Succoth: Lessons, They were not ready for war. When not ready you lose heart and change your
mind. There is a time for war but you
need to be ready. This was the place
where they fulfilled their vow to carry Joseph out of Egypt. One of the ways to get ready for war to
fulfill your promises to the Lord, and others.
You cannot take the land until you are ready. Exodus 13:17-28
Etham: It was here that the Israelites received the
guidance of the Lord. Pillar of fire by
night and pillar of cloud by day. Before
you can go into the land and conqueror you need the presence, power and
guidance of the Lord. You move when he
moves. Exodus 13:20-22
Pi Bairoth: This is where the final showdown between
Pharaoh and Moses. God open the Red Sea
for the Israel to pass through and the Egyptian army drowned when the waters
receded. When faced with the enemy trust in the Lord
to fight your battle. From Moses we
learn that are to use the resources God gives us. The Lord will put the enemies of the people
of God into confusion and supernaturally defeat them. If you need a miracle you will get one. Like Miriam celebrate the victory and give
the Lord the glory. Exodus 14-15
Marah: The Israelites were without water for 3
days. They came to Marah and found the
waters bitter so they complained. Moses
healed the waters with a piece of wood.
It was here a declaration was made that none of the diseases of the land
would hurt the people. When we find
ourselves in the desert place and in that place of bitterness. God will heal us and give us living
water. If we keep his ways and laws we
will not face any of diseases of the land.
Exodus 15:22-26
Elim: After Marah they camps at Elim a place of
water and lush vegetation. After a time
of bitterness, harshness and affliction God will give a place of rest, recovery
and sustenance. Exodus 15:27
Desert of Sin: The people complained to Moses about
their food situation. The Lord provided
manna and quail. They got greedy and
tried to extend the life of the manna to see it spoil. Even when our heart is not right, God will
supply. He is Jehovah Jireh. God promises to supply for each day. Hoarding His provision will lead to spoiled
blessings. Exodus 16
God supplied water from the rock. The Amalekites were defeated by Joshua and
Moses. This was done through Moses
keeping his hands raised to heaven.
Jethro help Moses organize a judicial and leadership system. Exodus 17-18
Do not quarrel with God. When you back is up against the wall once
again we see God`s provision. You will
be attacked by the enemies of God but God will give you victory as you and
other with you work together with the Lord.
Raise your hands in victory and when you are tired God will send others
to help. Record what the Lord has done, make a place of
remembrance and remember the Lord is our banner. Always include other in the work of the
Lord. Here is also we learn qualifications
for Godly leadership, people who fear God, trustworthy, honest and have servant
hearts. Then the responsibility of
leaders is to mentor and teach them.
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