Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Rom 14:17 – The Path of Life – Jan 19, 2014

Rom 14:17 – The Path of Life – Jan 19, 2014
Intro:  There is a burning question in many hearts today.  What is the path of life?

      1.   The Materialist says, “It is the accumulation of wealth that is all important.”
      2.   The success person is about getting degrees, being a CEO, owning and operating
            a successful business.
  1. The fame people are about image, success, money and popularity.
  2. The religionist is about finding the right religion that will to improve your behavior.
  3. The evolutionist tells you mankind will get better in a billion years.
  4. The tech person will tell you it is through gadget and better technology
  5. The eastern mystic tells you it comes through meditation and betterment of self.
  6. Jesus tells you that it comes through Him.  John 14:6.  He also said that the road to destruction is wide and many follow it but the path to life is narrow and few find it.

Paul in our scripture this morning talks that benefits of finding this path has nothing to do with meat, drink, food, clothing, accumulation of possessions or even having family.  It is about righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.

1.      Paul says the Kingdom of God is about righteousness peace and joy.  Righteous means, “The character and nature of God communicated to man through a judicial act of forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ that causes the receiver to will and to do what is right.” 
2.      Peace is the absence of personal warfare and strife.  You are at peace with God and others.  You have that peace that passes all understanding and this peace it something the world cannot give or take away. 
3.      Joy is that deep seated contentment knowing that God has everything under control and all things will work out.  Rom 8:28, you are not moved by what happens around you.  You are moved by your belief and trust in God. 

The qualities of the Kingdom of God are inward and eternal.  They flow from allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell in you fully.  They flow in and out of you to others.  God wants you to be a conduit of righteousness, peace and joy.  They will see God’s love which is basis for the Kingdom

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