To the Church and Nation of Oman
You are a society that is controlled by a repressive and egotistic regime. You have been this way for centuries. This goes in line with the repressive and religion of the land. You torture, enslave and control your population through fear and intimidation. You love only those who obey and fear you. You have been rebellious and oppressive since you came into being as a nation. Though you live in one of the most beautiful areas you have made it ugly spiritually by your obedience to satan and those he commands. It is a little redeemable in you. Your treatment of other nations has been your shame. You have used your wealth for your own means and it will be your undoing. In the last days, you will fight my people and you will be defeated and destroyed. You claim you are tolerant but you lie to yourself and others.
To my church, I have sent you help from all over the world. Though you are small in numbers I will do for you what I have promised in other countries like the one you are in. In these last days, you will see signs, wonders, and miracles. In my name, you will drive out demons, heal the sick and work miracles. The oppression and persecution you have suffered will actually be a stepping stone to victory. Remember Jesus learned obedience by what he suffered. You will also see a revival among the young people of the land as they have seen the world through media and know that true love is found through freedom. They will find this freedom through me. I will heal them, cleanse their sins and pour into the peace of forgiveness. They have seen violence, hatred, and oppression. They will see in your love, acceptance, and forgiveness. Through what you have suffered you have learned to walk in forgiveness and love. They will see in you this and will be drawn to you. You will see great and mighty things as my coming draws close. Be encourage and stay focused and strong.
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