Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Psalm 181 of Psalms of Steel

Psalm 181

Oh give thanks to the Lord for His wonderful salvation.
For it was His love, that motivated Him to send Jesus Christ.
The Lord had a divine will that needed to be fulfilled.
Jesus was obedient to that divine will and purpose.
Jesus hung on a cross so we could have eternal and abundant life.

Jesus did not hang on that cross because of He was friendless.
He could have called a legion to come and rescue Him.
Jesus was not weak when He hung on that cross.
He chose the time and place of His death.
He said it is finished when the work of redemption was finished.

So what was it that kept Jesus on that old rugged cross?
That cross stained with blood so divine and powerful.
It was our sins and their power over our lives.
Jesus knew that only His death could set us free from sin.
Death, hell and the grave could only be defeated by His sacrifice.

Jesus stayed on that cross until it was finished because of love.
What love, what great love Jesus had for us that He gave all.
For God so love the world that He gave us Jesus.
Jesus was resigned and obedient to the divine will.
It was God’s will and plan that we would be saved and Jesus did this for us.

Jesus submitted Himself to the will of the Father.
He was loyal to the divine purpose and plan.
Praise the Lord for His broken body and shed blood.
We thank Him for His death burial and resurrection. 
Without them we would be lost.  Thank you for your love O God.

Sin Fought

Sin Fought – Fifty Nine

     In Genesis 4, there is a story about Cain and Abel.  Cain and Abel brought their offerings to the Lord.  Cain brought the fruit of the land and Abel brought an animal sacrifice.  Abel`s sacrifice was accepted and Cain`s was not.  Both knew what was required but only one brought the right one.  Cain is like many people today.  They know what is required but they think they know best.  God is not looking for you second rates, He wants your best.  Have you given all that you have to the Lord.?  Remember it says in Matt 6:33, that when we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness then all things will be added unto us. 
     Now Cain was downcast and unhappy with God.  The Lord asked him why he was like that.  Also the Lord said that sin was standing at the door of his heart and it wanted to master him.  God also said that Cain could master sin.  As we are well aware Cain submitted to sin and passed this on to his children.  It is still be passed on today. 

     Praise God thought through Jesus Christ the power of sin, hell and the grave have been defeated.  You do not have to be subject to sin any more.  Jesus Christ has set us free and as it says in John 8:32, who the Son sets free, is free indeed.  You have a choice today to be free or sin.  Both have eternal consequences.  I trust you will choose the Lord.  

Proverb of Steel

The funny thing about New Age Philosophy and teachings is that it is old age demon worship repackaged.

Verse Today

Ephesians 4:30 New International Version (NIV)

30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealedfor the day of redemption.

Godly Qualities

Jan 31 – Psalm 15:1-2 - Godly Qualities

     This is one of my favorite psalms.  We will spend the next four days in this Psalm because it is so rich in truth.  David asks the question, “Who can dwell in your sanctuary who can live on your holy Hill?”  Then he proceeds to answer it.  Many psalms are structured this way. 
     David then reveals three qualities of a righteous person.  First, their walk is blameless.  No one can attach blame to them.  They are like Joseph and Daniel living righteously in a wicked world.  Their lifestyle shows their regard, honor and respect for God.  Next, they do what is right.  Actions speak louder than words.  They walk the walk.    James says, “I will show you my faith by what I do.”  True faith is demonstrated through lifestyle.  Lastly, they speak the truth from their heart.  Truth is in their heart and that what is what they speak.  They know the truth and it has set them from.  David says godly qualities start from the heart and are shown in lifestyle.  Are yours?

Wednesday Thought

Well it is the middle of the week and here is a couple of thoughts.  The funny thing about New Age Philosophy and teachings is that it is old age demon worship repackaged.  The greatest thing that the Christian to do is tell and live the truth about Jesus Christ.  Truth is truth and Jesus is the truth we speak and live.  Live your faith so well that people will be hungry for what you have in Christ.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Proverb of Steel

Man is a funny creature, wise, thoughtful, kind, generous and understanding one moment.  The next, hateful, prejudice, cruel, rude and foolish.  Only creature capable of such mood changes.

Verse Today

Ephesians 4:29 New International Version (NIV)

29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Coming out of Zion

Jan 30 – Coming out of Zion

     David spends this psalms speaking of the plight and state of the wicked.  They are fools because they say there is no God.  Atheism is a hopeless state.  It was written once on an atheist tombstone.  “Here lies a man all dress up and no place to go.”  What a said state to live and be in.  No hope just death before you.  One day to stand and give an account to a righteous and holy God and being a sinner.  Sad state of affairs.
     Yet David closes off the psalm in vs 7 saying, salvation comes for Israel out of Zion.  Salvation comes from place where God dwells.  Jesus came out of heaven to earth to give mankind salvation.  The Lord will restore the fortunes of His people.  All that has been lost will be restored.  What a great promise.  One day everything the thief has stolen from us will be restored 7 fold.  Pr 6:31.    As a psalm of praise David closes and says rejoice and be glad.  The state of the wicked is sad but the people of God have favor, salvation and restoration.  You feel like you lost so much.  Don’t worry all will be well.  What you have lost will be restored and the thief will have to pay it back.  What a great promise.


It is Tuesday and here is a funny thought.  Man is a funny creature, wise, thoughtful, kind, generous and understanding one moment.  The next, hateful, prejudice, cruel, rude and foolish.  Only creature capable of such mood changes.  Today let kindness, wisdom thoughtfulness, peace, mercy and joy be the attributes you display.  Show them to everyone who comes across you path and be the blessing God intended you to be.  Most of all show God's love to all.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Verse Today

Ephesians 4:28English Standard Version (ESV)

28 Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.

Proverb of Steel

A pearl of great price is a saying that expresses our heart and what God is saying to it at the time.  

My heart Rejoices.

Jan 29 – Psalm 13:7 - My heart Rejoices.

     David was in a questioning and meditative state.  His question through the Psalm is, “How long Oh God.”  Many times we feel the same way.  God has not heard our prayers in our time frame.  We think He is taking too long.  We have forgotten that God will renew, strengthen and restore those who wait on Him.  David has voiced His thoughts and then at the end of the Psalm as often happens David brings a happy ending.  Today he releases three truths.    First, David and we can trust in God’s unfailing love.  God’s love will never fail and we will be never separated from it.  Secondly, his heart rejoiced in God’s salvation.  Salvation is such a wonderful gift and thought.  To be saved from our sins.  To be forgiven.  To be right with God.  To have peace with God and others.  It is something to truly rejoice in.  There is joy when you know you are righteous and blameless.  Lastly, David was going to sing because the Lord was good to Him.  Johnny Appleseed was asked why he was so happy in doing his work.  “He stated the Lord has been good to me.” 
     Do you know the Lord has been good to you?  Do you trust in His unfailing love?  Do you rejoice in His salvation?  David did and you can as well as you think and reflect on these wonderful truths today.

Monday Thought

It is Monday and the beginning of the week and here is a thought to ponder.  A pearl of great price is a saying that expresses our heart and what God is saying to it at the time.  God has given you a wonderful life in Christ.  So today share that life with others.  Share His love, acceptance and forgiveness.  Be the blessing God wants you to be and make a real impact in the life of others with His love.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Psalm 179 of Psalms of Steel

Psalm 179

Oh Lord please rescue me from this trap of my own making.
Day and night I cry out to you for your help and forgiveness
I am trap in a spiralling web of sin and pain.
Please come to my aid before I cannot be rescued.
I know you are the only one who can free me.

Lord I cry out to you night and day.  I am in defeat.
I ask for forgiveness and tell you I will not do it again.
Yet the next day I am back in the same old cycle.
Lord I need your Holy Spirit to empower and anoint me.
I need your anointing to break this yoke.

I know there is victory in the Lord, He is the answer.
He can and will break all chains and shackles.
The Lord is my helper, my healer and my freedom.
Help comes from the Lord in all things.  He is God.
To you Lord I look for my deliverance and freedom.

The Lord is longsuffering and patient with me.
He will come to me and help in my time of distress.
The Lord is the great deliver and freedom maker.
When we put our trust in Him He will set and keep us free.

I rejoice in God my strength, victor and friend.

What sin is

What sin is – Fifty Eight

     Sin is a force within man that will master us if we do not master it.  It is more than will, intellect or emotions.  It is the innate desire towards evil.   We were born with it and will struggle against it even after  our salvation.  It is our greatest enemy.  It leads to death and separation from God.  Man values it, God hates it. 
     Man calls sin an infirmity but God calls it an iniquity.  Iniquity is habitual sin, one that you really do not want to be free from.  Man calls sin a luxury.  Greed, materialism and the love of money are some of its examples.  God call sin leprosy.  As leprosy sin causes scars and deformation.  Man calls sin a liberty, God calls it lawlessness.  Sin enslaves, binds and destroys.  Man calls sin a trifle, something that does not always bring bad results.  God calls sin a tragedy.  It will leave terrible and tragic results not only to ourselves but the generations that follow.  Sin is a generational curse only broken through salvation.

     Man calls sin a mistake.  One we should not give into but not serious.  God calls it madness.  Only mad men keep on its path when shown the truth.  Man calls sin a weakness, God calls it willfulness.  We willingly sin.  Mankind loves sin.  We do it many times a day.  God knows our heart and tells us there is freedom from sin, guilt and the grave.  Today turn to Jesus Christ.  Let Him cleanse you from all sin and give you knew life.  To not do so is madness.


-  Psalm 12:5-7

      David in this Psalm has been lamenting about the human condition.  The godly are no more.  People lie, flatter, slander and oppress the weak.  David says the oppression of the week and needy are wrong to the Lord.  The Lord in vs 5, says He will arise.  Nothing is going to stop Him.  He is about to move in the affairs of man.  First, He promises to protect than that are being aligned and slandered.  No weapon forms against the child of God will prosper.  No wagging tongue ill succeed.

     David then states the words from the law are perfect or flawless.  They are like silver than has refined 7 times.  God when He speaks delivers flawless, perfect and truth words.  You can trust the promises of God.  1 Cor 1, states that the promises of God are yes and amen.  Then David states the Lord will keep us safe and will protect us from such people forever.  The angels of the Lord camp around them fear Him.  He will build a hedge of protection around you today.  You are never alone.  You have god’s promise of help and protection today.  No tongue, slander or attack will succeed.  The enemy may try to rob, kill you destroy you, but Jesus destroy his works.  God promises today to give you life and with abundance.  What a great thought to carry with you today.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Teach the People

Psalm 178 of Psalms of Steel

Psalm 178

Praise the Lord for His glorious timing.
He does not work though according to the will of man.
The Lord has His plan and purpose, so we must trust Him.
He is working everything according to will in our lives.
His will is a life of abundance and joy in the Lord.

Wait and trust the Lord to work His good pleasure in you.
Remember every good and perfect gift comes from above.
The Father is working circumstances and situations for you.
He will make the crooked path straight and level the ground
He will make you ways sure so you will not stumble or fall.

The Lord is making you His channel of blessing.
You are His ambassador in your world.
It takes time to refine and purify you.
He is shaping, molding and guiding you.
His name will be glorified in your life and world.

Be still as the Lord works in your life.
Trust Him to complete His perfect will for your life.
You are His overcomer, conqueror and champion
Praise the Lord for His goodness and willingness to work in you.

Rejoice that the Lord is your maker and your creator.

See His Face

Psalm 11:7 -
See His Face    

     David spends Psalm 11 looking at the human condition.  Then at the end of the Psalm David relates these facts.  The Lord is righteous.  Holiness, purity, love and grace are His eternal qualities.  They are the lenses the Lord looks through.  The Lord loves justice.  He is a legal God that rules by law.  The law of gravity never changes.  Heb 13:8  states that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.  Mal 3:6 relates that fact that God does not change.  In our current societal and cultural upheavals this is a comforting fact.
     David then says that the upright will see His face.  This is a recurring theme through the Psalms and the Bible.  Those who choose to be upright, holy, pure will see God.  They will see His face and know His will.  When we seek God first, all things will be added to us.  Righteousness is the state of being and upright is the action following.  Do this today.

Power of Silence

Power of Silence – Fifty Seven

     The Bible teaches that people will think you are wise until you open your mouth.  There is great value in silence.  One man wrote that a wise person is someone thinks twice before saying nothing.  There is so much meaningless talk going about.  God wants us to put a door man on our mouths so we will not sin against the Lord.  An Irish proverb states that it shows a fine command of language when you choose to say nothing.  There is a time to speak and not to speak.  Real wisdom is knowing the difference. 
     There is another cute saying that goes like this, “Blessed are those who have nothing to say and cannot be persuaded to say it.  My mother use to say, “If you have nothing good to say, don’t talk at all.”

It has been said that a dog has many friends because they wag their tails instead of their mouths.  Maybe it is time to put a smile on your face and say nothing.  The Japanese have a proverb that goes like this. “An ant is a creature that preaches hard work but what they do.  They never say anything and yet preach all the time.”  People will know who we are by what we do and not what we say.  God is looking for you to control you tongue by silence.  Calvin Coolidge said, “I have never hurt myself when I have said nothing.”  God wants control of your tongue today.  He also wants your silence.  David said, “Put a watch man at the door of my mouth so I may not sin against you.  Seems like an easy choice.

Friday, January 26, 2018

A Crisis

A Crisis

     The Lord would have you to know that a crisis is actually not a bad thing when you put your trust in Him.  John F. Kennedy said that the word crisis in Chinese has only two characters.  One represents danger and the other opportunity.  God will be with you in every crisis.  He will warn you of the danger and if necessary will rescue from the danger. He many times leaves you in a crisis so you can grow, learn and trust Him.  Job was not delivered from his crisis but he learned so much from it. 

     The Lord wants you to also know that with the crisis is also an opportunity for you to grow in His grace and knowledge.  It is a time to know Him and yourself.  Your attitude in it is the secret.  Remember attitude is everything in the things of God.  A crisis is also an opportunity to find out what kind of person you are.  Will you act or react?  This is also a time for you to trust God and seeing what kind of person you are.  You do not learn to trust the Lord when it is sunny but when the storms of life come.  When life tears us apart that is when God shines.  So today trust the Lord today and see Him work His grace and love.

Owner of a house

Proverb of Steel

The man who trusts in the Lord will always stand in the midst of storms.  The man who trusts in himself will see all he relies on destroyed.

Verse Today

Ephesians 4:27New International Version (NIV)

27 and do not give the devil a foothold.

Helping the Oppressed.

Jan 26 – Helping the Oppressed.  Psalm 10:17-18

     David in this Psalm has been asking the Lord where He is?  Then at the end of the Psalm he reveals the following thoughts.  The Lord hears the desires of the afflicted.  God knows what we need and how to supply it.  He is Jehovah Jireh.  The promise here is that God will encourage and hear the cry of those in affliction.  He will stand with you in every situation.  You are not alone.  The sand in the seashore poem reminds us about that and the fact at times the Lord carries us.  He is the great burden bearer.
     The Lord defends the orphan and the oppressed.  God sees and hear the cry of the hurting.  All this reminds the wicked they will not get away with their oppression of others.  Paul reminds the Galatians that God is not mocked whatever a person sows they reap.  It is the law of the harvest.  In Matthew 5, Jesus reminded His audience that when we minister to the least of these we minister to Him.  Two final thoughts.  First, know God will help you in yours times of trouble and He will also balance the books at the end.  Trust Him today.

The victory

It is the weekend and here is a great thought.  The man who trusts in the Lord will always stand in the midst of storms.  The man who trusts in himself will see all he relies on destroyed.So today put your trust in the Lord.  No matter what comes your way the Lord will be there.  He is your anchor and help.  What a great thought to know today.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Proverb of Steel

Seek God first brings divine intervention.  Seeking man first leads to natural disaster.

Never Forsaken

Jan 25 - Psalm 9:10  – Never Forsaken

     David reveals two truths for us today.  The first is so wonderful.  David says in vs 10, those who know your name will trust in you.  This indicates relationship.  It is more than a casual friendship.  When you really know someone you love and trust them.  You know they will also back you no matter what.  True friends never judge they believe in you.  God is that with us.  He knows who were are and what we are capable of and the amazing thing is He trusts us. 
     Then He finishes off this verse by saying for you will never be forsaken when you seek the Lord.  Jesus said in Mt 6:33 that if you seek God and His righteousness that all things will be added unto us.  David points out that seeking the Lord means never being forsaken.  What a promise.  You are never alone.  So as we go through out this day.  Remember that fact.

Verse Today

Ephesians 4:26New International Version (NIV)

26 “In your anger do not sin”[a]: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,

Thursday Thought

It is Thursday and here is a great thought to ponder.  Seek God first brings divine intervention.  Seeking man first leads to natural disaster.  When we seek God all things will be added to us.  So today see after God and see Him work for your good.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Proverb of Steel

Fame is fleeting as darkness flees the light.  Fortune disappears like a candle in a windstorm.  Pride is overcome as a dry leaf in a forest fire.  But he who trusts in the Lord shall not be overcome, destroyed or be moved.

Verse Today

Ephesians 4:25New International Version (NIV)

25 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.

Judging righteously

Psalm 9:4 – Judging righteously

     This is a Psalm of David.  David starts off by praising the Lord and then thanking the Lord for who He is and what He has done.  Now in our verse today, David is grateful to the Lord because the Lord upheld His right and His cause.  David felt that His rights had been violated.  He had been wrong and brought His case before the Lord.  When we are hurt the first place we must bring it to is the Lord.  He will show how to love and forgive.  Then we must commit it to the Lord for Him to work things out.  Time and time again I have done this and seen God`s resolution.  Asking the Lord to help immediately brings divine help and justice.  Jesus told us that we to let the Lord be the avenger and judge. 
     David saw the Lord in this instant sit on His throne.  The sovereignty and authority of God was brought into the situation and God made a righteous judgment on the part of David.  David though had his part o play.  He had to be willing to love and forgive.  He had to make sure his attitudes, motives and heart was right.  Forgiveness is keep to any victory over hurt and pain.  When you forgive you release yourself from the person or situation.  Youa slo cancelled the legal ground the devil may try to exercise.  David saw God`s justice and you will as well.  Just keep your heart right.

Wednesday Thought

It is the middle of the week and here is a great thought.  Fame is fleeting as darkness flees the light.  Fortune disappears like a candle in a windstorm.  Pride is overcome as a dry leaf in a forest fire.  But he who trusts in the Lord shall not be overcome, destroyed or be moved.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Psalm 177 of Psalms of Steel

Psalm 177

The Lord has promised to do a new thing.
Yet it is not new but a great thing He has done in the past.
He is going to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh.
A great awakening on His sons and daughters is beginning.
He is going to renew them like a spring rain.

There will be a great renewal in signs and wonders.
The miracles of the Lord will return in abundance.
The people of God will rejoice in God their Savior.
He will return and the dryness of the land will end.
Springs of living water will flow into and out of His people.

The warriors of the Lord are about to arise. 
They will be tenacious, reckless, relentless and fierce.
They will know their God and do exploits.
No form of weapon against is going to succeed.
The Lord is their strength, shield, weapon and help.

Rejoice in the goodness of the Lord for again visiting His people.
It has been a dry period for many because of our sin.
The Lord however has heard our cry of repentance.
He is pleased with the breaking of our hearts.
His promise to help and return to us when we repent is now.

Give thanks to the Lord for His abundant grace and mercy.
With healing in His wings and love in His hands.
He will restore and renew.  You will rise in strength.
The Lord is gracious, kind, loving and merciful.

He will heal you and through you He will heal our land.

God`s View

God`s View – Fifty Six

     The Lord has a view of things that is quite different than man`s.  Man sees sin quite different from God.  Man has nicely labelled something so it doesn`t sound so sinful.  Man calls sin and accident.  God calls it an abomination.  Man calls sin a blunder.  God calls it a blindness.  Man calls sin a defect.  God calls it a disease.  Man will always try to cover something up.  We will try to make it acceptable but God exposes sin to the Light.

     Man calls sin a chance or fate.  God calls sin a choice.  We choose to sin.  Man will call sin an error God calls it enmity.  Man calls sin a flaw or fascination.  God calls it a fatality.  Sin leads to death and separation from God.  You see God and man look at the same thing from two different perspectives.  We see sin from our own sinful self.  To us it looks almost acceptable.  To God who is holy, righteous and blameless sin will kill you.  You have a choice today.  To serve sin or God.  Sin is a relentless taskmaster.  It will enslave you and eventually kill you.  God sent Jesus Christ to set you free and whoever the Son sets free is free indeed.  Do you want to be a slave or a free person?  The choice is your God or satan.  Choose wisely because each has eternal consequences.  

the 99

Verse Today

Ephesians 4:24New International Version (NIV)

24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

How Majestic is your name

Jan 23 – Psalm 8:9 = How Majestic is your name

     Psalm eight begins and end with this phrase.  How majesty is your name in all the earth.  The Psalmist started out with relaying the authority, power might and dominion of God and He close the Psalm with the same thought.  God is the creator and sustainer of all things.  In Genesis we see God breathing life into the nostrils of a man and he becomes a little soul.  Life and breath are a gift of God.  Next time you breathe reflect on who give you this breath.  Think about His sovereignty.  God is all powerful and the amazing thing is that astronomers are telling us that the universe is still expanding and growing.  God is still creating.  Every day a child is born and that is a miracle.  Another of God`s creation has come into being.
     Yet the greatest creative work is the work of redemption.  When the Lord takes a sinner and through the act of salvation makes them a new creature.  The old passes away and all things become brand new.  The majesty and glory of God are seen in the salvation, restoration and renewal of a sinner.  In that moment of salvation a sinner becomes saint.  They address changes.  They go from death until life.  When that happens, Oh Lord how majestic is your name among the earth.

Tuesday Thought

It is Tuesday and here is your thought.  We have a promise found in Acts 16:31 that says not only are we going to be saved but our household as well.  Many of us have loved ones who do not know the Lord.  Today pray for them and be an example of Christ for them.  I knew a wife that prayed for her husband for years and through her consistent example came to Christ.  Be an example for Christ and your actions will speak louder than your words.

Monday, January 22, 2018

So many Thoughts

So many Thoughts – Fifty Five   

      Psychologists says that 10,000 thoughts go through the human mind in one day that is about 3650,000 thoughts a years.  Now can you imagine what it will be like when we stand but the Lord and give an account for every idle thought, word and deed.  The Bible says that every person will be judge according to the things recorded in their life.  Through them they will either be rewarded or condemned.  The Lord encourages you today to give your life to Him.  He will cleanse your life through the blood Jesus Christ every thought, word and action that condemns you.  He will transform your life and give you a new and holy purpose.  Instead of being condemned you will be rewarded.  The Lord is in the renewal of the mind, body and spirit. 

     Give your life to the Lord today.  Draw near to Him.  Do not turn to the left or the right.  Call unto Him this day.  You are now guaranteed a tomorrow.  This is the day which the Lord has made and rejoice and be glad in it.  The Lord has call many times but you have not answered.  He comes across your mind many times but you have occupied with many other things.  As you read this your mind will be thinking many thoughts.  Should I listen this time?  Do I answer this query today?  Should I put this off till tomorrow?  How much time do I really have?  So many thoughts.  So many choices.  Today you really only have two choices.  Will you come to the Lord or not?  This is your moment to answer and come to the Lord with every part of your life.  Choose the Lord and live.

Psalm 176 of Psalm of Steel

Psalm 176

The Lord is calling His people to prayer today.
The world is going into chaos and God`s people need to pray.
We need to pray that God`s kingdom is to come.
We need to pray that God`s will should be done.
Here on earth as it is in heaven.

We need to pray for the Lord to fill the earth with His glory.
We need to pray that our families get saved.
We need to pray that God will show His love and power.
Prayer unlocks the keys of heaven and abundant life.
We need to pray that His healing touch will come.

Prayer is the most powerful force in the universe.
God himself backs it with His will and purpose.
Never stop praying until the answer comes.
The Lord will send the answer before you speak.
The answer will release His anointing to you.

Prayer comes in the form of worship.
Worship is an attitude of the heart expressed.
Praise is prayer given because the Lord is worthy of all praise.
We pray because we need our Lord to heal us.
It will brings us grace, mercy and victory.

So people of God, pray, pray, pray.
Let the Lord release you and restore you.
His anointing will set you free and deliver you.
God will inhabit your prayers and praise.
Prayer is your victory, answer and help.  Praise the Lord.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Perfect Praise

Jan 20 – Psalm 8:1-2 –
Perfect Praise

      We are going to send the next four days in Psalm 8.  It is so rich with truth.  David states, “how majestic is your name in all the earth.  David states the Lord is awesome, beyond description.  His majesty and power is seen throughout the earth.  God uses two witnesses to show Him, the witnesses of creation and conscience.  Creation by its own voice speaks of a creator and conscience speaks of inner morality and standard of God.
    Now then David reveals prophetically what would happen a thousand years later.  Jesus on Psalm Sunday was ushered into Jerusalem on a colt and during this time people praised the Lord.  It was also at this time a children’s choir sang about Jesus.  The critics tried have Jesus silence the children but Jesus quoted this Psalm on how those who have a child like heart release perfect praise.  Praise silences, the foe, enemy and avenger.  It is God’s means to destroy the attacks of the enemy.  There is nothing like a powerful praise and worship time to destroy, silence and curtail any attack of the enemy.  So today praise the Lord from a pure heart and silence all your enemies.

Psalm 174 Psalm of Steel

Psalm 174 - 

The Lord is love it is His character and nature.
Rejoice and give thanks for the Lord is good.
The Lord is gentle, He deals with us in grace and mercy.
Rejoice and give thanks for the Lord is good.

The Lord gives His people joy night and day.
Rejoice and give thanks for the Lord is good.
The Lord gives peace that passes all understanding.
Rejoice and give thanks for the Lord is good.

The Lord is righteous and gives us His righteousness.
Rejoice and give thanks for the Lord is good.
The Lord is kind and compassionate to all.
Rejoice and give thanks for the Lord is good.

The Lord is patient and longsuffering to us.
Rejoice and give thanks for the Lord is good.
The Lord is gracious.  He gives grace and help in times of need.
Rejoice and give thanks for the Lord is good.

The Lord is good and empowers the godly.
Rejoice and give thanks for the Lord is good.
The Lord can be trusted and answer all who call.
Rejoice and give thanks for the Lord is good.

The Lord is merciful and has sympathy for the afflicted.
Rejoice and give thanks for the Lord is good.

The Lord is temperance and gives self control to those who rely on Him.
Rejoice and give thanks for the Lord is good.
Turn to the Lord while He is near.
Rejoice and give thanks for the Lord is good.

Draw near to Him while He is close.
Rejoice and give thanks for the Lord is good.
Come to Him while there is time.

Rejoice and give thanks for the Lord is good.

To the Pure

God is good

God is good –Fifty Three

     There are many today who look at the world and say, where is God?  Wars, famine, earthquakes and mud slides all these natural disasters and so man is looking for answers and a scape goat.  So they blame and complain about God.  Then you have people who call themselves atheists who do not believe in God but want to stamp out the very existence of someone they do not believe in.  Satan then is attacking on every level the goodness and love of God.  There is one fact that remains God is good.
     If God was not good He would not have sent Jesus Christ to die for our sins.  If God was not good He would not give us daily breath in our body.  Remember God formed man out of the dust of the earth and breathed into him the breath of life and man became a living being.  Our breath comes from God and this shows His goodness.  God is good because he knows what we have done every moment of everyday.  He knows our thoughts and does not consume or destroy us.  This shows God’s goodness.
God has heard and seen every bad thoughts, word and deed everyone has done in this world and has not destroy it because of His grace and love.  This shows He is good.

     God is good because it is His nature and essence.  James said that every perfect and good gift comes the Father of Light.  In Him there is no shadow and turning.  Bad things happen because of sin, the world, the flesh and the devil.  This does not change the fact that God is good.  God greatest good is shown by allowing mankind to have free will.  His goodness allows us to make the choice to be good or bad.  His goodness allows us to love and be loved.  His goodness allows us to help others and show kindness.  Today let God’s goodness flow through you.  His goodness allows you to know Him through Jesus Christ.  Today be a blessing to others and yourself.  So go in God’s goodness today and rock your world.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Lamp on the stand

Proverb of Steel

Wine and beer causes a world of trouble.  The wise person avoids them and saves their life.

Verse Today

Ephesians 4:22-24New International Version (NIV)

22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put offyour old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires;

Perfect Praise

Jan 20 – Psalm 8:1-2 – Perfect Praise

     We are going to send the next four days in Psalm 8.  It is so rich with truth.  David states, “how majestic is your name in all the earth.  David states the Lord is awesome, beyond description.  His majesty and power is seen throughout the earth.  God uses two witnesses to show Him, the witnesses of creation and conscience.  Creation by its own voice speaks of a creator and conscience speaks of inner morality and standard of God. 
     Now then David reveals prophetically what would happen a thousand years later.  Jesus on Psalm Sunday was ushered into Jerusalem on a colt and during this time people praised the Lord.  It was also at this time a children’s choir sang about Jesus.  The critics tried have Jesus silence the children but Jesus quoted this Psalm on how those who have a child like heart release perfect praise.  Praise silences, the foe, enemy and avenger.  It is God’s means to destroy the attacks of the enemy.  There is nothing like a powerful praise and worship time to destroy, silence and curtail any attack of the enemy.  So today praise the Lord from a pure heart and silence all your enemies. 

Friday Thought

It is the weekend and here is your thought.  Wine and beer causes a world of trouble.  The wise person avoids them and saves their life.  So today as you enter the weekend pursue the things of God and be wise.  Spend time with family and friends in a wholesome way and glorify God in those times.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Psalm 172 of Psalms of Steel

Psalm 172

The Lord looks at things so different from man.
Man calls sin an accident but God calls it an abomination.
Man calls sin a blunder but God calls it a blindness.
Man needs to opens his eyes to what sin really is.
The Lord heart breaks over those who sin.

Man calls sin a defect but God calls it a disease.
If it is not dealt with effectively through Jesus Christ it will kill you.
Man calls sin a chance, the Lord calls it a choice.
We choose to sin and let it be our master. 
Let us repent and serve the Lord with humility and love.

Man calls sin an error, God calls is an enmity.
Man call sin a fascination, God calls it a fatality.
Sin will eventually destroy you and your destiny.
Man calls sin an infirmity, God calls it iniquity.
Sin will separate you forever from God.

Man loves darkness rather than light.
We love it because our deeds are evil and we do not want them exposed.
Man calls sin a luxury, God calls it a leprosy.
It will scar you for life and eternity.
Do not sin and let it destroy you.

Turn to the Lord and away from your sin.
The Lord is loving, patient and kind.
He abundantly wants to forgive, heal and restore you.
Sin will rob, kill and destroy you.

Come to the Lord and be saved and healed today.

The Great I am

The Great I am – Fifty One

      The Lord wants you to know who He is today.  He is first of all the great I am. When Moses asked who sent Him the Lord told Him that He was I am.  The Lord is the eternal, omni present, omniscience, all sufficient and true one.  Jesus when He was on the planet was called many things.  He introduced Himself as the Messiah in John 4:26, this He did when He was talking the Samaritan woman by the well.  Jesus is the Messiah and the Christ.  He will save you today as you reach out to Him.  Remember His salvation is full and free.  Nothing has to be added to it.  Jesus did it all when He died, was buried and rose from the dead. 
     Jesus in John 6:35, was introduced by John as the Bread of Life.  When you celebrate communion which is the remembrance and His broken body and shed blood you are proclaiming His death of the Lord until He comes.  The Lord has done great and wonderful things for us.  We could not save ourselves.  Before Jesus Christ our only final destination was hell but now He has given us eternal and abundant life because we believed and trusted Him.
     Jesus proclaimed that He was the one from above in John 8:23.  Jesus left His place in heaven and glory to come down to save us.  Jesus chose to become a man so that all mankind could be saved.  He chose to humiliate Himself and come in the form of man to be the eternal man so our aspects of God’s judgment could be fulfilled.  The Lord knew that the blood of animals was not enough.  To deal with eternal aspect of mankind’s sin was to send the eternal man.  His death, burial and resurrection was the thing that appeased the Father’s judgment.  Only the shedding of blood can deal with the eternal separation of man to God.  Jesus bridged the gap between man and God.  He was the one from above. 
     So today draw near to the Lord.  The Great I am and His Son Jesus Christ are reaching out to you today.  You do not have to stay in your sins and destruction.  You can come and receive eternal and abundant life.  The Lord loves you so much.  His love compelled Him to make a way when there was no way.  Our faith and trust in this provision through Christ will save us today.  Today is your day of salvation.  Take that which has been provided and enter into a life of victory, restoration, healing and eternal life.  The choice is yours and choose wisely.

Proverb of Steel

The folly of gambling is to wish for something that rarely happens and if it does you gamble your future away.

Verse Today

Ephesians 4:21New International Version (NIV)

21 when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus.

Our refuge

Jan 18 – Psalm 7:1 – Our refuge

     David in this Psalm has made a decision to make the Lord His refuge.  Now through the nation of Israel during David`s time there were many natural refuges.  Israel is a country filled with mountains.  It was also at that time filled with many treed areas.  There were many places to go and hide and find sanctuary.  David proved this for over ten years as he was running from Saul.  David knew the Lord was His refuge, place of safety and fortress. 
     David during his lifetime has many enemies.  His cry was that the Lord would save him from all those that pursue Him.  He knew that in his own strength he could fail but in the protection and strength of the Lord He would not fail.  David knew the Lord was his help and hiding place.  Do you know that today as you go throughout your day?  Let the Lord be your refuge, help and foundation today.  Let Him deal with all your enemies and those that would try to harm you.  Let the Lord take vengeance and pay each one back according to their work.


It is Thursday and here is something to ponder.  The folly of gambling is to wish for something that rarely happens and if it does you gamble your future away.  The stability that you need today is the Lord.  If you seek the Lord and His kingdom all things will be added unto you.  Today seek God and not chance.  Seek the Lord and not the quick fix and all the things you are looking for will be added unto you.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Psalm 171 of Psalms of Steel

Psalm 171

As I approach the twilight of my years.
As my body begins to feel the effect of age,
When I have more years behind me than I have before me,
As I see the specter of eternity and death.
I will testify of the faithfulness of God.
I will rejoice in His goodness, love and mercy.

He has been faithful to supply every need.
He has given me light and light.
He has blessed me and my household.
My children and grandchildren are His heritage.
Not once has He forsaken or left me.
He has each day heard my prayer

He has given me the most wonderful and godly wife.
She is full of grace, love and peace.
Together we have been one and have seen His goodness.
We have each known the faithfulness of God and his presence.
The Lord has grace this woman with wisdom, beauty and godliness.
A man who has a godly wife is truly blessed beyond measur

The Lord has shown me health, abundance and favor.
Not once did I not get what I deserved.
He reached from His presence and touched my life.
He has preserved my life too many times to count.

Not once did the Lord not supply my every need.

Outcasts Received

Outcasts Received - Fifty

     The Lord is calling all people to Himself today but especially all those who feel outcast and abandoned.  Jesus Christ is the perfect example reaching out to the outcast.  In Matt 8:3, Jesus reached out and touched a leper when no one else would.  He is reaching out to you this day.  Draw near to the Lord and He will draw near to you.  Another time Jesus in Mat 21:31 and Luke 7:29 reached out to tax collectors and prostitutes.  In fact the charge brought against by the religious establishment is that He ate with publicans and sinners.  Jesus wants you to come to Him today.  No matter what you have done and vocation you have been involved in.  Jesus will come into your life and change you from the inside out.
     The Lord loves those that no one in society loves.  He has a special place in his heart for the homeless, widows and orphans.  Jesus again ministered to a sinful woman in Luke 7:47, Jesus said of a sinful woman that her many sins have been forgiven.  Those who have been forgiven much love much and those who have been forgiven little love little.  The Lord ministered to the woman caught in adultery.  He told her He did not condemn her.  He then told her to go and sin no more.  What a statement for all people.  The Lord receives all today.  Come to Him.
     Jesus once again reached out to a despised blind man in John 9:35.  He healed him and the man was thrown out by both his family and friends but Jesus welcomed Him.  The Lord loves to restore and rescue.  Jesus when hanging on the cross took a thief and man about to die into paradise with Him.  The Lord is waiting for you today.  So matter who you are or what you have done the Lord wants, saved, healed and restore you today.  The Spirit says come, so come to the Lord today.

Proverb of Steel

Only a fool believes you get something for nothing.  True wisdom is sowing over time to reap a harvest.

Verse Today

Ephesians 4:20-24New International Version (NIV)

20 That, however, is not the way of life you learned

Turn O Lord

Jan 17 – Psalm 6 :4&9 - Turn O Lord

     The Psalmist gives us two promise to look at today.  The first in verse 4 says, ”Turn O Lord and deliver me.  The Psalmist was in trouble as often people can find themselves.  The Lord never promised He would not let trial and problems come.  He did promise He would be with us.  One adage says, “God why am I in the storm?  The Lord answered, “Because you enemies cannot swim.”   What a great thought.  The Lord will be with us.  He will never leave or forsake us.  The Psalmist then closes verse four reminding himself and us that God will do that because of His unfailing love.  God is love and he will always deal with us in love.  God’s love will never fail. 
     Then the psalmist again states in verse 9, that the Lord has heard his cry for mercy.  Mercy is choosing to love and forgive when it is in your power to bring justice and punishment.  God chose the path of mercy and forgiveness when Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins.  His death, burial and resurrection satisfied the justice and judgment of God.  The psalmist knew this and we should as well.  The Lord accept our prayers the psalmist reminds us.  James knew this when he stated, “You have not because you ask not.”  Ask and receive, seek and you will find.  Knock and the door will be opened unto you.