Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Prayer – Matt 6:5-6

                The next few days we will be looking at prayer.  Prayer is that wonderful opportunity for daily communion with God.  Jesus has the proper thoughts and teaching about this very personal of activities.  Jesus wishes to place prayer back where it belongs.  Not in the streets but in the closet.
                Jesus addresses the same problem that religious leaders of His day were guilty of.  They would do their religious service in public.  In this case it was prayer which God looks as a private communication between Him and you.  It is not to be made a spectacle of to draw attention to a man.  Jesus calls those who pray in public for the approval of man as hypocrites.  Pray, alms and fasting had become religious exercises of little value because the hearts of those who did them had become wrong.  Instead of being viewed as personal demonstrations of faith they had become public demonstration of false piety and humility.  This can easily happen in religious institutions where form and ceremony become more important than private humility, piety and godliness.
                Jesus’ instructions on prayer are short, precise and clean. 

1.  When you have your time in prayer find a place of seclusion and privacy and shut yourself away.  Prayer is    
     designed to be communion and communication between you and God. 
2.  Keep your prayers directed to your heavenly Father.  He is the object of your prayers.  This is your time for spirit 
     to Spirit communion.
3.  What you pray about in secret will become a reality and God will reward you openly.  One thing you will learn 
      about prayer is that when you pray about something that you and God only know and when you see it come to    
      pass It will build your faith and bring a greater desire to pray God’s will.

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