March 25 – Great Sorrow – Rev 5:4
Vs 4 - John’s
reaction was one of great sorrow. To all
of a sudden to be hit with the reality of knowing that there is no one anywhere
worthy of salvation, redemption and hope.
This is the feeling many will feel on the day of judgment. All the things you believed in, trusted in
and hope in have been revealed as a lie.
Your entire life has been wasted.
You have done nothing of significance.
Life is more than getting things and producing family. It is more than accomplishments, monuments
and legacy. It is even more than being
successful and making a difference. It
is about where you are going to spend eternity.
We all have a beginning but no end.
What do and how you get ready for eternity is important. The ancient kings of the past build great
tombs and monuments to themselves hoping to secure a place in eternity. Death comes in one form or another to us all
but what we do counts.
hopelessness of the situation caused John to sob and weep. The absolute knowledge that no one and
nothing can save us hit John. He saw the
condition of the situation. He was the
hopelessness of mankind and it caused Him to cry with great emotion. Abraham saw this at Sodom and interceded for
them before the Lord. We should do the
same for those in our world because of what will happen next.
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