Friday, May 12, 2017

How to Overcome Fear

I John 4:17-21 –
How to Overcome Fear – March 30, 2008

Intro:  Today we are going to look at the lessons we can learn from the Apostle John.  He is known as the apostle of love, a father of the church and the evangelist who staked his claim on the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Love is made complete among us so that we may have confidence on the Day of Judgment because in this world we are like Him.

1.  John begins this morning saying that because the Spirit of God abides or lives in us
     And we in Him.  Love is made complete among us and through us.  Love is a
     Characteristic of the church and is demonstrated by all who claim Him as Saviour and
2. This creates two things, confidence and Christ likeness.  Confidence because you do
     Not fear judgment because there is no sin, stain, accusation or charge.  You have been
     Forgiven and cleansed by Jesus’ blood.  You have confidence in prayer, the word, in
     God’s ability to provide, guide and keep His promises and agreements.
3.  In response you want to live a life that pleases him.  So each day, you become more
     And more like Him.  Your thoughts, attitudes, speech and actions show Him.  Talk
     About Chris Williams.

There is no fear in love.  But perfect love drives out all fear, because fear has to do with punishment.  The man who fears is not made perfect in love.

1.  There are four truths in this verse.  First, there is no fear in love.  Fear is a spirit.  It
     Is not from God.  As a spirit it has to be overcome by spiritual means.  John says that
     Fear cannot stand or stay in the presence of love.  God is perfect love and His Spirit
     Overcomes the spirit of fear.  People today struggle because fear from childhood has
     Exploited, manipulated, controlled and paralyzed them.  It has created and exploited
     Our weaknesses and failures or used others to cause them.  Talk about Mom’s fear of
2.  John says secondly, that perfect love casts out all fear.  Fear is cast out when a person
     Accepts God’s perfect love. There are four things God wants you to know this

a.  His goal for you is not only to make you happy but do what pleases Him.
b.  To receive His love and pass it on in the service of Him.
c.  Through His love free people to better worship and serve Him.
d.  Let Him through His word, prayer and  fellowship help us to become mature and bring
     long term growth to ourselves and others.

3.  John reveals that fear is based upon, judgment and punishment.  Fear feeds on them. 
     So fear makes God out to be harsh, unforgiving and vengenceful.  So instead of
     Looking to God we look to others for acceptance and approval.

4.  John has made it clear that God is love.  Yet the person who lives in fear has not
     Allowed God to love them or they won’t.  The problem with fear is that it is a familiar
     Friend.  You have grown accustomed to it.  Instead of seeing as it is a destroyer.  You
     View it as part of your makeup, your identity and who you are.  You don’t know yet
     That life is so much better without it.  John wants you to experience fully the next

We love because He first loved us.

1.  John says, we love because He first loved us.  God gave us this ability.  It is one of His
     Attributes He has communicated to us.  It is part of His DNA and He made it part of
     Ours.  We responded to His love.  He first loved us.
2.  This allows us first to know that God has already accepted and given us His approval.
     Secondly, you know that you are perfect in His sight because of Jesus.  Thirdly,
     Because of the previous two statements you want to follow a path of righteousness. 
     You want to please God.  Fourthly, because of love you know you are acceptable to
     God and He has declared it.

If anyone says, “I love God”, but hates his brother, he is a liar.  For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.

1.  John had come across some believers who used the argument I can love God but I
     Don’t have to love you.  Or the other, I have to love you but I don’t have to like you. 
2.  John says you cannot love God and hate your brother.  We love God when we love
     Each other.   It is the mark of our discipleship.  Loving others is God’s test of
     Discipleship.  If you don’t love others, you are a liar.  Simple, direct and succinct...
     Remember John does not mix words.  He is not interested in yours and my theories,
     Excuses, justifications or reasons.  You and I are to love all and we know it is not an
     Easy task.  In fact it is impossible without God’s help.  Read 1771

And He has given us this command:  Whoever loves God must also love his brother.

1.  Right between the eyes.  This love thing is not an option, a guideline, or an
     Exception.  It is a command.  It came from the lips of Jesus in the upper room
     Discourse.  John is only reminded his audience and us. 
2.  Church we are to love one another; It is easy to peg someone because of
     Denomination, traditional, worship style, theological difference or church affiliation.
     You can’t refuse to love someone because they don’t agree with how you see things.
      It’s easy to excuse your lack of love for someone because they don’t believe, worship
      Or follow God as you do.  Talk about Sholomo Riskin’s evaluation of a fanatic or
      Liberal.  But John says we are to love because it is a command. 
3.  Our three themes today have been about overcoming fear, acceptance and love.  If
     You are struggling with these or any other thing will you come to the altar and be set


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