Friday, June 2, 2017

Mark: The Servant Will Immediately Meet Your Need.

Mark:  The Servant Will Immediately Meet Your Need.
Survey:  The personality of Peter is on every page.  Quick in movement, active and impulsive in its main characteristics, the account moves from one event to the other.
It is a moving picture of Jesus’ ministry.  Considerable attention is given to Jesus’ looks and gestures.  Description is one feature and action is the other.  It records 18 of his miracles and 4 parables.  It was written to a Roman audience; Mark explained Jewish customs and omitted Jesus’ genealogy and childhood.  The Romans were more interested in power and so we find Jesus as conqueror of anything.  First as the Conquering Servant and then finally the triumphant servant in His resurrection.   It has a strong theological impact, Jesus is the winner.  

Mark emphasizes:

1.  The deity of Jesus Christ is constantly shown.  He is the Son of Man, the Messiah and
     He gave His life for a ransom.
2.  This is a gospel of Jesus Christ showing His power and glory.  The good news of
     Salvation through His atoning death.
3.  Jesus is the greatest man who ever lived and He wants to help you.


            The author of the book is the cousin of Barnabus and associate of Paul and Peter.  It was written between 50 A.D. and 70 A.D. and was the first gospel to be written.


The Period of preparation                                                       1:1-13
Galilean ministry                                                                    1:14-9:50
First period                                                                              1:14-3:12
Second period                                                                         3:13-7:23
Third period                                                                            7:24-9:50
Perean ministry                                                                       Ch 10
Passion Week                                                                          11:1-15:47
The Resurrection                                                                     Ch 16                                     

Statistics:  41st book of the bible, 16 chapters, 678 verses, 15,171 words, 121 questions, 11 O.T. prophecies fulfilled, 50 new prophecies given, 582 verses of history, 43 verses of fulfilled prophecy, 53 unfulfilled and 42 promises.                          

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