Feb 7 – Devotion on Ephesians
15 by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace,
In Vs 15, Paul talks about a truth that is hard to comprehend. Jesus by dying on the cross and allowing his body to be broken and Hid blood to be shed did away with the old covenant or law. The commands and regulations brought death. Jesus by His sacrifice fulfilled all the demands of the law. Sin brought death. When man sinned he created a problem. Our disobedience brought eternal separation from God. This was an eternal and manmade problem. Only an eternal man could solve it. This Jesus had to come and assume flesh to deal with it. The incarnation was God’s answer. When the God-man died, was buried, and rose again the law was done away with and the imperfections it created were done away with. Now Jesus Christ has created new humanity and a new identity in Him. The two have become one. There is no longer Jew or Gentile just one family in the Lord created in and through Jesus Christ. He made peace between all parties involved. God, Gentile, and Jew. The Prince of Peace made a way through His body creating one new body with Him as the head. This is mind-numbing and outside of the revelation of the Word of God and Holy Spirit were would never comprehend or understand it.
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