The Lord has three things He wishes to impart to you today. In Roman 14:17, it states that the Kingdom of God has three components. The first is righteousness. This is being right with God and with others. This was the testimony of Jesus. He was right with God and man. When you are righteous the enemy does not have anything to accuse you off. When Jesus was in the wilderness and the devil tempted Him He had no area to operate because Jesus was righteous. When you are righteous your number one priority is to do the will of Father. Jesus did and you can as well
.. The next thing the Lord wishes you to have is peace. Now peace is the absence of internal conflict or warfare. You are walking with the Prince of Peace. Jesus made the promise that He would give peace. Peace that the world cannot give or take away. This is what the world wishes but only the Lord can give it. Peace is being forgiven and being right with God. Walk in that today. Make it part of your life moment by moment.
The last thing the Lord wishes to give to you today is His joy. Nehemiah states that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Isaiah stated that joy comes from the waters of salvation. This enables us to say every moment, "Praise the Lord." Joy is that deep seated contentment knowing that God has everything under control. Joy is knowing that you are never alone no matter what you are going through.
So today as each moment allow the kingdom of God to rule your heart and mind. Allow God to have His way today. You can have these qualities in your life. This is what the Kingdom of God is all about. Apply these into your life and live the abundant life God has always wanted to give you.
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