Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Written on the heart
Paul writes in 2 Cor 3:2,2 You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. Remember people are reading your life. So what are you saying? So today walk in love, acceptance, and forgiveness. Choose to be a blessing and touch others for the Lord. Remember the Lord and others are watching.
Kings of Kings
March 31 – Kings and Priests – Rev 5:10
Vs 10 - This act
of salvation has made our who call on the Lord and believe in Him kings and
priests. This is such a fabulous
thought. We are kings. We reign and rule with Him in our world. Wherever we go and whatever we do, we
reign. No demon of hell. No worldly force and human can stand against
us. We have the Kingdom of God in us
which righteousness, peace and joy. We
rule in the spiritual realm. When we
pray we have anything we ask and when we pray with others whatever we ask we
will have. No that is power, authority
and victory. Secondly, we are
priests. We stand before God and
man. We are priests in our homes and in
our world. We represent Christ to all we
meet. I trust that we will live that
way. We are holy and anointed. Our prayers and presence hold back the forces
of hell in our world.
We serve God
and God alone. Think about this, you
serve God. You are His ambassador. You show Him in what you say and how you
live. You have Him living inside of you
through the presence of the Holy Spirit.
The last thought is so awesome.
You will reign one day with Him on earth. In the millennium you will reign with
Him. This is you promise. All because of what Jesus has done for you
and the only thing you had to do is believe and serve Him.
Monday, March 30, 2020
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Saturday, March 28, 2020
The to the Church and Nation of Djibouti
I know that you are small but determined groups of believers. I have seen what you have been going through in the land you live. You have been strong in your witness and prayer life. I want to remind you that you are a child of God, you have been redeemed from the hand of the enemy, you are justified and sanctified. You will get all your needs met by the Lord. You are healed by the stripes and blood of Jesus. You walk by faith and not by sight. You are a laborer together with God. You are the head and not the tail. All these are a reminder.
You live in a land where the robber religion has a stranglehold on the land where you are. Yet I will work among your land. Keep praying and stay strong in time you are going to see a harvest. You will start small but it will grow and grow because I am with you. I promised I will never leave or forsake you. I will make you a light in this dark land. As I am the light so you will be my light. All I ask is that continue praising me and do this with your mouth and with your life. Stay strong and courageous. I am with you and I will give you your world. Pray and believe me and you will see my glory.
The scroll
March 28 – The scroll – Rev 5:7
Vs 7 – The Lamb who we know is Jesus walks up and takes
the scroll from the right hand of Him who sits on the Throne. The drama of this event is beyond
comparison. The redeemer of all mankind
walks up. He is regal, powerful, honored
and glorious. He has been revealed as
the savior of the universe. He is
He now takes
the scroll from the right hand of the Father.
The pride, the love in the eyes of the one who sits on the throne. This is the moment they have been waiting
for. The right hand of power has
released this scroll into the hands of the only one worthy to open it and
reveal its contents. There is a hush and
anticipation. This is the moment where
all heaven and hell are about to break lose.
All have been waiting and now that moment has arrived. Are you ready for that moment?
Friday, March 27, 2020
To the Church and Nation of Denmark
To the Church and Nation of Denmark
I have a word of encouragement and warning to you. First, I wish to commend you on your belief in me. You have kept me at the forefront of your nation this I am pleased. You accepted my reforms and moved toward me in the past. I am however am not pleased how in recent generations you have become more form than heart. The reality is that you have forgotten your first love and have become Lukewarm. I am warning you to come back to me or I will deal with you as I have in the past. You are on the edge of either judgment or blessing. What you do with this warning will decide what I will do to you in the future.
I have several things to say about what you have done. In the name of progress and culture, you have allowed things that I have said specifically in my word is wrong. You have allowed suicide, abortion, and all forms of sexual perversion to become the norm. For many decades you have been a leader in exporting the degradation of the human body. This is to your shame. You called yourself enlightened but in truth, you are living in a liar fantasy. You are proud and arrogant as a nation. I am almost ready to withdraw my blessing and bring it to you instead of a curse.
I want to encourage the remnant of my people in your nation. You have been faithful and I will give you courage and strength to persevere. I will also open heaven and pour out my Spirit on your land. Your land is not without merit and it is because of you. I will make you more than conquerors. I will teach you to walk by faith and not by sight. I will make you the head and not the tail. I will give you faith, hope, and love. You will have my vision and see and do the impossible. You carry the torch for this nation. Be strong, diligent and courageous. You will see my light in this nation again as you go forth in my power.
The lamb
March 27 – The Lamb – Rev 5:6
Vs 6 – John sees the most amazing thing. He sees a lamb who has been slain. John the Baptist called Jesus the Lamb of God when Jesus appeared on the shore of the Jordan River. Jesus gave His life on the cross. He allowed His blood to be shed and His body to be broken. He gave His life for us. He was broken, bruised and slain for us. The seed of the women gave His life willingly for us.
He was standing at the center of the throne. This individual is front and center of all that happens in heaven and earth. He was encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. They were his honor guard and His audience. Imagine the sense of pride, awe, and wonder in each of the living creatures and elders. What they had been waiting for is about to happen. All eternity and creation have been waiting for this moment.
The Lamb has seven horns and seven eyes. The horns are a symbol of power and the eyes are the ability to see all and know all. This shows that the Lamb is all-powerful and all-knowing. He is God. Jesus was God with a face. The seven Spirits are the seven expressions of God found in Isaiah. Jesus is so eternal and co-equal with the father and the Holy Spirit. What a powerful thought and imagery. One final thought this Holy Spirit has been sent out into all the world. He is right now resident in His church. We are his ambassadors and representatives in our world. A powerful and amazing thought.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
There is hope
March 26 – There is hope – Rev 5:5
VS 5 – One of the elders put his hand on the shoulder of John and said, “Do not weep.” There is hope. The elder had the privilege of giving hope to all creation. What a moment for that elder. To reveal the hope of all the universe. Catch the excitement in the voice of this elder. He is about to reveal the name of the greatest individual who has ever lived. The person who steps from eternity in time and space, matter and motion. The person who gave mankind salvation and redemption. He is about to reveal the only one worthy.
Here we are introduced to two of the name given to the Savior of mankind. The Lion of Judah who breaks every chain and gives to us the victory again and again. The mighty one, the one who rules with authority, power, and dominion. His voice has the sound of many waters. He is the root of David. Remember David received a promise from the Lord that one of his ancestors would rule forever. Jesus Christ is worthy. He has redeemed us from the curse of the law. His broken body and shed blood has given us salvation. His death, burial, and resurrection has given us eternal and abundant life. The elder said, “He has triumphed.” He has broken the power of sin, hell and the grave. He has defeated the world the flesh and the devil. Common let us shout of praise the Lord.
Jesus is worthy of all honor, glory, and power. He is worthy to open the seal and view is contents. He is worthy of releasing what is inside. This, of course, comes with a two-edge sword. The contents are beyond anything the world ever seen up to this point. Everything will change forever when the contents are revealed.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Great Sorrow
March 25 – Great Sorrow – Rev 5:4
Vs 4 - John’s
reaction was one of great sorrow. To all
of a sudden to be hit with the reality of knowing that there is no one anywhere
worthy of salvation, redemption and hope.
This is the feeling many will feel on the day of judgment. All the things you believed in, trusted in
and hope in have been revealed as a lie.
Your entire life has been wasted.
You have done nothing of significance.
Life is more than getting things and producing family. It is more than accomplishments, monuments
and legacy. It is even more than being
successful and making a difference. It
is about where you are going to spend eternity.
We all have a beginning but no end.
What do and how you get ready for eternity is important. The ancient kings of the past build great
tombs and monuments to themselves hoping to secure a place in eternity. Death comes in one form or another to us all
but what we do counts.
hopelessness of the situation caused John to sob and weep. The absolute knowledge that no one and
nothing can save us hit John. He saw the
condition of the situation. He was the
hopelessness of mankind and it caused Him to cry with great emotion. Abraham saw this at Sodom and interceded for
them before the Lord. We should do the
same for those in our world because of what will happen next.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Who is worthy
March 23 – Who is worthy – Rev 5:2
Vs 2 – Then a mighty angel proclaimed in a loud voice,
”Who is worthy to to break the seals and open the scroll.” What a moment in heaven. Who is worthy? No man who has ever lived is worthy. No religion that has ever been presented is
worthy. No creed, doctrine or liturgy is
worthy. No monument of man and great
nation is worthy. No being in the
natural and supernatural realm is worthy.
There is no other name given under heaven or earth who is worthy save
one. There is a fallacy presented every
day through the world and that is somehow through our own good works we can
save ourselves. This is a totally
lie. Since the fall mankind has been
trying to recapture paradise lost. There
is none worthy except one. The King of
Kings and Lord of Lord. Today be so
thankful for the fact that there is one worthy and you know Him. Present him to those in your world today.
Monday, March 23, 2020
You are worthy
March 23 – Who is worthy – Rev 5:2
Vs 2 – Then a mighty angel proclaimed in a loud voice,
”Who is worthy to to break the seals and open the scroll.” What a moment in heaven. Who is worthy? No man who has ever lived is worthy. No religion that has ever been presented is
worthy. No creed, doctrine or liturgy is
worthy. No monument of man and great
nation is worthy. No being in the
natural and supernatural realm is worthy.
There is no other name given under heaven or earth who is worthy save
one. There is a fallacy presented every
day through the world and that is somehow through our own good works we can
save ourselves. This is a totally
lie. Since the fall mankind has been
trying to recapture paradise lost. There
is none worthy except one. The King of
Kings and Lord of Lord. Today be so
thankful for the fact that there is one worthy and you know Him. Present him to those in your world today.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Friday, March 20, 2020
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Monday, March 16, 2020
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Friday, March 13, 2020
James writes in James 1:6, But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. So the Lord wants you to walk by faith and not by sight. When you ask him in prayer for something believe and you will receive. Do not let doubt keep you from your promises today.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
He is able
Paul says, in Eph 3:20, Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, So today what does you imagination want. remember God can do more. So today remember that as you prayer and go for all because God can do more. The sky is the limit.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
In Jesus name
In John 16:23, Jesus said, In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. To know that you can ask God in prayer something and it will be done is a great promise for today. So moment by moment ask the Lord to guide your life. If you need something He will answer all because of Jesus. Great promise for today.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Jesus said in John 14:13-14, 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. These are great promises to stand on today. Ask and you shall receive. So today ask and see the Lord glorified and exalted through your prayers.
Monday, March 9, 2020
In Matt 21:22, Jesus said, If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. What a great promise. So today ask and you will receive. whatever you need from the Lord the only thing standing in the way is asking. So ask.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
To the Church and naton of Cyprus
To the Church and naton of Cyprus
The Lord looks at this land in a special way for it was home to one of my very special church leaders. Barnabus my servant was very partial to this land. It was here that I did my first gentile expansion through Paul and Barnabus. I have place my people in this land. I know that an interloper has come to divide this land. Those who I did not ordained have taken a portion of this land but in the end they will not succeed. I have look with favor upon this land. I know the last generations have been difficult but I will in time heal this land. The main reason I have allowed this is because you have not followed me with your whole heart. Many of you give me only lip service but your heart is far from me. You love the form and traditions but you do not honor me with your who heart. That is why I have allowed this to happen. There is coming a day where my people who follow me with their whole heart. The interloper will fall and your land will be healed. The secret if success is to turn back to me. Draw close wot me and I will draw close to you. If you fail to do this then more turmoil will come. I am warning you and admonishing you at the same time.
There is also coming a new thing for your land. In the Spiritual realm I will move mightily. You will see again like in the days of Barnabus and Saul. You will see the demonic forces be defeated. They are never afraid of a lukewarm church. That is why I want you hot. Right now you are luke warm. You need to become hot to win this battle. Remember your weapons, armor and warfare are not carnal. You will never defeat the enemy if you do not put on which I have given you. I am sending a force of my angels to your land. They will help you and in time you will root out and defeat those two oppose you. Be strong and courageous. You will have your land back. It will be like the days of Joshua as you take town by town for me. Go and reach your island and nation for me. I am with you say the Lord.
The Lord looks at this land in a special way for it was home to one of my very special church leaders. Barnabus my servant was very partial to this land. It was here that I did my first gentile expansion through Paul and Barnabus. I have place my people in this land. I know that an interloper has come to divide this land. Those who I did not ordained have taken a portion of this land but in the end they will not succeed. I have look with favor upon this land. I know the last generations have been difficult but I will in time heal this land. The main reason I have allowed this is because you have not followed me with your whole heart. Many of you give me only lip service but your heart is far from me. You love the form and traditions but you do not honor me with your who heart. That is why I have allowed this to happen. There is coming a day where my people who follow me with their whole heart. The interloper will fall and your land will be healed. The secret if success is to turn back to me. Draw close wot me and I will draw close to you. If you fail to do this then more turmoil will come. I am warning you and admonishing you at the same time.
There is also coming a new thing for your land. In the Spiritual realm I will move mightily. You will see again like in the days of Barnabus and Saul. You will see the demonic forces be defeated. They are never afraid of a lukewarm church. That is why I want you hot. Right now you are luke warm. You need to become hot to win this battle. Remember your weapons, armor and warfare are not carnal. You will never defeat the enemy if you do not put on which I have given you. I am sending a force of my angels to your land. They will help you and in time you will root out and defeat those two oppose you. Be strong and courageous. You will have your land back. It will be like the days of Joshua as you take town by town for me. Go and reach your island and nation for me. I am with you say the Lord.
Luke warm
March 4 – Lukewarm – Rev 3:15-16
Vs 15- Jesus again reveals that He knows theirs and our deeds. Our audience of one is watching. The eye of the Lord is always one us. Nothing we think, do and say will be hidden. Jesus then reveals the state of this church. They are neither hot or cold. They are lukewarm. He wishes that they would be either. What a condition to be. You have become ineffective, insolent and non productive. You are existing but no more. You have become content. You are happy with your situation but do not realize that you are in peril. It is like the frog in cold water and heated up. It gets use to the temperature not realizing that with each rise in heat they are closer to perishing. That is what happens to the Lukewarm.
Vs 16 – They are lukewarm. Neither hot or cold. So Jesus will vomit them, spit or throw up. They make Him sick. They are like a sickness. They have no value. They can only be thrown out. They are a disease that only destroys. This is a terrible state to be in. A lukewarm church is a church in great peril and need.
Vs 15- Jesus again reveals that He knows theirs and our deeds. Our audience of one is watching. The eye of the Lord is always one us. Nothing we think, do and say will be hidden. Jesus then reveals the state of this church. They are neither hot or cold. They are lukewarm. He wishes that they would be either. What a condition to be. You have become ineffective, insolent and non productive. You are existing but no more. You have become content. You are happy with your situation but do not realize that you are in peril. It is like the frog in cold water and heated up. It gets use to the temperature not realizing that with each rise in heat they are closer to perishing. That is what happens to the Lukewarm.
Vs 16 – They are lukewarm. Neither hot or cold. So Jesus will vomit them, spit or throw up. They make Him sick. They are like a sickness. They have no value. They can only be thrown out. They are a disease that only destroys. This is a terrible state to be in. A lukewarm church is a church in great peril and need.
Unfailing Love
David writes in Psalm 48:9, Within your temple, O God,
we meditate on your unfailing love. God's unfailing love is amazing. So today as you think about things remember God's unfailing love is with you. He also wishes for you to share this love in your world today. Be a channel of love for God in your world.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
To the Church and Nation of Cuba
To the Church and Nation of Cuba
I have a word of warning, rebuke and encouragement to you today. First, the word of warning. You are seeing a slow wakening from your years of poverty, turmoil and strife. I must remind you that you brought all that you have suffered upon yourself. There are three things that you have done to bring yourself into this condition. First, in your history you exploited others for your own personal gain. Multitudes of human beings suffered because of your exploitation of them. This is your shame. Slavery was never my idea. I can to set the captive free and that is why you have not prospered or been free as a nation. I warn you to never go back to your ways. I have brought you out of those moments. Now if you do not be wise those moments can return. Secondly, you embrace religious icons, ideas and ways which were of the devil and not me. Thirdly, you tried to raise yourself upon the backs of others. You faked prosperity but did it through corruption, deceit and pain.
My rebuke is that you, you have been guilty of several things. First, you embraced communism. Now you would say that you were forced into it yet many embraced it for you were exploited bu others. There is a God and I am He despite what your government says. Next you have been a nation of slavary and exploitation. You have been a conduit of hurt, pain and shame throughout your area. That is why you suffered for a generation. Thirdly, you have allow witchcraft, voodoo and ancestor worship to be secretly practiced even among my so called people. You have embraced the worship of idols and the veneration of Astarte the so called queen of heaven. My priests and preachers have also exploited and scourged my people with religious deceit. I rebuke your for this.
My encouragement is for my true people. I have blessed you with revival. I have shown you my signs, wonders and miracles. You are a light to your land. You have not only grown in grace and knowledge of me but I am so impressed with your zeal. You truly are the church of the Acts of the Apostles. You have sent missionaries to the Spanish speaking world. Now you are sending your missionaries to the world at large and I am so pleased. You reputation as an alive church is well deserved. You have suffered much but have grown stronger because of it. You are a light and life to your world. I will do even greater things among you because I love you. Walk in righteousness, truth and integrity. Be the Daniel's of your world. Walk like Joseph in the times of Pharaoh. He was known for wisdom and you will be as well. I am making you like Paul, I will send you to all nations and use you. Chose as well to be like Paul and only know Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Do this and you will prevail.
Jesus said in Matt 7:7, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: What a great promise and what a great opportunity. So today ask and you will receive. Make your time of prayer today a time of divine help and guidance. Let the Lord minister in your life His victory.
Monday, March 2, 2020
To the Church and Nation of Croatia
To the Church and Nation of Croatia
I know you are an ancient land. You have had times of greatness and failure. You have leaders from great nations within you. You have been both a light to your world and darkness to those within. I have blessed you and your have cursed yourself. The one great thing you have done is to embrace me in a general sense. The problem is that many of you say you know me but your lives do not reflect it. you have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. Now I know that you had in recent times instability. You had others trying to impose their will on you but you did prevail. It was my blessing and care that helped you prevail. It was also your indifference to me that brought some of that on you. You chose to align yourself for a while to a godless system which became your downfall. Do not think for a moment that I will not leave you alone to your devices if you turn away from me.
To my church, I heard you cry unto me in the middle of your journey to nationhood. I heard you when you cried out in your churches and Cathedrals. I heard you when you kneeled by your beds. I heard you when you called out to me when you were fighting for your very survival and that is why you prevailed. I want you to now do the same but not for survival but revival. I want to pour out the greatest blessing upon your land. I want to lift you out of all poverty, difficulty and bring prosperity to your land. Did you remember in 3 John 2 where John says, be in health and prosperity even as your soul prospers. This will happen if you follow me with all your heart. As you prosper so your land will prosper and be healed. You my children hold the key. So draw near to me and I will draw near to you. I will heal you and you in turn will heal your land.
I know you are an ancient land. You have had times of greatness and failure. You have leaders from great nations within you. You have been both a light to your world and darkness to those within. I have blessed you and your have cursed yourself. The one great thing you have done is to embrace me in a general sense. The problem is that many of you say you know me but your lives do not reflect it. you have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. Now I know that you had in recent times instability. You had others trying to impose their will on you but you did prevail. It was my blessing and care that helped you prevail. It was also your indifference to me that brought some of that on you. You chose to align yourself for a while to a godless system which became your downfall. Do not think for a moment that I will not leave you alone to your devices if you turn away from me.
To my church, I heard you cry unto me in the middle of your journey to nationhood. I heard you when you cried out in your churches and Cathedrals. I heard you when you kneeled by your beds. I heard you when you called out to me when you were fighting for your very survival and that is why you prevailed. I want you to now do the same but not for survival but revival. I want to pour out the greatest blessing upon your land. I want to lift you out of all poverty, difficulty and bring prosperity to your land. Did you remember in 3 John 2 where John says, be in health and prosperity even as your soul prospers. This will happen if you follow me with all your heart. As you prosper so your land will prosper and be healed. You my children hold the key. So draw near to me and I will draw near to you. I will heal you and you in turn will heal your land.
A Pillar
March 2 – A Pillar - Rev 3:12-13
Vs 12 – This is such a powerful verse and great promise. To the overcomer the victorious. Jesus will make them a pillar in the temple of my God. An elevated position. A great promise of future exaltation and glory. Next, they will never leave this place. It is theirs forever. Like Paul said, nothing will be able to separate the overcomer from their God.
They will have written the name of my God and the city of my God. They will have the name of the Lord and His city. Like Abraham we have been looking for a city whose maker and builder is God. Not only will you have this but will have its name etched on your person. The city of Jerusalem is coming out of heaven. Jesus was preparing the churches for the future event of the New Jerusalem which will be the home of the people of God during the millennium. It will be 1500 miles, by 1500 miles by 1500 miles. It will be made of incredible material and be absolute beyond description. The wonderful blessing is that Jesus will also write on them His new name. A Great promise for the future and something for the overcomer and victorious one can look forward to in the future.
Vs 13 – Those who have an ear. Listen. This message is not to be ignored but heeded. To ignore a message from the Lord is risky and foolhardy. He gives this message as a warning and a promise. The Spirit during this book is speaking directly to the churches and to the church universal. Hear and obey what they spirit is saying. He gives it for a reason. The reason is to heed individuals to action.
Vs 12 – This is such a powerful verse and great promise. To the overcomer the victorious. Jesus will make them a pillar in the temple of my God. An elevated position. A great promise of future exaltation and glory. Next, they will never leave this place. It is theirs forever. Like Paul said, nothing will be able to separate the overcomer from their God.
They will have written the name of my God and the city of my God. They will have the name of the Lord and His city. Like Abraham we have been looking for a city whose maker and builder is God. Not only will you have this but will have its name etched on your person. The city of Jerusalem is coming out of heaven. Jesus was preparing the churches for the future event of the New Jerusalem which will be the home of the people of God during the millennium. It will be 1500 miles, by 1500 miles by 1500 miles. It will be made of incredible material and be absolute beyond description. The wonderful blessing is that Jesus will also write on them His new name. A Great promise for the future and something for the overcomer and victorious one can look forward to in the future.
Vs 13 – Those who have an ear. Listen. This message is not to be ignored but heeded. To ignore a message from the Lord is risky and foolhardy. He gives this message as a warning and a promise. The Spirit during this book is speaking directly to the churches and to the church universal. Hear and obey what they spirit is saying. He gives it for a reason. The reason is to heed individuals to action.
David writes in Ps 20:5, May we shout for joy over your victory
and lift up our banners in the name of our God..May the Lord grant all your requests. This is a great thought. The Lord will answer all your request in prayer. So today thank the Lord for what He has done and pray through to victory.
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