Friday, September 30, 2016
Verse Today
Psalm 119:164New International Version (NIV)
164 Seven times a day I praise you
for your righteous laws.
for your righteous laws.
Jesus is accused of being of the devil
Jesus is accused of being of the devil - Luke 11:14-36
Jesus had just driven out a demon of a man that was mute. Some there had said that Jesus drove out the demon by the power of the devil. Others said it was a sign from heaven. Jesus knew their thoughts and that that any kingdom that was divided would fall. Those who said Jesus did this by the power of the devil were proven wrong by their own followers. Jesus drove out the demon by the power of God so the Kingdom had come. Jesus taught that the strong man had to be defeated before his possession could be taken. Jesus said that those that were with Him gathered and those against him scattered.
Jesus then taught that when an evil spirit goes out of a man and travels around. When it find that it cannot find a home it will come back to his original host and if that host has not filled His temple with something. That demon will go and find seven other demons worst that it and they will come and live in that person and that person will be worse off than before.
Jesus then said that it is great to be blessed when we hear the word of God and obey it. Jesus when asked to give a sign He gave then nothing but the sign of Jonah. As Jonah was a sign to Ninevah so Christ will be a sign ro the people of that day. The Queen of Sheba will accuse them, the people of Ninevah will stand and accuse them. On the day of judgment because they repented and the people of Jesus’ day did not.
No one puts a light away. It is put on a lamp stand so that all may see. Our eyes Jesus said is the lamp of the body. It tells what is on the inside, when good is there the eyes show it. Jesus is the light of the world and we need Him to get rid of all the darkness in our lives, so we can shine as light to this world.
Friday Thought
Here is your thought for the week end. Powerful prayer produces powerful men as weak prayer produces weak men. Prayer is the key for power so today spend time in prayer and get the power and knowledge you need to be a champion for God because that is what you are.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Lesson on Prayer
Lesson on Prayer – Luke 11:1-13
Jesus in this passage give some beautiful and wonderful lessons on prayer.
1. The name of the Lord is to hallowed. We are to pray that His Kingdom would come and that His will would be done. We find in this prayer that our daily needs would be met and that He would fogive our sins and we will forgives those who sin against us.
2. We are to pray that the Lord will keep us from temptation and also in the times of temptation. Remember the Lord will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able to endure but with that temptation a means of escape.
3. we are to be persistent in prayer and we know that the Lord will give us what we need. We must ask so it will be given unto us. We need to knock before the door will be opened. We are seek before we can find. There is effort involved in prayer.
4. When we ask we will receive. Jesus said the Father will give us exactly what we are praying for and need.
5. The Father will give us the Holy Spirit more than we need or ask.
Verse Today
Psalm 119:162English Standard Version (ESV)
162 I rejoice at your word
like one who finds great spoil.
like one who finds great spoil.
Thursday Thought
It is Thursday and here is a little thought. You will never soar like an eagle, if you live like a turkey. So choose what kind of bird you want to be. It is your choic
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Verse Today
Psalm 119:161-168English Standard Version (ESV)
Sin and Shin
161 Princes persecute me without cause,
but my heart stands in awe of your words
but my heart stands in awe of your words
Mary and Martha
Mary and Martha – Luke 10:38-42
Jesus was in Bethany when Martha opened her home to Jesus. Mary was at Jesus’ feet listening to Him teach. Martha was busy doing housework getting the meal ready. She became very annoyed that Mary was not helping and asked Jesus to get Mary to help her. Jesus told her that she was worried about many things. He then told her that the most important thing was to listen to Him which Mary had chosen to do. This would not be taken from her. The lesson we can learn to not get worried over the small things and miss the real things of life and that those things have to do with Christ.
Thought Today
It is the middle of the week and here is your thought. Obedience is the main key to open doors for yourself in the Kingdom of God. So pray and obey. Also until God opens the door be faithful in whatever you are doing. God will answer in His perfect timing.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Proverb of Steel
The wise know godly character develops when we
obey God. The fool believes character develops when we obey ourselves.
Tuesday Thought
It is Tuesday and here is your thought for Today. The wise know godly character develops when we obey God. The fool believes character develops when we obey ourselves. So today be wise and obey God and live the life God intended. Don't be a fool and listen to yourself or others. Your logic is flawed, God's is not.
The Good Samaritan – Luke 10:25-37
Jesus then gave a parable to an expert of the law that came to test Him. He asked Jesus how He could inherit eternal life. Jesus told Him to follow the law and that he was to love the Lord with his whole heart. Jesus then told him to love his neighbour as himself and he would have eternal life. The man then tried to justify himself by asking who was his neighbour. Jesus then told him the story of the Good Samaritan.
A man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and was robbed on the way. He was left on the side of the road to die. A priest came along and saw him and walked right by him. A Levite came along and saw him but he actually went on the other side of the road to avoid the man. A Samaritan came along and saw him. He bandaged his wounds and took him to an Inn and he took care of the man. Then he paid the Inn Keeper to take care of the wounded man and when he came back through He would pay the Inn keeper the rest of the cost of healing the wounded man. Jesus then asked the man who the real neighbour was? The scribe said the Samaritan. Jesus then told Him to do the same. This is a teaching that Christ is giving to the church today. We are to reach out to our neighbors. We are His hand extended.
Verse Today
Psalm 119:160New King James Version (NKJV)
160 The entirety of Your word is truth,
And every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever.
And every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever.
Monday, September 26, 2016
Verse Today
Psalm 119:159King James Version (KJV)
159 Consider how I love thy precepts: quicken me, O Lord, according to thy lovingkindness.
The Service of the Seventy
The Service of the Seventy – Luke 10:1-24
Jesus after this appoints 70 disciples. They go out two by two. There task was to go ahead of Him and into villages and prepare things for His arrival. He told them about the harvest and how the workers are few. He told them He was sending them in the wolves. They were to carry no provisions. They were to go into a house and stay they until they left and when they left they were to leave a blessing upon that house. He told them not to move from house to house. They were to heal the sick and preach the Kingdom. If a community did not receive them they were to shake the dust off their feet and judgment would come to that community.
Jesus then spoke judgment over Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum for their unbelief. They had many miracles performed in them and the people did not believe. Who listens to a disciple listens to Christ and whoever rejects us rejects Christ.
The seventy returned and marvelled how the demons were subject to them. Jesus told them how through them satan’s kingdom was falling. He had given them authority over snakes and scorpions so they could overcome any enemies. They were not to rejoiced because evil spirits were subject to them but that their names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
Monday Muse
It is the beginning of the week and here is a simple thought. Pray and obey are the secrets to a successful Christian life. These two are the secret to an abundant life in Christ.
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Friday, September 23, 2016
How to stay safe in the world today:
How to stay safe in the
world today: Where IS the safest place?
1. Avoid riding in
automobiles - because they are responsible for 20% of all fatal accidents.
2. Do not stay home - 17%
of all accidents occur in the home.
3. Avoid walking on
streets or sidewalks - because 14% of all accidents occur to pedestrians.
4. Avoid traveling by air,
rail, or water - because 16% of all accidents involve these forms of
5. Of the remaining 33%,
32% of all deaths occur in Hospitals - so, above all else, avoid hospitals.
But . . . you will be
pleased to learn that only .001% of all deaths occur in worship services in
church, and these are usually related to previous physical disorders.
Therefore, logic tells us
that the safest place for you to be at any given point in time is at church!
And Bible study is safe too! The percentage of
deaths during Bible study is even less.
So, attend church, and
read your Bible. IT WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE!
7 One of the seven angels
who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the
punishment of the great prostitute, who sits by many waters. 2 With her the
kings of the earth committed adultery, and the inhabitants of the earth were
intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries.”
6 I saw that the woman was
drunk with the blood of God’s holy people, the blood of those who bore
testimony to Jesus. When I saw her, I
was greatly astonished. 9 “This calls for a mind with wisdom. 12 “The ten horns
you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour
will receive authority as 13 They have one purpose and will give their power
and authority to the beast. 14 They will wage war against the Lamb, but the
Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and
with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”
Proverb of Steel
Fruitfulness in the Christian life is being
connected to the root. Barreness comes when you disconnect and become a
Verse Today
Psalm 119:158English Standard Version (ESV)
158 I look at the faithless with disgust,
because they do not keep your commands.
because they do not keep your commands.
The Service of the Seventy
The Service of the Seventy – Luke 10:1-24
Jesus after this appoints 70 disciples. They go out two by two. There task was to go ahead of Him and into villages and prepare things for His arrival. He told them about the harvest and how the workers are few. He told them He was sending them in the wolves. They were to carry no provisions. They were to go into a house and stay they until they left and when they left they were to leave a blessing upon that house. He told them not to move from house to house. They were to heal the sick and preach the Kingdom. If a community did not receive them they were to shake the dust off their feet and judgment would come to that community.
Jesus then spoke judgment over Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum for their unbelief. They had many miracles performed in them and the people did not believe. Who listens to a disciple listens to Christ and whoever rejects us rejects Christ.
The seventy returned and marvelled how the demons were subject to them. Jesus told them how through them satan’s kingdom was falling. He had given them authority over snakes and scorpions so they could overcome any enemies. They were not to rejoiced because evil spirits were subject to them but that their names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
Stay Connected
It is the weekend and here is your thought. Fruitfulness in the Christian life is being connected to the root. Barrenness comes when you disconnect and become a sap. So stay connected to the Lord and be fruitful and make a difference to others by loving them and encouraging them.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Parable of Steel
The four pillars of character are honesty,
integrity, faithfulness and transparency.
Verse Today
Psalm 119:157English Standard Version (ESV)
157 Many are my persecutors and my adversaries,
but I do not swerve from your testimonies.
but I do not swerve from your testimonies.
Parable of the Good Shepherd
Parable of the Good Shepherd – John 10:1-21
Jesus after this account then teaches about the Great Shepherd.
1. Anyone who comes into the sheep pen dishonestly is a robber. The one who comes by the gate is the Shepherd. The shepherd has the keys to the gate. The watchman and the sheep know His voice.
2. He calls the sheep out by name and then leads them out. Jesus is the shepherd and all who came before Him were thieves and robbers. All who do not hear is voice will not be saved,.
3. The sheep will run from a false shepherd. Jesus is the gate and all who will enter through Him will be saved. He will give us pasture. The thief come to rob, kill and destroy. Jesus came to give us life abundantly.
4. As the good shepherd Jesus said He would lay down His life for the sheep. He knows the Father and the Father knows Him. The sheep will hear His voice and will not follow another.
5. Jesus will lay down His life but when He rises from the dead it will be given back to Him. No one can take His life, He gives it willingly.
Jesus after this account then teaches about the Great Shepherd.
1. Anyone who comes into the sheep pen dishonestly is a robber. The one who comes by the gate is the Shepherd. The shepherd has the keys to the gate. The watchman and the sheep know His voice.
2. He calls the sheep out by name and then leads them out. Jesus is the shepherd and all who came before Him were thieves and robbers. All who do not hear is voice will not be saved,.
3. The sheep will run from a false shepherd. Jesus is the gate and all who will enter through Him will be saved. He will give us pasture. The thief come to rob, kill and destroy. Jesus came to give us life abundantly.
4. As the good shepherd Jesus said He would lay down His life for the sheep. He knows the Father and the Father knows Him. The sheep will hear His voice and will not follow another.
5. Jesus will lay down His life but when He rises from the dead it will be given back to Him. No one can take His life, He gives it willingly.
4 Pillars
Today is Thursday and here is how to have a great life. The four pillars of character are honesty, integrity, faithfulness and transparency. Do this and you will live a blameless before God and man.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Parable of Steel
To succeed you need an unswerving belief in God`s ability
and a determined refusal to give up.
The man born blind
The man born blind – John 9
This is our final day looking at John 9 and the wonderful truths it contains.
1. Jesus is the Son of Man and only those who God reveals Him too will not stay spiritually blind like the Pharisees. Jesus is Lord and we are to worship Him.
2. Jesus has come for judgment so that those who are blind may see and those that who see will become blind. This is a paradox of faith.
3. People may claim to see but they don’t know Christ. They are blind and they will show by their sin and guilt in their lives. The challenge we face is that with all the secularization of society that we lose sight of Jesus. We must keep our eyes on Him for He is the author and finisher of our faith.
Verse Today
Psalm 119:156New King James Version (NKJV)
156 Great are Your tender mercies, O Lord;
Revive me according to Your judgments.
Revive me according to Your judgments.
Never Give up
It is the middle of the week and here is a thought. To succeed you need an unswerving belief in God`s ability and a determined refusal to give up. God has a victory for you just around the corner. Jesus learned obedience by what he suffered. He did not give up but instead gave you salvation. God's best is just around the corner so do not give up to soon.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
When the day of Pentecost
came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing
of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were
sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came
to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and
began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them.
There are three things
that will bring the Holy Spirit into your life.
1. Waiting on the
Lord. (Acts 1:4)
2. Walking in unity.
Acts 2:1 & Eph 4:3)
3. Passion. They
waited for ten days. You must want to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Eph 5:18
4. Here is what you must do?
a. Want to be filled.
b. Seek to be filled.
Be desperate. They that hunger
and thirst after righteousness will be filled.
Matt 5:6
c. Get rid of all things that will hinder the
infilling. Ingratitude, unforgiveness,
pouting, hatred, greed, bitterness, hurt, mocking and scowling
d. Yield to Christ the giver of the Holy Spirit. Jesus must be Lord.
e. Seek it, pursue it.
You have not because you ask not.
James 4:2 Do not give up until
you have His infilling.
It is Tuesday and here is your thought for today. Success should be measured not by what we have accumulated, but on who we have influenced for good. So go and be an ambassador for Jesus and do good to all you can, as long as you can, whenever you can
Proverb of Steel
Success should be measured not by what we have
accumulated, but on who we have influenced for good.
Verse Today
Psalm 119:155New King James Version (NKJV)
155 Salvation is far from the wicked,
For they do not seek Your statutes.
For they do not seek Your statutes.
The man born blind
The man born blind – John 9
This is our third day discovering the wealth of truth contained in it. Today we will learn six more life lessons from this chapter.
1. The man started put believing that Jesus was a prophet. Even when he told the story a second time he was not believed until his parents confirmed it.
2. His parents refuse to verify that Jesus healed their son. Like so many they were afraid of peer pressure. Never allow the opinions of others determine your faith.
3. The world has its own rules and disciples which the Pharisees were. The world had no idea who Jesus was and is. Even when a man born blind is healed they do not believe it.
4. We earn that God listen to the godly and does what they ask.
5. Jesus can do nothing and neither can we if we are not followers of God.
6. The world reacts violently to a person that follows God. There is a price to pay to follow Christ but any price we pay is nothing compare to the riches we shall receive in Christ.
Monday, September 19, 2016
True giving
Giving – 2 Cor 9:6-11

The Apostle Paul shares with the Corinthians and us five wonderful
truths today.
An atheist and a little boy in his neighborhood were talking one day about God, church and faith. Finally, the old neighbor said to the little boy, "Son, I don’t see how there could be a God in this world with all of the problems we have. I will give you an apple if you can prove to me that God exists!"
The little boy grinned and said, "Sir, I believe in God and I will give you TWO APPLES if you can prove that He doesn't exist!"
An atheist and a little boy in his neighborhood were talking one day about God, church and faith. Finally, the old neighbor said to the little boy, "Son, I don’t see how there could be a God in this world with all of the problems we have. I will give you an apple if you can prove to me that God exists!"
The little boy grinned and said, "Sir, I believe in God and I will give you TWO APPLES if you can prove that He doesn't exist!"
- There is a law of nature.
Whoever sows will reap. The little the sow the little you
sow. The more you sow the more you
reap. Vs 6
- Each person should give as they have decided in your heart. In the Old Testament
the guideline is a tenth. In the
New Testament there is no guideline because love is your motivation. Your time, talents and resources belong
to him.
Vs 7
- Do not give under compulsion for God loves a cheerful
giver. Vs 7
Some people are never happy. A Jewish lady's
grandson is playing in the water, she is standing on the beach not wanting to
get her feet wet, when all of a sudden, a huge wave appears from nowhere and
crashes directly over the spot where the boy is wading.
The water recedes and the boy is no longer there. He simply vanished. She holds her hands to the sky, screams and cries, "Lord, how could you? Have I not been a wonderful mother and grandmother? Have I not given to Bnai Brith and Haddasah? Have I not tried my very best to live a life that you would be proud of?"
A few minutes later another huge wave appears out of nowhere and crashes on the beach. As the water recedes, the boy is standing there, smiling, splashing around as if nothing had ever happened. A loud voice booms from the sky, "Okay, okay, I have returned your grandson. Are you satisfied?"
She responds, "He had a hat.
The water recedes and the boy is no longer there. He simply vanished. She holds her hands to the sky, screams and cries, "Lord, how could you? Have I not been a wonderful mother and grandmother? Have I not given to Bnai Brith and Haddasah? Have I not tried my very best to live a life that you would be proud of?"
A few minutes later another huge wave appears out of nowhere and crashes on the beach. As the water recedes, the boy is standing there, smiling, splashing around as if nothing had ever happened. A loud voice booms from the sky, "Okay, okay, I have returned your grandson. Are you satisfied?"
She responds, "He had a hat.
Seven scriptural principles for giving.
I. According
to Income – Deut 16:17
Secretly – Matt 6:3
Freely – Matt 10:8
With Simplicity – Rom 12:8
Regularly every week – 1 Cor
Cheerfully – 2 Cor 9:7
Generously – 2 Cor 9:10
Talk about Dareen Stahl
- God is able to make grace abound in all times, in all you need
for every good work. Vs 8-10
Talk about Joseph in Potiphar’s house and prison.
- When you give gifts to the poor the righteous of God endures
- He will supply and increase your seed and enlarge your harvest
of righteousness.
- You will be made rich in every way so you can be generous on
every occasion. What will happen is
those around you will give thanksgiving to God because of your generosity.
I heard a missionary tell an amazing story of a
child’s generosity. John Bechtel, a missionary in Hong
Kong , wanted to start a Christian camp to reach people for Christ.
A bankrupt multimillion-dollar hotel and conference center became available for
sale. He made an offer to purchase the property and then traveled around the
world to raise the millions he would need. But no one was willing to help and
he returned to Hong Kong discouraged. Then one
day he got a letter from a young girl that included $1 and a note saying she
wanted him to use this to buy the camp. John Bechtel prayed and took the girl’s
$1 to the real estate closing and the corporation decided to accept the $1 as
full payment! Since the camp first opened, over a million people have come and
over 100,000 have accepted Christ.
- God wants to have fruitfulness, liberality and spiritual
Verse Today
True success happens when you make a goal, develop a
plan, put into practice and see it through to completion.
Verse Today
Psalm 119:153-160King James Version (KJV)
153 Consider mine affliction, and deliver me: for I do not forget thy law.
The man born blind
The man born blind - John 9
Yesterday we outlined the events of what Jesus did with the blind man. Here are five powerful truths we glean from this account.
1. Sin is not the cause of all sickness but sometimes it is allowed to show the power of God. We must work while there is day and Jesus who is the light of the world is working. You are maximize your effort in the minimum amount of time.
2. Jesus made the man put feet to his faith when he sent him to wash in the Pool of Siloam.
3. This story show that some people will not believe in a miracle even when it happens. Unbelief is a powerful tool of the devil.
4. When a miracle happens it is good to have it verified.
5. The Pharisees were angry with Jesus because He healed on the Sabbath. Not that He cured someone. Never allow a narrow view of God keep you from believing and faith. Some people did believe in jesus because of this miracle.
Monday Thought
Today is Monday and here is your thought for the day. True success happens when you make a goal, develop a plan, put into practice and see it through to completion. Remember it is now how you start that matters but how you finish.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Friday, September 16, 2016
Friday Thought
It is the weekend and here is a thought for you. Faithfulness is shown not in the giant strides but in the small steps we make. So start small and work from there. Walk in love and grace and make it a small step and it will lead to a lifestyle.
Verse Today
Psalm 119:152New King James Version (NKJV)
152 Concerning Your testimonies,
I have known of old that You have founded them forever.
I have known of old that You have founded them forever.
The man born blind
The man born blind - John 9
Yesterday we outlined the events of what Jesus did with the blind man. Here are five powerful truths we glean from this account.
1. Sin is not the cause of all sickness but sometimes it is allowed to show the power of God. We must work while there is day and Jesus who is the light of the world is working. You are maximize your effort in the minimum amount of time.
2. Jesus made the man put feet to his faith when he sent him to wash in the Pool of Siloam.
3. This story show that some people will not believe in a miracle even when it happens. Unbelief is a powerful tool of the devil.
4. When a miracle happens it is good to have it verified.
5. The Pharisees were angry with Jesus because He healed on the Sabbath. Not that He cured someone. Never allow a narrow view of God keep you from believing and faith. Some people did believe in jesus because of this miracle.
Verse Today
Psalm 119:152New King James Version (NKJV)
152 Concerning Your testimonies,
I have known of old that You have founded them forever.
I have known of old that You have founded them forever.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Proverb of Steel
The size of the crowd should never determine
effectiveness and success but in how God changes us and how we in turn
influence the most vunerable person we know,
Verse Today
Psalm 119:15New International Version (NIV)
15 I meditate on your precepts
and consider your ways.
and consider your ways.
The man born blind
The man born blind – John 9
This whole chapter is a treasure trove of truth. Over the next four days we are going to mine it for nuggets and life lessons to apply to our lives to help us to become more like Jesus.
Jesus was walking along when he came across a man who was born blind. The disciples ask Jesus whose fault it was that he was born blind, His or his parents? Jesus told them that neither had been guilty of sin but through him the power of God was going to be displayed and revealed. Jesus put some much in the man’s eyes and to go to the Pool of Siloam. This man went to the pool and came back seeing.
His neighbors were surprised and doubted that he was the former blind man. They brought him to the Pharisees who began to question him, He told hem what happened to him and they did not believe him so they questioned him a second time. He told them the same thing. They still did not believe him so they called his parents in to verify the story. They confirmed the story. The called him back in and told him why they did not believe his story. They did not believe that Jesus was from God. He was surprised and remarked that all he knew is that he was born blind and now he could see. They became angry with him when he dared to try and teach them and so they through him out.
Jesus found him a little later and told him about the Pharisees blind which he of course had seen first hand. Jesus asked the former blind man if he believe and he said, “Yes.” Some Pharisees who with Jesus were offended and Jesus told them their were spiritually blind. The lesson we can learn is do not allow yourself to become spiritually blind and when Jesus opens your eyes keep them open.
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