May 2 – Devotion on Ephesians
Eph 5:24: Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
In Vs 24, Paul then states that as the church submits to Christ wives must be willing to submit to her husband in everything. This is a working relationship. The husband must do his part and the wife her. They were designed by God with different likes, talents, skills, and designs. Men cannot be women and vice versa. Men have different physical attributes than women and vice versa. To do otherwise brings confusion and gender identity problems. God designed each gender with specific biological, mental, and spiritual differences. A problem arises when someone tries to do something they are not designed to do. That does mean they cannot do role reversal from time to time in support of each other but not make it a lifestyle. We see the downsize of this every day throughout our society. As men submit to Christ and love their wives a wife will gladly love her husband because loves always responds to love. Love is not just a feeling it is an action. The model is Christ and how He loves.
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