Thursday, October 13, 2016

King david

2 Sam 7:21 – Lessons From 2 Samuel – Jan 6, 2008

Intro:  I stand amazed; here we are, the first Sunday of 2008.  As per our schedule we are back to our Walk Thru the Bible.  Today we will look at the lessons of 2 Samuel, which follows the Reign of King David.  As we learn from our outline.  This book covers a period of 40 years.  This book was written from the perspective of two men, Nathan and Gad.  Nathan and Gad were prophets of God. 

For the sake of your word and according to your will, you have done this great thing and made it known to your servant.

1.  We learn that when God says something it will come to pass.  God honours and back
      His word.  The background of this verse is after David was established as the King of
      Israel.  He wanted to build the temple of God.  He asked Nathan the prophet his
      Opinion and at first Nathan was for the plan but then God spoke to Nathan and he
      Told David that because he was a man of war, the task of building the temple would
      become the responsibility of his son.
2.  I love David’s reaction, instead of fuming and fussing.  He accepted God’s will and
     Did everything in his power to prepare the work.  He would spent the next 30 years
     Gathering materials, resources and plans for a project his son had the responsibility
     For.  David was a man of legacy in that regards. 
3.  Now back to the background.  David after hearing God’s answer to his request, prayed
     A prayer of obedience, praise and thanksgiving.   David says in this prayer, “Lord you
     Have stated your word, your will and it is great thing and you have made it known to
4.  David wanted to know God’s word and will concerning something in his life.  He
     Consulted and followed the means of knowing God’s will for that day which was to
     Talk to a prophet of God.  Today we have the Word of God.  When the word of God
     Had been given and the will of God was known.  David acknowledged that this was a
     Great thing to have been revealed and he was thankful for God’s answer even though
      It wasn’t what he wanted to hear.  Obedience, trust & having the right reaction to
     The will  of  God is the secret of promotion, reward, contentment and joy in the life
     Of the believer. As Lyle Carbert, said, “Attitude is everything in the things of God. 
     David had learnt to trust God.  Do we?  We may not see the whole picture but do we
5.  2 Samuel teaches us as well that no matter who you are, you have to trust in God and
     You will reap what you sow.

Now let us briefly look at four other lessons we can learn from this book.

1.  No matter how many foes, you have, you can be victorious when you put your trust
     In God.  David fought Abner and Israel, the Philistines 6 times, the Jebusites of
    Jerusalem, Moabites, Zobah, Arameans or the Syrians, Edomites, Ammonites,
    Amalekites, men of Maacah and the city of Tob,  He fought civil wars with Absalom
    And Sheba.  Many times Israel was out numbered and out gunned but each time God
    Gave them the victory and he will do the same for us.  The Bible states, “With God for
    Us, who can be against Us.”  David lived this. 
2.  David knew sorrow and grief, yet he trusted God.  Over time he came to understand
     What God’s true love was all about.  David in his life saw many things.  He was
     Pursued by Saul for 10 years and his best friend Jonathon killed,  David had a baby
     Child die, one son murdered by another, a daughter violated, a son try to take his
     Throne, and A father in law betray him,  David’s life was one of personal defeats and
     Victories.  Yet through all of that you see he trusted in God and His love.  David
     Wrote over 100 of the Psalms and this theme recurs over and over in his Psalms. 
3.  God’s grace and mercy are extended even in times of wrath.  The most prominent
     Example of this is David’s adultery with Bathsheba.  He was responsible for adultery,
     Deceit and murder.  Yet God did not destroy David or Bathsheba.  Their child died. 
    This is an unfortunate consequence and reality that you reap what you sow.  Paul
     Reminds us this in Gal 6:8.  The mercy and grace of God after David repented brought
     Forth from his union with  Bathsheba, Solomon, the builder of the temple, the wisest,
     Richest and greatest King in Israel’s history.  We see that everyday in our lives if we
     Look for it.  This theme recurs over and over in the New Testament.   It is the most
     Powerful truth revealed in the Book of Revelation. 
4.  The last lesson is both true and applicable to everyday life.  Rule your house well or it
     Will rule you.  David’s weakness was when he became aware of family troubles he
     Did not intervene or took the wrong actions.  David because of his sin caused
     Violence to come to his house.  His love for Absalom blinded him to his sons obvious
     Character flaws.  His greatest mistake was to marry so many women.  David learn
     The hard way that more is not necessarily better.  This mistake led to rape, murder,
     And family civil war.  Today we see this truth being constantly expressed.  Pamela
     Anderson, Canada’s version of Marilyn Monroe has never been married more than
     2 years.  Her last attempt lasted two months. 

a.  Solomon saw this flaw in his dad, when he quoted in Pr 22:6, “Train a child in the way
     He should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.”  “He also stated in Pr
    18:24, If you spare the rod, you will spoil the child and this shows you hate your child.
     Unfortunately Solomon did not take his own advice.
b.  The way to assure a Godly child is as follows.

1.  To pray for them everyday.
2.   Be consistent in your lifestyle.
3.   Give them the word.
4.   Pray for and with them everyday. 
5.  Take them to the house of God. 
6.  Be consistent and loving in your discipline and correction. 
7.  Never spank out of frustration or anger. 
8.  Never call your children names or demean them. 
9.  After a child has been punish show love and never bring up past offences. 
10.Understand, the raising of children is making sure the spiritual, physical,
     Emotional, intellectual needs are met.

     Time this morning does not allow me to do an extensive teaching on this but, my Prayer is that these suggestions will help.  As we close this morning the David I have presented was a normal human being with strengths and weakness.  A man who is like all of us. Capable of great victories and defeats.  A man who made mistakes and learned from them.  A man after God’s heart. 

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