Friday, December 18, 2015

Peak of popularity

Peak of popularity – John 6:22-7:1

    We will spend the next two days talking about what happened here.  Jesus was at the peak of His popularity.  Then He began to teach things that many people could not accept.   Many in fact let Him grumbling and complaining.  Jesus showed the people that miracles are not as important as believing in the Son of God and receiving what He can give you.
    To do the works of God one must believe in the Son who God has sent.  People are looking for signs but Jesus came to be the Bread of Life and He gives true bread of the Spirit that silences sign seekers and fills the soul.
    As the Bread, all who feed on this bread will never hunger or thirst again.  Jesus reveals that the people of His day could see but they could not see.  Jesus came to do the will of Father.  He will lose none of those that the Father gives Him.  It will be the Father who will keep us to the end.  We must believe in the Son to have life and endure to the end,

    People don’t always understand but no one can come to the Son unless the Father draws them.  This is the work of the Father’s grace.  People are taught by the Father and we must listen.  The bread that Jesus gives is His body broken on the cross.  He is the living bread and all who partake of Him will never hunger.  He gives life to the world.

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