Wednesday, February 20, 2019

To the Church and nation of Andorra

To the Church and nation of Andorra

     You sit at the cross roads of Europe.  You have lived like the people of Mount Seir.  You have thought that the heights of your mountains will protect you.  You have also lived in a false perception that the church you serve will protect you.  You have allowed religious practices that are not of me come into your midst.  You are like the church that has forgotten its first love.  You are rich and increased with goods but in reality you a naked, lame and blind.  Turn back to me and I will heal and restore you.  I remind you that this is not the end of your story.  I only wish for you to repent and turn back to me.
     I will to bring you to greater heights of spirituality and victory than you have ever seen before.  I am a good God who is long suffering, kind and full of love.  You do not have to stay the way you are.  In fact I cannot allow you to stay the way that you are.  That is why I am giving you this warning.  You have had times of suffering and unrest in the past but they are nothing that will happen to you if you do not repent.  You destiny is in your hands.  You can have influence, prosperity and victory or hardship, pain and suffering.  What you do not depends on you.  You have been warned.  You have been given another opportunity/  Do not waste it.  Draw close to me and I will draw close to you.  Hear my voice and come unto me and I will give you rest and peace.

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