Monday, February 29, 2016

Proverb of Steel

The real us are those things that we do in private.  So do in private what you do in public or be the biggest hypocrites of all.

Verse Today

Psalm 30:2King James Version (KJV)

Lord my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me.

Matthew or Levi is called.

 Matthew or Levi is called.

                As Jesus was walking down by the sea shore He saw a man named Matthew or Levi sitting in his tax collection booth or office.  He saw Matthew and asked him to follow Him.  Matthew did and that night he had a meal prepared for Jesus and His disciples.  Some Pharisees saw this and they criticized Jesus for eating with publicans and sinners.  Jesus told them that He had come to heal the sick and not the healthy, spiritually. 

1.        Jesus was willing to call the unlikely, for He sees not what they are at the time but what they shall become.
2.        God looks at the heart for His calling.  He is not concerned about the outside.  Matthew was a tax collector when he was started but he did not finish his life that way.  He became a great scholar, teacher and preacher of the gospel.
3.        Jesus is the healer of the ordinary man.  He came to heal the broken hearted and those who need His touch.  It is the sick that need a doctor not the healthy.
4.        Man will always find something to criticise. 
5.        Jesus brought out through the calling of Matthew that mercy is more important than sacrifice.  Mercy lead, God to send His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross.
6.        Jesus came to die for the sins of the world,   He came to deal with the sinner and not the so called religious people of the world. 
7.        Our outlook should be the same as Jesus.  Do not see people as they are but what they can become.  Remember each one of us in growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus at different rates. 

Be real

It is the beginning of a new week and here is your thought.  The real us are those things that we do in private.  So do in private what you do in public or be the biggest hypocrites of all.  So today live your life so well that the neighborhood gossip will vouch for you.

Friday, February 26, 2016

The Carol Burnett Show - The Oldest Butcher with Tim Conway

The Old Sheriff - Tim Conway and Harvey Korman

The Carol Burnett Show - Tough Truckers HILARIOUS!

The Carol Burnett Show - Tough Truckers HILARIOUS!

George Beverly Shea

Value those you work with

Value your spouse

Wise Saying

If you are always losing your cool, you will never be hot for Jesus.

Healing of the Leper

 Matt 8:2-4, Mark 1:40-45 and Luke 5:12-16 – Healing of the Leper

                Jesus was in Galilee and He has just finished teaching on the principles of the Kingdom when a leper came to Him asking Jesus to heal him.  Jesus was willing to heal the man.  The man was made clean and Jesus sent him to the priest to prove that the healing was genuine so God could be glorified,  Here are some lessons we can learn from this account.

1.        If we want to be healed we must be willing to come to Jesus and ask.  He is more than willing to help and our response must to humbly ask for it.
2.        Jesus met the need immediately in this case.
3.        Jesus told him not to tell anyone but to go to the priest and let him examine the man so that God would be glorified and this would be a testimony to the healing power of Jesus.
4.        Healing should always be confirmed by a recognized authority. 
5.         Jesus is moved by compassion when He heals.  He knows no one but Himself can meet the needs of mankind.
6.        This man disobeyed Jesus and went and told all.  Because of this Jesus had to stay in the lonely places.  To really get the work done right we must be willing to obey His every instruction. 
7.        No matter where Jesus was people came to be healed by Him.  No matter where you find yourself if you need to be healed in any area of your life, come to Jesus and He will heal you.

Verse Today

Jeremiah 31:13King James Version (KJV)

13 Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, both young men and old together: for I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow.

Control ANger

It is the weekend and here is your thought.  If you are always losing your cool, you will never be hot for Jesus.  Anger is such a problem because no one around is safe.  A angry person is a person with no self control.  James from the bible has some advice.  He says be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.  Do this and you will well under you way to conquer anger.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Eagles - Desperado (Live)



I Think I Love You - Partridge Family

Monkees - Daydream Believer - Great Audio Quality. Music Video From MTV.

The Mamas & The Papas: California Dreamin'

Kansas - Dust in the Wind (Official Video)

Toto - Africa

Toto - I'll Be Over You

Chicago - Will You Still Love Me

Peter Cetera/Crystal Bernard - (I Wanna Take) Forever Tonight


Amy Grant - House Of Love

Amy Grant - Lead Me On

Amy Grant - Wise Up

AMY GRANT - Find a way

Proper wages

Wise Saying

Here is a scary thought.  What we really believe is important is the most likely message our children will receive.

Verse Today

Proverbs 15:13King James Version (KJV)

13 A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.

Peter’s Mother in law Healed

Matt 8:14-17, Mark 1:29-34 and Luke 8:38-41 – Peter’s Mother in law Healed

                Today we learn that Peter was married and that His mother in law was sick.  Jesus came to Peter’s house and when he touched Peter’s relative she was made well.  She even got up and made them dinner.  Later in this account we see the demonic possessed and sick were brought to Him and they were all made well.  Just a quite note, not all who are sick are this way because of demonic activity and vice versa but Jesus made them well because He came to set the captive free.  Jesus also did these things to fulfill prophecy.

1.       Jesus was moved by compassion to reach out to His friends.  He touched and healed Peter’s mother in law because His friends asked Him to do it.
2.       Jesus has authority over every sickness, disease and demon.  It is not God’s will that people are sick.  This is evident because everyone who came to Jesus was healed.  Jesus healed those who came with His word.
3.       Jesus did not spend time speaking to the demon, He just cast them out.
4.       Jesus came to heal or carry our infirmities and diseases.
5.       Jesus rebuked the fever and we must do the same.   Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.   Nothing must hinder its cleanliness.
6.       Jesus used in this case the method of Laying on of Hands.  There are many methods of healing can be employed but the issue in every case is seeing people healed and the Lord being glorified,

Scary Thought

Here is a scary thought.  What we really believe is important is the most likely message our children will receive.  So what do you believe is important.  I trust it is Christ and living for Him.  Otherwise you are planting a wrong thought life and lifestyle for them.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Demoniac Healed on the Sabbath

Mark 1:21-28 and Luke 4:31-37 – Demoniac Healed on the Sabbath

                Jesus was in Capernaum on the Sabbath and was teaching in the synacogue.  As He was teaching a man possessed of an evil Spirit cried out.  Jesus took authority over the evil spirit and cast it out.  The people were amazed and news about Him spread through the area.
                The people were amazed at Jesus teaching because He spoke with authority.  This authority was given to Him by the Father.  When the evil spirit came into the presence of Jesus it must have tried to get away.  Jesus is more powerful than any demon.  Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and evil spirits.  A very powerful truth for us to remember is that evil spirits believe in Jesus and they tremble.  In the name of Jesus demons have to leave.  Sometimes they leave violently but they do leave.  Jesus is the greatest authority on the earth and sooner or later all will recognize His authority. 

Verse Today

Psalm 34:18King James Version (KJV)

18 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.

True Beauty

We live in a time where all the beautiful people are those that look, talk and act a certain way that the world considers right so here is your thought for today.  Outer beauty is fleeting.  The inner beauty of attitude and outlook on life is lifelong.  Real beauty starts from the inside out with God.  So today transform your inner world to one where God is in control and see real beauty come into your life.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Wise Saying

Man values, talent, skill, beauty and social position.  God values inner beauty and Christ like character.

Demoniac Healed on the Sabbath

 Mark 1:21-28 and Luke 4:31-37 – Demoniac Healed on the Sabbath

                Jesus was in Capernaum on the Sabbath and was teaching in the synacogue.  As He was teaching a man possessed of an evil Spirit cried out.  Jesus took authority over the evil spirit and cast it out.  The people were amazed and news about Him spread through the area.
                The people were amazed at Jesus teaching because He spoke with authority.  This authority was given to Him by the Father.  When the evil spirit came into the presence of Jesus it must have tried to get away.  Jesus is more powerful than any demon.  Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and evil spirits.  A very powerful truth for us to remember is that evil spirits believe in Jesus and they tremble.  In the name of Jesus demons have to leave.  Sometimes they leave violently but they do leave.  Jesus is the greatest authority on the earth and sooner or later all will recognize His authority. 

Verse Today

Psalm 28:7King James Version (KJV)

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.

Tuesday Thought

It is Tuesday and here is your thought for today.  Man values, talent, skill, beauty and social position.  God values inner beauty and Christ like character.  Character will keep you in the storms of life and will make you the person God wants and the people need to see.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Wise Saying

If we want our children to treat other people right, it begins with us and our attitudes towards others.  They learn from our example what is your life saying to them?

Verse Today

Psalm 147:3King James Version (KJV)

He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.

Four Disciples called

Matt 4:18-22, Mark 1:16-20 and Luke 5:1-11 – Four Disciples called

                Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee and He met Peter and his brother Andrew.  They were fishing and He called them over and said that He wanted to make them Fishers of men.  They immediately left their nets.  He came along and did the same with James and John and they did the same. 

1.       Jesus was well known at this time as a prophet and teacher, His message was that the Kingdom of God  was near.  He told the people to repent and believe with all their hearts the good news.
2.       Jesus called His disciples to be Fishers of Men.  It is beautiful to see these men were willing to give up
        everything to follow Jesus.  Peter put it this way, “where can we go, only you have the words of eternal   
        life.”  Here is something irresistible about Jesus that when we first meet Him, the first thing we want to do
        is follow Him.
3.       It was an act of faith and obedience on the part of the disciples to leave all and follow Jesus.  We must be willing to do the same. 
4.       Jesus taught the word from Peter’s boat.  Jesus was with them and Peter was reminded of His sin.  He was and so we be when we come into the presence of Jesus.  We must be willing to get of all our sin. 


It is the beginning f the week and I rust that you had a great weekend.  Here is a simple thought for today.  If we want our children to treat other people right, it begins with us and our attitudes towards others.  They learn from our example what is your life saying to them?

Friday, February 19, 2016

Archie Bunker on Democrats

Life of Moses.

Weekend Thought

It is the week end and here is a thought. Parents prepare their children for a lifetime walk with God ministry to others. We are given this task for only a few years so invest early and well to see God's best for them and future generations. So today inter act with your kids or grand kids and enjoy every moment and see each one as the blessing God has made them.

Wise Saying

Parents prepare their children for a lifetime walk with God ministry to others.  We are given this task for only a few years so invest early and well to see God's best for them and future generations.

Verse Today

Psalm 46:1King James Version (KJV)

46 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Jesus in Nazareth

Luke 4:16-31

                Once again we are looking at the Jesus in His home town of Nazareth.  Jesus had revealed He was the Messiah and the people took it the wrong way and wanted to kill Him.  Jesus however walked away and was not harmed.  Here are the lessons we can learn from this account today.

1.       Jesus came to give sight to the blind both in a physical and spiritual sense.
2.       He came to release the oppressed and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.  Jesus has come to your free from your oppression and He wants you to know you are blessed and highly favoured.  I have a friend that always greets those who meet him with the phrase, “I am blessed and highly favoured.”  Which of course he is because of Jesus Christ.
3.       When everyone’s eyes were fastened on Jesus, He told His audience in Nazareth that the scripture He had just read was now being fulfilled.  All who heard Him said He had gracious words but they did not believe in Him.
4.       Jesus revealed that people won’t believe a prophet from their home town because they know his past and cannot believe they could change.
5.       Jesus was to face death through all His ministry.  He claimed from the very beginning to be the Son of God.  His claim to deity would eventually lead to His death.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Parable of the sheep and goats


Wise Saying

Today we equate material success to the blessing of God but in reality material success is actually today's greatest hindrance to true abundant life.  You prosper when your soul prospers.

rejected at Nazareth

 rejected at Nazareth

                This story is so full of lessons and truth we will spend two days learning from it.  Jesus returns to His home town of Nazareth.  He had returned with the power of the Holy Spirit upon Him.  He went to the local synocogue and it was here that His mission was fulfilled or revealed.  He took the book of Isaiah and read Isaiah 61, which  tells about the mission of the Messiah and when he finished reading it, he said the scripture was fulfilled in Him.  The people did not believe Him because they knew His family.  Jesus told them about Elijah and Naaman.  He told them that a prophet is never accepted in their home town.  They were going to stone Him but He got away.  Here are five life lessons we can learn from this passage today.

1.       Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit and was ready to begin His ministry.  Before we start any ministry we need to make sure we are filled with the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit in the vital ingredient in any enterprise for God.  The Spirit led life is the only answer to doing the will of God.
2.       Jesus’ mission was revealed right from the start.  He taught wherever He could and people praised God for Him.
3.       Jesus was a respected teacher through Galilee.  He was a man of the word and was a man who believed in the house of the Lord.  He was a regular attendee of the House of the Lord.  If Jesus believe in going to church so should we.
4.       The Spirit of the Lord was upon Him and He was anointed to preach the good news to the poor.  Jesus is good news.  Salvation, healing and righteousness Is what He brings.  He makes us friends with God.  Those who do not know the Lord are poor.  They may have the riches of this world but they are poor in the things of the Spirit.  Jesus came to set the captive free.
5.       Jesus came to set all prisoners free from whatever bondage they may be under.  Whatever you are dealing with there is an answer!   His name is Jesus and by His stripes you are healed and through His blood you are set free.  Who the Son sets free is free indeed.

Verse Today

Jeremiah 32:27King James Version (KJV)

27 Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?

Thursday Thought

It is Thursday and here is something for you to think about.  Today we equate material success to the blessing of God but in reality material success is actually today's greatest hindrance to true abundant life.  You prosper when your soul prospers.  True success starts from the inside out and with the Lord.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Parable of the talents

Daily Wise Saying

Chasing after material prosperity is like a dog chasing their tail.  You never get anywhere are all you do is get dizzy.

Jesus in Samaria

John 4:5-42

                This is the second and last day our of time with Jesus and the Samaritan woman.   Here are five short life lessons we can learn from this passage.

1.       Those who worship the Lord must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.  God seeks sincere worshipper who do it in truth.
2.       Jesus reveals the make up of God if we can use that term.  God is Spirit which means He has no physical form.  Those who come to God must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.
3.       Jesus came to bring all people to Himself He d id this for the Samaritans.  Jesus also tells that the fields are ripe for harvest so the crop of eternal life is ready for the sower and the reaper.  Revival is always just around the corner.  We must be ready to reap the harvest is going to bring.
4.       We are the reapers of the harvest sent by God.  Others have worked and we receive the benefit. 
5.       Man believe Jesus’ word and all the Samaritans who believed in Jesus said that He is the Saviour of Mankind.

Verse Today

Joshua 1:8King James Version (KJV)

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

Will of God

It is the midweek and here is your thought.  Chasing after material prosperity is like a dog chasing their tail.  You never get anywhere are all you do is get dizzy.  So follow Jesus' advice and seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things will be added unto you.  Start with God and then go from there and all true things of value will be added  unto you.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Daydream Believer

No one knows the day or hour

Wise Saying

Real abundant life does not come through indulging the flesh but in the testing soul.  Jesus grew through the trails He suffered.

Verse Today

Ephesians 3:11-12New King James Version (NKJV)

11 according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord,12 in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through faith in Him.

The Samaritan Woman

John 4:5-42 – The Samaritan Woman

                It is almost routine now.  We are going to two days in this portion because it is rich in truth and has many applications and life lessons we can learn from it. 
                Jesus goes back to Galilee by the way of Samaria.  He stops at the city of Sychar which is just below Mount Gerizim.  He rests at noon day, when a woman comes to the well He is leaning on.  She is known as a woman of ill repute.  Jesus strikes up a conversation and reveals to her the great truth about God and herself.  He stays for two days with the people and they believe in Him.

1.       Jesus stopped at Jacob’s well and spoke to this woman.  Samaritans were considered as the lowest of human beings by the Jews.  It shows that even chosen people can be capable of prejudice and bias.  He spoke to this woman and by this act lifted up woman hood and erased racial prejudice.  Jesus is the great liberator.
2.       Jesus in His human form got hungry and tired just like us.  Jesus is the perfect union of the natural and the divine.  He is God with a face.
3.       Jesus revealed that He is the living water and that whoever drinks of this water will never be thirsty.  Jesus is a gift from God.
4.       This living water Jesus was talking about wells up in a person and brings them to eternal life.
5.       As Jesus knew everything about this woman so He knows everything about us.  Nothing can be hid from Him for He is God.  This challenges us to make sure our private world is every bit as important as our public world.  Remember what you do in private is the real you.

Tuesday Thought

Well we just finished the family Day weekend and I trust that you spent some time with your loved one.  Today make Jesus the focus of your life.  He is the one who gives you Abundant Life  This type of life means that you put your trust in the Lord and let Him have every aspect of it.  Today let Jesus be the reason for your day and life.  Follow His example and do the will of the Father.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Summer Cars

Carman - There is a God

Carman - Slam

Carman - The Prayer Anthem

Carman - Sunday School Rock (Music Video)

God's Got an Army - Carman

"This Blood" By: Carman (Updated Version)

Lazarus Come Forth (Unofficial Music Video) by Carman

Carman-Revival In The Land (Music Video)

The Courtroom - Carman

Carman - Raising The Standard - Live

True love

What is True Love

Joseph who saved the world

The wise and foolish virgins

Friday, February 12, 2016

Classic Cars

Amazing Grace

Softly And Tenderly - Amy Grant

My Father's Eyes by Amy Grant

El Shaddai -- Amy Grant

THY WORD - Amy Grant

Angels - Amy Grant

Stay For A While - Amy Grant

Wedding Banquet

Yellow Submarine

Passing through

As we head into this weekend here is a thought. The challenge for the eternal pilgrim is to remember that the beautiful spots they see on their journey is not home. So this weekend make every moment count and make a difference. The goal is maximize your life in those few moments we have. Be a blessing for the Lord today.

Wise Saying

The challenge for the eternal pilgrim is to remember that the beautiful spots they see on their journey is not home.

Verse Today

Philippians 4:6-7King James Version (KJV)

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

The First Cleansing of the Temple

 John 2:12-22 – The First Cleansing of the Temple

                This is our third and last day on this rich and powerful account.  The Holy Spirit through this passage will teach us four more life lessons.

1.        The Jews were sign seekers for authority.  Jesus told them there that He would tear down the old system of worship and tradition and establish a new one through His dying on the cross and rising again. 
2.        Jesus’ mission and ministry are revealed right from the very beginning.  It was through His death, burial and resurrection that mankind would be made right with God.
3.        It was only after Jesus would rise from the dead that the full meaning of this incident would be fully understood.  It takes time to fully understand what happens when God does something in our lives.  Knowing the will of God takes two things, faith and timing.
4.        Jesus fulfilled scripture by His words and deeds.  John reveals through His book that everything Jesus did was deliberate and calculated.  The Lord leads us step by step.  His will is calculated and deliberate.  Nothing that God does in your life is by accident.  There are lessons in everything we face and do.  The secret is asking God to help you understand and learn from each one.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Yeah Yeah

The tale of two sons

Funny Thought

It is the middle of the week and here is a little funny thought or two.You know you getting old when you still think you can still do anything and you body has to remind you that you cannot. Here is another, you know you are getting old when you back goes out more than you do. Do what you can, as long as you can for the Lord and have a great day.

Wise Saying

You know you getting old when you still think you can still do anything and you body has to remind you that you cannot.

Jesus teaches Nicodemus

John 3:1-21

                This is the second day of our study and devotion on Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus.  Jesus has made it clear that only by being born again can you see the Kingdom of God.  Today we will look further at some more life lessons from this passage.

1.        We find here that even the greatest and wisest teachers of the word can be fooled by the simplest things.  We must listen to the direction of the Holy Spirit to learn truth.  John would say later in His book that the Holy Spirit will take what He hears and passes it on to us.  The Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth.
2.        Jesus told Nicodemus He only speaks of what He has seen and heard.  We must do the same.  Paul says 1 Cor 11;23, “That which we have received we are to pass onto others.  The reality is however that everyone will hear us.
3.        Jesus speaks to us of earthly and spiritual things.  The Holy Spirit will help us see both the earthly or natural and the spiritual or supernatural.
4.        No one can go up to heaven.  Jesus had to go first and open the way for us.  The writer of Hebrews tells us that He did through His flesh.  This of course happened through His broken body and shed blood which was given for us on the cross.
5.        Jesus told Nicodemus that unless the Son of Man was lifted up no man could come.  This was of course a prophecy Jesus would fulfill on the cross.  Nicodemus would be one of two men who would prepare Jesus’ body for burial.  After the Son of Man was lifted up all who believed in Him would have eternal life.
6.        It was love that caused God to send His only Son int

Verse Today

Matthew 6:34King James Version (KJV)

34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Fire of God

It is Tuesday and here is a thought for you today. Remember every thought, action, attitude and word will face eternal fire so make sure they are of the highest quality and the purest substance. You can make such a different when you known that one day you will have to account for everything you have done. It makes you want to use every moment for the glory of God and the benefit of others. So today be a blessing and change someone's life today.

Wise Saying

Remember every thought, action, attitude and word will face eternal fire so make sure they are of the highest quality and the purest substance.

Verse Today

Proverbs 12:25King James Version (KJV)

25 Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.

Jesus teaches Nicodemus

John 3:1-21 – Jesus teaches Nicodemus

                We will be spending the three days on this passage.  It is one of the richest passages in the Bible.  It contains the most familiar and best love verse in the Bible.  John 3:16 has been called the gospel in a nutshell.  God love is shown in the sacrifice of His Son.
                There was a great teacher who was a Pharisee and his name was Nicodemus.  He was a great teacher in the land of Israel.  He came to Jesus by night and asked Him about who He was.  Nicodemus came to Jesus by night because Jesus was a controversial person and public opinion was mixed about Him.  Jesus told Nicodemus the teaching about being born again.  Jesus would tell Nicodemus that He Jesus would have to be lifted up and how men would be drawn until Him.  Nicodemus came into great truth that night.

1.        Jesus is a teacher sent by God and all men saw that.  Nicodemus told Jesus that only someone from God could do the great miracles that Jesus had done. 
2.        To be a person of God, a person must be born again.  Born by the Spirit.  It is the Holy Spirit who draws a person to Christ.  The Holy Spirit regenerates their heart and they become a new creature in Christ.
3.        Jesus reveals to Nicodemus that a person must be born of the Spirit and water or they will not see the Kingdom of God.  This statement has application in two ways.  First, water is a symbol of life and so life comes through life in the Spirit.  Secondly, water baptism.  When a person has been baptised in water they have identified themselves with the Christian faith.
4.        Flesh gives birth to flesh and the Spirit gives birth to the things of the Spirit.  The two are not compatible.  You can only understand the things of God through the new birth.
5.        The Spirit is like the wind.  He does what He wishes and saves who will listen.  No one can know the mind of the Spirit except those to whom the Spirit has been revealed.  

Monday, February 8, 2016

Prayer for Canada

Received at Jerusalem.

John 2:23 – Received at Jerusalem.

                During the feast Jesus did many miracles and many believed in Him.  Signs, wonders and miracles will follow them who believe but all of these are designed to show God’s goodness and His glory.  The word glory is always connected with the character and essence of God.  
                Jesus did not however trust the people because He knew how people can quickly turn on each other.  This was demonstrated in the last week of His life.  On Palm Sunday they would called Him King.  By the Friday they had crucified Him.  Jesus did not need man’s approval or testimony.  He knew what He was all about.  He was received by some but not all.  Jesus was careful of men and their motives.  A very good lesson for us!  Never take someone’s  approval as something to be cherish.  It is God’s approval at the end of life you want. 

Verse Today

Psalm 107:9English Standard Version (ESV)

For he satisfies the longing soul,
    and the hungry soul he fills with good things.

Wise Saying

Because our lives mirror God`s character and glory both now and for eternity keep it clean and polished.

Thought for the day

Here is your thought for the new week.  Because our lives mirror God`s character and glory both now and for eternity keep it clean and polished.  This means you live out your life in Christ.  You show Him in all you say, think and do.  Your actions speak louder than your words.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Wise Saying

Our choices in life right now mirror what we believe for the future.

Path of Life

It is the weekend and here is a thought for you. Our choices in life right now mirror what we believe for the future. So today make great choice based on the Lord's will and you will be setting a path for the future. The Lord promise to direct your path. So set your course today and consult the Lord every opportunity and you will see His will both now in the future.

Verse Today

Job 23:10King James Version (KJV)

10 But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

The First Cleansing of the Temple

John 2:12-22 – The First Cleansing of the Temple

                Once again we will be spending three days discovering all the truths contained within this passage.  John here places the incident of Jesus cleansing the temple at the beginning of His ministry.  Scholars have been debating this account for centuries.  Some have started that John did not follow a chronological sequence in His account of Jesus’ life.  Others say that there were two cleansings of the temple.  One at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry and another at the end.  Here is what we know.
                Jesus went down to Jerusalem for the Jewish Passover.  One of three recorded in John.  This is where scholars and the church get the idea that Jesus’ ministry lasted three years.  When He came to the temple He found it in terrible shape.  He found merchant and moneychangers doing business within its walls.  He took a whip and chased them out.  They had made the temple in to market place instead of the house of God,   The Jews after this incident wanted Jesus to prove His deity by a sign.  Jesus said He would build the temple again in three days.  Which we learn later would be His body.  John loved metaphors and today we will look at three applications of what we covered today.

1.        Never allow your temple to get in terrible shape.  As the temple of the Holy Spirit, Paul reminds us that we have been bought with a price so we are called to glorify God.
2.        You do not need a miraculous sign to know who Jesus is just be like Peter and John and follow Him.
3.        Never allow your temple to be anything but a temple or the Lord will come and do a cleansing and it could be very harsh.  Marc Brisbois once said, “Lord shock me now not later.”  Simply put the longer our temple goes unclean the hard and longer it will be to get it cleansed.