Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Snares

The Snares – Seventy One

     The Lord has a strong warning for His people today.  The world, the flesh and the devil are laying traps for you.  The fool sees the trap and ignores it to their own peril.  The following list will enable you to see the traps and their authors.  The Lord has set you free so don`t let yourself be trapped or ensnared again.
     Watch out for false gods.  Popularity, fame, success and accolades of man are deadly.  Never make a promise or sinful covenant with anyone who does not know the Lord.  They will trap you with their lies and you will pay in ways you never thought possible.  Alliances with the world will bring poverty and pain.  Be careful with the love of money or silver and gold.  The love of money is the root of all evil.  It will cause you to think, talk and live ways you never thought you would.  You will compromise and lose the most valuable things like family, friends and even you soul. 
     Be careful of evil associations.  Who you hand out with does define you.  Bad company always corrupts good character.  These associations will cause you great heartache.  It could even cost your soul and the souls of your family.  Evil associations will also ruin your reputation and the view other people have of you. 
     Idolatry is not bowing down to idols it is a condition of the heart.  You put you trust in people or things for security.  Where you go in your times of trouble is your god.  They rely on everything else instead of God.  Idolatry will always draw you away from God to other things.  The Lord has so much better in store for you.  He has eternal and abundant life for you.  Righteousness, peace and joy is your break.  The mercy, favor, grace and love of God is yours in abundance.  Do not let of the above things break that or hinder it.  You were destine for God`s glory and greatness.

Parable of last times

Proverb of Steel

True communication is first learning to listen, then learning to think and last learning to talk at the right time.

Verse Today

James 1:19 New International Version (NIV)

Listening and Doing

19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,

Trust in the Lord

Feb 28 – Psalm 25:1-3 - Trust in the Lord

     It is amazing how fast a month can go.  In Psalm 25, David commits his soul to the Lord.  His will, intellect and emotions belong to God.  He is putting His trust in the Lord.  David then asks the Lord not allow him to be put to shame.  David believed that when he trusted in the Lord his reputation and character would be in the Lord’s hand.  He then asks the Lord not to allow his enemies to defeat him.  David was aware that he had many enemies and they would love to destroy him.  The Christian has three main foes, the world the flesh and the devil.  Each has one agenda, to rob, kill and destroy.  Entertaining them is foolish and will always lead to death.  So overcome, defeat and destroy them from your life.

     In vs 3, David states that anyone who puts their trust in the Lord will never out to shame.  You can trust God with your life and reputation.  He will take care of how people view and treat you.  You do your part and God will do His.  David also says those that act deceitfully will be put to shame because they have no excuse.  They know what they are doing.  They will reap what they sow.

True Commincation

It is the middle of the week and here is a thought to ponder.  True communication is first learning to listen, then learning to think and last learning to talk at the right time.  This is called wisdom and if you need it ask the Lord and He will give it.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Walk in Victory

Feb 24 – Psalm 23:4 -
Walk in Victory


     This verse is often used during funeral celebrations but it is so much more.  Even though we walk in the shadow if death we have no fear.  1 Cor 15:52-58 states that death has lost its sting and victory when Jesus Christ rose from the dead.  David did not fear death because he knew it was a portal into eternal and abundant life.  He knew He was going to be with the Lord.  In this verse there are three great promises, God’s protection, presence and confidence.  I love that song, “I have got confidence God is going to see me through”  David had this confidence as well.

     .David knew the Lord was going to be with him.  The rod and staff of the Lord was with him.  No evil would defeat Him.  No foe would overcome him.  The Lord was with Him.  We have the same promise in Matt 28:20, God is with us.  Now the staff or rod was an instrument of authority, correction and help.  It was used by the shepherd to guide, correct the sheep.  In the hands of a skilled shepherd it could be used as a weapon.    Today let God walk, guide and protect you.

Taste and See

Taste and See – Seventy

     The bible gives a wonderful statement about tasting and seeing that the Lord is good.  In fact the Bible is full of many illustrations about food.  The Lord obviously is a master chef.  He created so many different types of foods and plants to enjoy.  In fact this world has so many varieties that one could not cook or enjoy them all in a lifetime.  In fact they have chef and cooks coming up with new combinations all the time.  God is a God of great diversity. 
     In the Bible we learn how that Jesus fed the 5000 and 4000 with very little.  In fact one of the lessons we can learn today is that the Lord can take the little we have and make it much.  God is looking for you to give all you have and letting Him use it to make much.  The law of the harvest is such a great principle.  When we sow we can reap a harvest of 30, 60 and 100 fold.  When a farmer or gardener plants they are expecting a good harvest.  When you sow into the Lord`s work you should be cheerful about it and expect a harvest on your investment.
     The Lord is calling His people to invest in His Kingdom.  He is asking for our time , talents and resources to be available for His work.  Jesus promises that He will give us fruit that remains.  If we abide in Him and if His word abides in us we will be fruitful.  Remember He is the vine and we are the branches.  Our source is Him and we will bear much fruit because of Him.  So today give all you have and are to the Lord and He will use you to touch many for Him.  You will be like salt and flavour your world for the Lord.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

He will supply
The Lord reminds you today that He will supply your every need. Why are you frustrated, scared and fussing? The Lord has promised that He will supply. He is your divine source and the one who meet every one of your need. Today remember that God wants to be an active part of your life. The Lord however will not force Himself into your life. He wants to be invited. The Lord has given us all a free will and we can exercise it either to our benefit or shame.
When you choose to do your own will it comes with devastating consequences. We will actually sow what we reap. Jesus said that when we sow to the flesh we will reap the flesh but if we sow to the Spirit we will reap the things of the Spirit. The flesh leads away from God and to death. When you follow the Lord you will reap things such as love, forgiveness, acceptance, peace, joy, hope, grace and mercy.
This is your moment to choose. Choose the Lord and live or choose the flesh and die. The choice seems simple enough but many will read this message and ignore it because you do not think it applies to you or you think you know better than God. Choice is yours but with comes the responsibility of that choice. Choose well.

Proverb of Steel

A fool loves to hear the sound of their own voice when every one else does not.

Verse Today

2 Chronicles 7:14 New International Version (NIV)

14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Green Pastures

Feb 22 – Psalm 23:2 - Green Pastures

     David is a shepherd who became King.  He was the Lord`s anointed and appointed.  David says the Lord will lead us into green pastures.  It is the dream of every sheep to be able to eat from lush green pastures especially in the semi arid area of Israel.  Back in 1986, I was in Israel during the fall rains.  One week before I had travelled through the arid Judean wilderness but after a week of rain green grass was growing everywhere.  The desert was green and lush.  This is what David was talking about.  The Lord will fulfill every need.

     He leads beside still waters.  It is a known fact that sheep will not drink from running or stirred up water.  It has to be perfectly calm.  David knew this and used this analogy.  The Lord will calm our often chaotic and disturbed world.  He will give rest, peace and calmness in life.  Trust the Lord and He will give you His peace.  What a promise absence from strife, chaos and war.  Claim these two great truths today.

Thursday Thought

It is Thursday and here is a thought to ponder.  fool loves to hear the sound of their own voice when every one else does not.  So make sure that what you say has value.  What we speak comes from our heart.  So serve the Lord and let Him speak on your behalf.  It will give you a new heart that will speak love.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Timing – Sixty Nine

     It has been said that two things are very important in life especially in comedy and the will of God and that is timing.  The Lord is never early or late He is always on time.  The problem is that He often conflicts with our timing.  We live in the immediate and microwave generation.  We want everything as instant as possible.  At one time we have dial up internet that seem to take so long.  Those were the days of 56K.  Now of course we can get so much bandwidth it is hard to fathom.  God however is not concerned how fast we get information and how immediate our lives are.  He does worry about smart phones or the latest I pad or tablet.  God is working His good work in us and that takes time.
     1 Pet 3:18 states. “that we are to grow in the knowledge and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.”  This is a life time work.  Each day we change a little and become more like Jesus.  Some days we grow faster than other days.  Sometimes our change is slow and subtle and other times it is fast and dramatic.  The important thing is that we change.  God is looking for us to become like His Son.  Jesus only wanted to do the will of the Father.  Is that your goal and aim?

     Isaiah 40:31 states that they that wait upon the Lord shall be renew in their strength.  Waiting is often providential discipline for those to whom God has given a great work.  If you find yourself in a time of waiting time then know that God has a great work for you to do in your world.  Paul waited in Tarsus for 14 years.  Joseph waited in Egypt for 13 years.  Abraham waited for 25 years for Isaac.  It takes time to get to where we need to be in God so wait and see that the Lord is good.  God may not work in your timing but He is working so trust Him and be patient.

Psalm 190 of Psalms of Steel

Psalm 190

My enemy has been attacking for quite awhile.
He has stripped me of my joy and I have lost my smile.
The enemy has come after me like a flood.
He has wanted my soul, my heart, my will and my blood.

Yet in the midst of this great battle and war.
The Lord has been with me and my life has not hit the floor.
They who wait in the presence of Almighty God.
Will not be taken down or beaten into the sod.

The Lord is our banner and He rises with might in His wings.
He helps you to overcome, win and He takes away the devil`s sting.
The Lord is strong, mighty, gracious, patient, loving and is clothed with might.
He will give you joy in the morning after a long and sorrowful night.

Trust in the Lord with all your mind, will and heart.
Nothing, the devil, the world and the flesh can do to keep you apart.
You are strong in the Lord, mighty in battle and they are your song.
The battle may wage, the foe is fierce but in the Lord  and you are strong.

So rejoice in the Lord and sing to Him, a song of delight.
He is worthy of all praise, majesty, glory and might.
So remember when you feel alone and abandoned you, still have a friend.

One who sticks closer than a brother who cares and loves you to the end.

Proverb of Steel

Saying the right thing, at the right time, for the right reasons is like giving a starving child a piece of warm bread or a thirsty woman a cold drink. 

Poor are Satisfied

Feb 20 – Psalm 22:26 – Poor are Satisfied

     This is the last day we are going to spend on Psalm 22.  David reveals some great thoughts today.  He says that the poor will be satisfied.  God has a special place for those that cannot care for themselves.  In Matt 25, there is rewards for those who help the helpless.  Jesus says when we do it to the least of these we do it until Him.  Helping others is like helping Jesus in His destressing disguise.  The Lord will help the poor and keep them satisfied.
He also uses us to make that happen.  Let us not miss an opportunity to be His hand extended.
     They who seek the Lord will praise Him because they see Him for who He is and what he has done.  When we seek the Lord we find Him.  Also all things will be added to us.  What a great promise.  David closes this verse off with wishes that their hearts live forever.  A heart satisfied seeking god will always be a praising and joyful heart.

Verse Today

Hebrews 13:5 New International Version (NIV)

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,
“Never will I leave you;
    never will I forsake you.”[a]

Be an encourager

It is the Tuesday and here is a  great thought for you to ponder.  Saying the right thing, at the right time, for the right reasons is like giving a starving child a piece of warm bread or a thirsty woman a cold drink.   So today be a blessing and encouragement.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Remind the people

Psalm 189 of Psalms of Steel

Psalm 189

The Lord created us out of the dust of the earth.
He breathed into us His breath of life and we began to live.
He created us to love, laugh, cry and feel each day in Him.
Yet man because of sin broke fellowship with God.
We became separated from Him by our disobedience.

The Lord though had a plan a great path.
He took the skins of animals and covered our sins.
In times past the blood of animals took our place.
But in the fullness of time God sent His Son.
His blood and broken body, created a way back.

Jesus Christ has made a way where there was no way.
His death, burial and resurrection gave us true life.
Rejoice child of God for He has set you free.
Who Jesus Christ sets free is truly free in indeed.
Never go back to the bondage of sin, death, heal and the grave.

So in regards to these realities treat all men equal and fair.
Take what you have and be willing to heal and to share.
When a person comes to you, for help for their need.
Be willing to help, restore, encourage with great speed.

Remember the Lord did it for you as an example in word and indeed.

The Time of the Gentiles

The Time of the Gentiles – Sixty Eight

     Right now we are living in the time of the gentiles.  It is a time where the Lord`s is calling all nations to Himself.  No nation, culture, tribe, creed or colour is exempt.  God is moving all over the earth.  There are more than 200 nations, 6000 people groups and 3000 languages and God is calling all.  He is moving in all nations and people groups.  His desire is that all would be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.  All who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
     There is nothing like it.  Right now God is saving over 100,000 people a day.  They are being gloriously called from around the world.  Not a continent, land mass, or island is being missed.  Even the remotest places in the world are being reached.  Right now there are incredible moves of God in the Arctic regions of the world.  God is so good.

     The Lord has not forgotten about you and your family as well.  His promise is that not only you are going to be saved but your household as well.  This is God`s promise.  The Lord is concerned about your world.  He wants to save the gentiles in your family should you not be of Jewish heritage.  The gentiles time is however limited.  Each moment that we live we are one day closer to the immanent coming of the Lord.  He will come when we do not expect Him.  His coming as well will be so quick that we will not even have time to think or utter a word.  Pray for you family, your world and be ready to share the hope that lies within you.  Be ready in season to share Jesus Christ.  Remember the time of the gentiles is almost over and when that happens there will be no more time.  

Help comes

Feb 19 – Psalm 22:24 –
Help comes

     David in this verse states the Lord does not despise or distain the suffering of the afflicted one.  God has great sympathy for those who suffer.  Their need becomes His need, their pain because His pain.  He is looking for you to call out to Him when you are in that season of suffering.  Call out and He will answer.

     He will not hide His face from you but He will listen to the cry of help.  There are times when all our wisdom, resources and strength fail.  That is the end of us but the beginning of God.  Draw near to the Lord in these times.  Turn to Him and He will come.  Call out and He will answer this is the promise given in this verse. 

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Psalm 188 of Psalms of Steel

Psalm 188

The world will not praise the Lord, for they do not know Him.
The evidence of His existence and power are all around.
Mankind has the two witnesses to remind him there is a God.
The witness of all that is created which cries out there is a God.
Then witness of conscience which says the moral image of God is there.

It is the fool who says in their heart there is no God.
The person who denies the Lord is a most miserable creature.
They railed or fight someone they do not believe exists.
This is worst insanity of all too actually fight someone you don`t believe in.
They will intimidate, slander and malign all who oppose them.

Their fate is the worst because they chose to struggle with the Almighty One
The Lord sits on His throne and laughs at their futility.
Yet His heart is also broken because He knows what awaits them.
The peril of the wicked is that they have only one future.
The judgment and penalty of sin is very severe.

Oh foolish person hear the Word of the Lord today.
You do not have to remain in your fight and folly.
Come to one who loves and cares for you.
His salvation is free, gracious and kind.
Be healed of your hatred, sorrow and pain.

The message of God is still powerful and saves.
It will deal with all your hurts, pains and the things you crave.
The Lord is merciful, loving, patient and kind.
The last thing He wants is that you get left behind.
So come to the Lord and be healed once more.

Do it now before time and your resistance close the door.

Never Stop

Never Stop -  Sixty Seven

     One thing that the child of God must never do is stop praying.  Paul tells in 1 Thess 5, to pray without ceasing.  This is both an attitude and an action.  When you are praying you are communicating with your heavenly Father.  You are one with the creator of the universe.  The promise is also that if you pray in Jesus’ name that whatever you ask in prayer you will have it.  Praying people are heavenly people.  It has been said that you cannot truly be a Christian without prayer.  The giants of the Christian faith have always been people of prayer. 
     Jesus was the greatest example of prayer.  When you study the life of Christ, He went from one place of prayer to another place of prayer and in between He did miracles.  Jesus prayed because He wanted to bring the affairs of heaven into everyday life.  His whole goal in life was to do the will of the Father.  Is that your goal?  You will never know the will of the Father without being a person of prayer.  Prayer is the conveyor belt that brings God`s blessing into your life.  You will never completely do the will of God without being a consistent and persistent prayer warrior.  Notice the word, “warrior.”  You are warring in the heavenlies with prayer. 
     What should we be praying for?  The salvation of our families and friends.  This should be our top priority.  This is what salvation and redemption is all about.  Jesus Christ came for the salvation of the lost.  It was Jesus’ priority and it should be ours.  So many times our prayer times are about us and little about others.  Flip this around and you will see more blessings in your life than you ever dreamed possible.  Get with the plan of God and see His blessings flow.  It is your right and responsibility to pray.  Pray with ceasing.  Pray in accordance with God’s will and word.  The Bible contains 212 written prayers.  Each one can be a blue print for your next prayer time.  The issue is not how you pray though but that you pray.  Ask God and He will show and then get about the masters business, doing the masters will and like Jesus you will go from one place of prayer to another and in between you will do and see miracles.

The Future revealed

Feb 18 – Psalm 22:14-18 –
The Future revealed

     David now begins to list off some prophetic words.  He is seeing in the future.  Many see David as a king, warrior and composer of music.  Yes David was multi-talented but he was also a prophet.  God showed Him things.  In this psalm, he is poured out like water and all his bones are out of joint.  Job said the same thing in Job 30:16.  This is how Jesus would be on the day of his death.  All his joints were out of place because of the beating He would receive.  His heart has melted like wax.  There is nothing left.  Jesus would be like that as well.

     In vs 15-16, Jesus’ strength would be gone.  His tongue would stick to the roof of his mouth.  On the cross Jesus called for a drink.  They gave him vinegar wine.  .  It would be the Lord that would lay this all on the suffering servant.  Evil men would surround Him and they would pierce His hands and feet.  Jesus had that happen.  Even today we can see the wounds on His hands and feet.  By His stripes we would be healed.  He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our sins.

     In vs 17-18, Jesus could count all his bones, they were exposed by the whip and hanging on the cross.  They would divide His garments and cast lots for His clothing.  All that happened to Jesus.  David was describing the crucifixion.  It must have broken David’s heart to see this.  His own descendant going through this.  What love, what a savior, what salvation.  Jesus did all this for you and me today.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Psalm of Steel

Psalm of Steel

God is reviving His people right now.
Let the Lord renew you in His love and peace.
His peace comes to those who seek the Lord with all their heart.
The one who basks in the light of peace will be blessed.
Happy is the one who allows the victory of the Lord in their life.

I will say of the Lord I will serve you.
Let me never be put to shame or overcome.
I need you Lord in every part of my life.
I cannot live this life without you.
Come to me and overshadow me with your love and grace,.

Lord Lord is my helper. He is my shield and my refuge.
I love the fact that He will never leave me or forsake me.
He has promised help in all my times no matter what.
His love surrounds me like a fortress.
with the Lord why should I be afraid or discouraged.

Today I will blessed and give thanks to the Lord.
I will rejoice in the God who loves me and made me.
I am a workman of His hand. He breathed into me new life.
I am born again of a supernatural seed.
Thank you Lord for you have done a great work in my life.


My children the world does not need more media. It does not need more technology. It does not need more money or exploitation of resources. The world does not need more philosophy or religion it has enough of that. People do not need more possessions or popularity. It needs love.
Jesus said, that people will know we are His disciples by the way that we love one another. Today walk in His love. A person who lives produces, receives and is of real value. A person who loves will always have love return to them. When you love even the most violent sinner will come to Christ. What people need most is just someone to love them. Love makes all the difference. When a person is loved even the most terrible scars can be healed. When a person is loved they will learn to heal and be an instrument of healing to others.
Love is the language of heaven. It is God's way of setting al things right. Remember is the nature and character of God. When we love, we are shown God. When we love we are showing how much He loves us. Love makes us whole and in return we make others whole. So today go and love others made in the image of God and you are showing that you have the Lord. Jesus showed the love of God in the way he dealt and healed people. Be the Lord's healer today and love. Remember it is what the world needs.

Weekend Thought

It is the weekend and here is your thought.  When love and encouragement is shared, it returns in peace and prosperity.  The is the law of the harvest.  So today sow love and encouragement and have it return to you and touch those in your world for God and good.

Desires of the heart

Feb 16 – Psalm 21:1-2 – Desires of the heart

     David in this psalm says that he as the king rejoices in the strength of the Lord.  It is through His strength that David defeated Goliath and all His enemies.  David acknowledges that He cannot make it without the Lord.  The king rejoices in the victories that the Lord has given him.  God has three designs for the child of God.  For them to be a conqueror, a victor and an overcomer.  We are not victims, conquered or overcome.  We are the ones who rise into victory.
     David reveals two things the Lord did for Him and those who trust in the Lord.  He will grant them the desires of their heart.  That is powerful.  Paul wanted to see His world reach for God and God gave Him the then known world.  The Lord will not with hold the request of his lips.  David told the Lord what he wanted in prayer and God granted it.  Prayer is the avenue in which we get the benefits of heaven.  We ask and we will receive.  We have not  because we ask not.  So today stand upon the promise of these two verses and become what God intended.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

The Lord is Power

The Lord is Power
The Lord reminds you today that His power is able to deliver you from anything that you are facing today. There is no weapon that is fashion against you is going to prosper. The Lord's power is able to deliver and keep you. You are not subject to this world and its allies. The Lord is more than able to help you. Remember in all situations help is on the way.
When you feel that the situation is hopeless the Lord is able. When the enemy tells you that you are finished tell him that in the Lord you have just begun. Remember when you are finished that is when the God of the impossible is about to move. God is the God of the impossible. Remember He can do exceeding abundantly more than you can ask or imagine.
Today walk in His victory. You are an over comer, victor and conqueror today. The Lord will not allow you to tempted beyond what you are able to endure but with the temptation provide a means of escape. God has you back and with Him you will endure and come into freedom. Where the Spirit of the Lord there is freedom. This is is your promise for today.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

As Wednesday

It is Wednesday and today we wish to remind you that two events of love are being celebrated.  It is Ash Wednesday which is the beginning of Lent.  This is the countdown to the most powerful and earth changing event.  The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  An act of love.  The other event this day is Valentine's Day where people celebrate their love for each other.  One is about God's love and the other about human love.  Today show love for God and others.  Be the Lord's hand today in both.

Be Strong

The Lord has have a five fold message for you today based upon Joshua 1:9. The Lord calls your to be strong. This strength is not your own but the Lord's. With His strength you can do all the things the Lord has called you to do. In the strength of the Lord you will be an over comer, a victor and a conqueror. 
Next, He tells you to be a person of courage. You can overcome when you choose not to be afraid. Remember the Lord has not given you a spirit of fear but love, power and a sound mind. You can face any foe when you are walking in the resurrection power of the Lord. So today stand in the courage and strength of the Lord.
The Lord then tells you that you have nothing to be afraid of. The Lord will help you in every situation. You are never alone in any trial that you face. You have divine help and remember even before you pray the answer is already on the way. The victory has already been secured. You can run through a troop and scale a wall in the Lord. Remember perfect love casts out all fear.
The Lord then tells you to not be discouraged. Everything you face will not stay. It is only a small chapter of your life. It is not the end. Every time you face a problem the Lord is with you. He will work all things out for your good. Do not let the devil discourage or steal your joy. You will learn great things by the trails you face. Your attitude in the Lord is everything.
Remember all these things that have been brought to you attention will happen because the Lord is with you where ever you go. You are never alone. The Lord is with you until the end of the age. You have divine help and power in every thing you face. No weapon form against you will prosper. So today rise in the Lord and gain you victory. This is the Lord's word of encouragement today.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Simply Love

The most wonderful the Lord wants you to know today is that He loves you. You also need to know that you cannot do one thing to earn or get His love. It is unconditional. God is love. It is His character and essence. He loved us so much that He gave His Son Jesus Christ for our salvation. You part is to receive and walk in that love. His love is patient and kind. It walks in forgiveness, acceptance and peace. His love is the foundation for faith and hope.
Jesus was the perfect example of love working out in a life.He was always about His Father's business. he knew that each day counted and so He made the most of every moment. Do you? The Lord will help you today to maximize each moment.
Your part today is to allow the Lord to guide you through His love. It is His fruit that shows in your life. People will know that we are His disciples by the way that we love one another. So love in His name. Draw close to Him and receive and move through His love. Your world is waiting and God will move in your world as you trust in Him to use you.

Proverb of Steel

Jesus said, He was the way, the problem is most have not even started the trip.

Verse Today

Joshua 1:6 New International Version (NIV)

Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them.

The Heavens Declare

Feb 13 – Psalm 19:1-2  The Heavens Declare

     David in this psalm reveals that the heaven declare the glory of God.  Creation is God`s silent witness.  All creation by the consistency, beauty and uniformity declare there is a creator.  The skies proclaim the work of His hands.  Day after day they pour forth speech.  The world shows by the way it works there is a master mind behind this.  Night after night they display knowledge.  Men have from the beginning of time studied the earth, its many features and animals.  The world around us shouts there is a God.  Paul stated this in Romans 1.  Unfortunately man worships the creation not the creator.  Yet we cannot deny the witness of creation and conscience both speak loud and clear there is a God.  What we do with Him determines where we spend eternity.  Let us choose to believe and He will reveal His Son and with Jesus Christ comes eternal and abundant life.

Tuesday Thought

It is Tuesday and here is a great thought.  Jesus said, He was the way, the problem is most have not even started the trip.  Today make it your aim to stay on the path that leads to life.  Follow Jesus and be His instrument to touch others.  Show them the way by you live.  It will helps others to start the trip.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Peace Comes

It is Monday and the beginning of the week and here is your thought for today.  Peace comes to the heart who is ready to turn from war and pain and embrace love and forgiveness.  So today forgive and walk in love and true peace will not be in your life only but in your world and all you meet.

Verse Today

Numbers 6:26 New International Version (NIV)

26 the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.

No Worries

The people of Australia use a phrase that the Lord wishes to bring to you attention today, "No Worries." The Lord wants you to know today that you do not have to fear or worry. The Lord is with you and will never leave or forsake you. You are never alone. So today bring all your fears, stress, anxiety and concerns to the Lord today. Prayer is the vehicle in which you can lay all your needs before the Lord.
God promises to supply all your needs according to His riches in glory. Now because the Lord has unlimited power He also has unlimited resources ready for you to access. The secret is to ask. James writes that you have not because you ask not. So ask and receive. Jesus said, "Ask and you will receive." So ask and receive. It is up to you to do your part. God has already promised that He will do His part.
Today walk in the victory and the strength the Lord has promised. All this is because of the Lord's grace and mercy. So today because of these truths and reality you can live like the Aussies say with, "No worries."

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Grace of God

Psalm 186 of Psalms of Steel

Psalm 186

Great is the Lord and worthy of all praise and glory.
The people of God are known as building of the Lord.
Christ is our builder, He is our sure foundation and architect
Great is the Lord and worthy of all praise and glory.

Great is the Lord and worthy of all praise and glory.
Jesus Christ is the great Cornerstone.
Upon Him is the church built and the gates of hell will not prevail.
Great is the Lord and worthy of all praise and glory.

Great is the Lord and worthy of all praise and glory.
We are living stones fitted in the master’s hand.
Christ is our maker and we are sustained through His word.
Great is the Lord and worthy of all praise and glory.

Great is the Lord and worthy of all praise and glory.
We are the living body form through Jesus Christ.
His broken body and shed blood gave us glorious salvation.
Great is the Lord and worthy of all praise and glory.

Great is the Lord and worthy of all praise and glory.
As the body of Christ each joint supplies what is needed.
Christ is the head of the church and we are His body
Great is the Lord and worthy of all praise and glory.

Great is the Lord and worthy of all praise and glory.
We are His instruments of grace and mercy.
We show His love, power and peace in a world of darkness.
Great is the Lord and worthy of all praise and glory.

Great is the Lord and worthy of all praise and glory.
So give thanks all the people of the Lord for we are His.
He has given all the benefits of heaven through His sacrifice.

Great is the Lord and worthy of all praise and glory.

So little Time

So little Time – Sixty Four

     Prov 11:30, states that He who wins souls is wise.  The best and wisest thing you can do it tell someone about Jesus.  The problem is the people of God are not winning souls.  They are not even opening their mouths.  The Lord is very displeased with His people on this account.  In the great commission in Matt 28:19, we are told to go into our world and preach the gospel.  That is not happening.  Billy Graham Association did a survey a number of years ago and discovered that 95% of the church has never told anyone about Jesus Christ.  Another survey done by Focus on the Family calculated that it will take the average Christian 29 years to invite someone to church.
     The reality of the situation is that people are going to hell all around us and we seem indifferent.  The Lord says to His people that we must get busy while there is still day.  We must make the most of every moment, hour, and day.  They Lord will bring many people across our path when we are willing and able to tell them.  Evangelism starts in the small places with just saying one word.  Remember a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pitchers of silver.  God has a word to share through you.  Maximize the moment.  Serve the Lord with an urgency in your life.  You do not know when this time period will end.  You do not know when the Lord will call you home.  When you are dead there will be no more chances to tell someone about Jesus.  Today redeem you time.  Tell someone about your beloved saviour.

     Some would say my life speaks for me and that is right but how will they ever know you are a Christian unless you tell them.  I have worked in an establishment now for about 4 months.  Everyone knows what I stand for even before I came.  Then when I arrived they asked me questions and I have been able to share my faith.  I don’t know how long I will be there so I make the most of every moment.  You do the same because remember he who wins souls is wise.  Don’t you want to be wise?

Hinds Feet

Feb 11 – Psalm 18:32-33  Hinds Feet

      This portion of Psalm 18 is very famous.  David tells his readers that it is the Lord who arms or gives him strength.  Paul said in Phil 4:13  , that he could do all things through Christ who strengthened him.  The joy of the Lord is our strength.   Strength is a promise from God.  We are weak but he is strong like the song says.  He makes our way perfect David says.  We are made perfect in His strength.  What a thought.  So today rely on the strength, power and perfect ways of the Lord.

    Then David writes, “He makes my feet like the feet of the deer and enable me to scale the heights”.  This is the theme of Oswald Chamber famous devotional.  Hinds Feet.  The Lord gives us a sure footing in the slippery places.  We will not stumble or fall.  Just outside of Keremos B.C. are sheer cliffs where the famous mountain goats live.  I have seen these goats and their young scale sheer cliffs were ease and speed.  God gave them sure footing and He will you as well.  You will not stumble, slip or fall in life when you trust the Lord.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Psalm 185 of Psalms of Steel

Psalm 185

The Lord has given His people so many wonderful benefits.
He has given us a new birth that gives us worth.
The Lord is wonderful and the most when He gives us growth.
The Lord gives us peace, joy and rest.
He makes us blessed, victorious and gives a robe of righteousness His dress.

Our God is a great and wonderful provider.  A life without strife.
The Lord promises, eternal, joyful, happy and peaceful life.
The Lord today is creating and sustaining His church.
We are His temple, His creation and His building living a life full of worth.
Never settle for second best the Lord is willing to give all the rest.

The Lord is reminding His people of His soon coming.
He is building His people giving them true fellowship.
When He comes back in that second when we shall be change and leave for our trip.
This world is not our home we are people passing through.
Don`t hold onto this world.  It will make you feel blue.

The Lord promises to build you up with His word in edification.
As you study the Bible the Lord will guide you and give you His education.
The Lord is strong in His love, peace joy and purpose.
He will equip you, anoint you, empower and enable you for service.

So thank the Lord today for His great love and grace.