enemy and avenger. It is God’s means to destroy the attacks of the enemy. There is nothing like a powerful praise and worship time to destroy, silence and curtail any attack of the enemy. So today praise the Lord from a pure heart and silence all your enemies.
Friday, January 17, 2025
Jan 17 – Psalm 6 :4&9 - Turn O Lord
Jan 17 – Psalm 6 :4&9 - Turn O Lord
The Psalmist gives us two promise to look at today. The first in verse 4 says, ”Turn O Lord and deliver me. The Psalmist was in trouble as often people can find themselves. The Lord never promised He would not let trial and problems come. He did promise He would be with us. One adage says, “God why am I in the storm? The Lord answered, “Because you enemies cannot swim.” What a great thought. The Lord will be with us. He will never leave or forsake us. The Psalmist then closes verse four reminding himself and us that God will do that because of His unfailing love. God is love and he will always deal with us in love. God’s love will never fail.
Then the psalmist again states in verse 9, that the Lord has heard his cry for mercy. Mercy is choosing to love and forgive when it is in your power to bring justice and punishment. God chose the path of mercy and forgiveness when Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. His death, burial and resurrection satisfied the justice and judgment of God. The psalmist knew this and we should as well. The Lord accept our prayers the psalmist reminds us. James knew this when he stated, “You have not because you ask not.” Ask and receive, seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened unto you.