Friday, February 21, 2025



Feb 21 – Psalm 23:1 – The Lord is my Shepherd

 Feb 21 – Psalm 23:1 – The Lord is my Shepherd




     We are going to spend the next few days in Psalm 23.  I love this portion because I pastor a church and am a shepherd.  So I am a shepherd looking at this psalm from that perspective.  David begins with a great statement, “The Lord is my shepherd.”  The Lord cares for us, loves us and protects us as a shepherd does.  Jesus said that He is the good shepherd and He gave His life for the sheep.  Shepherding was David’s first profession.  It is where He came from so he knows the details of this lifestyle well.


     David knows that good shepherd will make sure that his sheep will lack for nothing.  They will be able to grow thrive and multiply.  They will be protected from marauders, animals and enemies.  The shepherd will protect them so well that he will even lay down his life for them.  Jesus did this for us on the cross.  Today allow the Lord to be your shepherd and you will lack no good thing.

Thursday, February 20, 2025



Feb 20 – Psalm 22:26 – Poor are Satisfied

Feb 20 – Psalm 22:26 – Poor are Satisfied




     This is the last day we are going to spend on Psalm 22.  David reveals some great thoughts today.  He says that the poor will be satisfied.  God has a special place for those that cannot care for themselves.  In Matt 25, there is rewards for those who help the helpless.  Jesus says when we do it to the least of these we do it until Him.  Helping others is like helping Jesus in His destressing disguise.  The Lord will help the poor and keep them satisfied.


He also uses us to make that happen.  Let us not miss an opportunity to be His hand extended.


     They who seek the Lord will praise Him because they see Him for who He is and what he has done.  When we seek the Lord we find Him.  Also all things will be added to us.  What a great promise.  David closes this verse off with wishes that their hearts live forever.  A heart satisfied seeking god will always be a praising and joyful heart.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025



Feb 19 – Psalm 22:24 – Help comes

 Feb 19 – Psalm 22:24 – Help comes


      David in this verse states the Lord does not despise or distain the suffering of the afflicted one.  God has great sympathy for those who suffer.  Their need becomes His need, their pain because His pain.  He is looking for you to call out to Him when you are in that season of suffering.  Call out and He will answer.

     He will not hide His face from you but He will listen to the cry of help.  There are times when all our wisdom, resources and strength fail.  That is the end of us but the beginning of God.  Draw near to the Lord in these times.  Turn to Him and He will come.  Call out and He will answer this is the promise given in this verse.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025



Feb 18 – Psalm 22:14-18 – The Future revealed

 Feb 18 – Psalm 22:14-18 – The Future revealed




     David now begins to list off some prophetic words.  He is seeing in the future.  Many see David as a king, warrior and composer of music.  Yes David was multi-talented but he was also a prophet.  God showed Him things.  In this psalm, he is poured out like water and all his bones are out of joint.  Job said the same thing in Job 30:16.  This is how Jesus would be on the day of his death.  All his joints were out of place because of the beating He would receive.  His heart has melted like wax.  There is nothing left.  Jesus would be like that as well.


     In vs 15-16, Jesus’ strength would be gone.  His tongue would stick to the roof of his mouth.  On the cross Jesus called for a drink.  They gave him vinegar wine.  .  It would be the Lord that would lay this all on the suffering servant.  Evil men would surround Him and they would pierce His hands and feet.  Jesus had that happen.  Even today we can see the wounds on His hands and feet.  By His stripes we would be healed.  He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our sins.


     In vs 17-18, Jesus could count all his bones, they were exposed by the whip and hanging on the cross.  They would divide His garments and cast lots for His clothing.  All that happened to Jesus.  David was describing the crucifixion.  It must have broken David’s heart to see this.  His own descendant going through this.  What love, what a savior, what salvation.  Jesus did all this for you and me today.

Friday, February 14, 2025



Feb 14 – Psalm 19:7-8 - Joy to the Heart

 Feb 14 – Psalm 19:7-8 - Joy to the Heart




     David in Psalm 19, spends some time talking about the Word of God.  First, it is perfect because God is perfect.  The Bible’s author was the Holy Spirit.  He reveals, the nature essence, characteristics of God.  Because God is perfect so the Bible is perfect.  The benefit of reading the Bible is that it revives the soul.  You can trust the world of God and it will give counsel to the simple.  Solomon shares the same thought in Proverbs 1.  The precepts of the Lord are right.  They are clear, straight and true.  They bring joy to the heart.  The Bible is the source of true joy.


     The commands of the Lord are radiant the give light to the eyes.  The Bible is a light to the soul, mind and heart.  Nothing is more important to spiritual growth than the Word of God.  Read it, study it and live it.  It revives, you can trust it, it brings joy and light.

Thursday, February 13, 2025



Feb 13 – Psalm 19:1-2 The Heavens Declare

 Feb 13 – Psalm 19:1-2  The Heavens Declare




     David in this psalm reveals that the heaven declare the glory of God.  Creation is God`s silent witness.  All creation by the consistency, beauty and uniformity declare there is a creator.  The skies proclaim the work of His hands.  Day after day they pour forth speech.  The world shows by the way it works there is a master mind behind this.  Night after night they display knowledge.  Men have from the beginning of time studied the earth, its many features and animals.  The world around us shouts there is a God.  Paul stated this in Romans 1.  Unfortunately man worships the creation not the creator.  Yet we cannot deny the witness of creation and conscience both speak loud and clear there is a God.  What we do with Him determines where we spend eternity.  Let us choose to believe and He will reveal His Son and with Jesus Christ comes eternal and abundant life.