John 4:5-42 – The Samaritan Woman
It is almost routine now. We are going to two days in this portion because it is rich in truth and has many applications and life lessons we can learn from it.
Jesus goes back to Galilee by the way of Samaria. He stops at the city of Sychar which is just below Mount Gerizim. He rests at noon day, when a woman comes to the well He is leaning on. She is known as a woman of ill repute. Jesus strikes up a conversation and reveals to her the great truth about God and herself. He stays for two days with the people and they believe in Him.
1. Jesus stopped at Jacob’s well and spoke to this woman. Samaritans were considered as the lowest of human beings by the Jews. It shows that even chosen people can be capable of prejudice and bias. He spoke to this woman and by this act lifted up woman hood and erased racial prejudice. Jesus is the great liberator.
2. Jesus in His human form got hungry and tired just like us. Jesus is the perfect union of the natural and the divine. He is God with a face.
3. Jesus revealed that He is the living water and that whoever drinks of this water will never be thirsty. Jesus is a gift from God.
4. This living water Jesus was talking about wells up in a person and brings them to eternal life.
5. As Jesus knew everything about this woman so He knows everything about us. Nothing can be hid from Him for He is God. This challenges us to make sure our private world is every bit as important as our public world. Remember what you do in private is the real you.
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