Thursday, October 14, 2021

Oct 14 - Vignettes on Prayer

 Oct 14 - Vignettes on Prayer


     Many of the great intercessors start with very humble beginnings.  Daniel Nash, was born November 27, 1775, and by November 11, 1816, at the age of 40 he had was the pastorate of the Stow’s Square Congregational-Presbyterian Church, Lowville Township. He had moved there from Onondaga County near Syracuse, and had a farm at least by 1825.  During his first year of pastoring this union church, he saw Revival with at least 70 being converted.  . One of the first he baptized was a Sally Porter to whom he was married by February of 1817.  There was a split in the church and they moved to a location to a community four miles away.  Nash worked over the next few years trying to heal the breach.  He was able to start a Sabbath School in the union church.  On September 25, 1822, he was voted out by a vote of nine to three!   The reasons for the vote was they wanted “a young man to settle in.” At the age of 46 they felt him too old, and resented his traveling.  Daniel was then free to do what he wanted to do most pray and travel even though at the time he did not see it that way.  Sometimes unfortunate circumstances are actually God’s launching point for greater a greater work and prayer is the greatest work.

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