Sunday, September 27, 2020
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Prayer Journal- Day One
Journal on Prayer.
Recently I made a
decision that I would dedicate the rest of my life to prayer. It was an easy decision because I love to
pray. Larry Lea called it the highest calling
because it is what Jesus is doing.
Prayer I have found brings clarity in a confused world. Prayer changes our view because in a moment
of prayer we can have God’s perspective.
In my life I have written 200 psalms, 150 parables and 3200
proverbs. Great accomplishments I
believe but my greatest accomplishment will be by far my prayer life. In this prayer journal I hope to release my
thoughts on prayer. For those who read
it I pray it will encourage them to pray.
George Mueller who has been called the apostle of prayer said that
patience in prayer is key. Is 40:31,
states that they who wait upon the Lord shall be renewed. I have found that to be so true. One of my proverbs goes as follows. “A day in quiet reflection is more profitable
than a month of furious activity.” So
today take a moment away from all the activity of the day and spend time with
the Lord. It will be the best moments of
the day and bring a godly perspective back into your life.
Monday, September 21, 2020
To the Church and Nation of Oman
To the Church and Nation of Oman
You are a society that is controlled by a repressive and egotistic regime. You have been this way for centuries. This goes in line with the repressive and religion of the land. You torture, enslave and control your population through fear and intimidation. You love only those who obey and fear you. You have been rebellious and oppressive since you came into being as a nation. Though you live in one of the most beautiful areas you have made it ugly spiritually by your obedience to satan and those he commands. It is a little redeemable in you. Your treatment of other nations has been your shame. You have used your wealth for your own means and it will be your undoing. In the last days, you will fight my people and you will be defeated and destroyed. You claim you are tolerant but you lie to yourself and others.
To my church, I have sent you help from all over the world. Though you are small in numbers I will do for you what I have promised in other countries like the one you are in. In these last days, you will see signs, wonders, and miracles. In my name, you will drive out demons, heal the sick and work miracles. The oppression and persecution you have suffered will actually be a stepping stone to victory. Remember Jesus learned obedience by what he suffered. You will also see a revival among the young people of the land as they have seen the world through media and know that true love is found through freedom. They will find this freedom through me. I will heal them, cleanse their sins and pour into the peace of forgiveness. They have seen violence, hatred, and oppression. They will see in your love, acceptance, and forgiveness. Through what you have suffered you have learned to walk in forgiveness and love. They will see in you this and will be drawn to you. You will see great and mighty things as my coming draws close. Be encourage and stay focused and strong.
The multitude
September 21 - the multitude - Rev 19:1-2
Vs 1-2 – There is now a wonderful celebration going on in heaven. They saw Hallelujah which means rejoice for the Lord is good and God. Then the celebration points out three about God. First, that only through him comes and only through Him. There is no other name under which mankind can be saved. Next, the glory, which is the nature and essence of God. He is the creator and sustainer of things. Thirdly, power belong s to Him. No one is as powerful for, He is the all powerful God.
Then they declare that his judgments are true and just. God knows all and sees all. Nothing is hid from Him so when he judges it will be fair, true and just. The celebration is because the Lord has condemned the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her magic and adulteries. She did whatever she pleased and it cost her everything. The Lord now has avenged the blood of His saints. They have been waiting for this moment and now they have had their justice. God keeps the books and avenges his people that is why we must trust Him when wrongs. God will avenge and works on our behalf.
Friday, September 18, 2020
To the Church and Nation of Norway
To the Church and Nation of Norway
You have always been a nation in transition. At one time you followed old gods, demons, mythic warriors and occultic ways. You were a proud and warrior people with a desire to give yourself glory and honor. You were fierce, ruthless and barbaric. You were a feared people for a long time. Then when I sent my word to you it became clear to you that I had a claim on your life. The very churches you raided became sacred and important to you. I sent my word and healed you. Since then you have been a bastion for me. Now you are entering a golden period in your history. As you were once ruthless and fearless you have now become generous and compassionate. You have always had a strong sense of family and loyalty to the community for this I commend you.
To my church, I have a warning and a promise. My warning to you is that you never become compromising and apostate. You are heading that direction and I warn you before you become lukewarm. You have at this moment headed that direction and so I counsel you to come back to me. I also counsel you to not give in to having a form of godliness and deny the power thereof. My promise it that you will see four things. First, you will see household salvation. Your love and loyalty to your family will result in your children and grandchildren serving me. Next, I will use you to reach the world. Out of you will come the fivefold ministry of pastors, evangelists, teachers, prophets and apostles who will reach the world for me. You will become a center for biblical truth and teaching. Thirdly, I will make you righteous and holy people. With the same fierceness that you fought for unrighteousness, you will stand for truth. Lastly, I will bring you prosperity and wealth so that you can sow into my work. What you have you will use for my glory and work. These is my promises to you. I will to use you so be obedient and faithful.
The boulder
September 18 - The boulder - Rev 18:21
Vs 21 - Then a mighty angel picks up a boulder the size of a millstone and throws into the sea. This is an analogy of the ripple effect that this empire had on the world. It’s destruction is a sign to the world and all gentile nations that God is about to execute his final series of events. Babylon was guilty of great violence. Millions died in its purges and attacks on the saints and all who opposed it. With the same violence that it promoted so this violence has been visited on it. The reality of all of this is that Babylon will be thrown down and will never be found again. Now that did happen after 131 AD but in the future it will happen again in the spiritual sense. Babylon will be destroyed and it will never be heard of again. God himself has judged it and when God judges there is no return. In this case Babylon has felt the full wrath of an angry God.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
To the Church and Nation of North Macedonia
To the Church and Nation of North Macedonia
You were once a proud and powerful nation. Out of you came conquerors and World leaders. You were once proud, arrogant and rebellious. The consequence of that was you have been conquered humiliated and laid low. In recent times you have once again to regain some of the glory of the past. You are going to pursue a relationship with forces that could be your downfall. In the last days, you will have to make a choice of whether or not you will join the empire of the antichrist. This choice will either be your salvation or destruction. The choices you make now will affect your near future.
To my people and church, I have a rebuke and promise to you. My rebuke is that you have become lukewarm, You are neither or cold. You have become of little importance to the fabric of your society. If you repent and come back to me with all your heart I will restore and heal you. The second thing that you have done is that you are struggling with the culture of the day. There are strong forces in this world right now that are saying that which is right is wrong and that which is wrong is right. You must come back to righteousness and truth. You are called to be holy, righteous and godly people. The third thing you have done is that you love form, tradition, and liturgy than me. Your services have become cold, void and dull. My people are starving for real worship and truth. Come back to your first love and I will heal you.
To my remnant, I have three promises. I will give you my love. You will see my kindness, faithfulness, peace, joy, and mercy. Next, if you will submit my will, I will give you the power and ability to overcome those who will try to stop you. I will lastly give you loyalty to an eternal purpose. You will be my spoke people and ambassadors to you family, churches, communities and country. I will give you many people because there is a hunger and thirst for truth in the land. You will see my glory, presence, and victory as you trust in me.