Giving Honor Rev 4:0-11
Vs 9 – So whenever these creatures give glory, honor and thanks to the one who sits on the throne and who lives forever something will happen. Notice the primary function of these creatures is three fold. To give, glory and thanks. This should be an attitude of our everyday life. We have been given the privilege of salvation so in our thoughts, words, deeds and attitudes we should be giving, glory, honor and thanks to the Lord for what He has done and who He is.
Vs 10 – As the 4 creatures give glory, honor and thanks the 24 elders worship Him as well and lay down their crowns before Him. Even though they have been given positions of honor and glory these elders have a common touch and goal. They know why they are there. They know it through the grace and love of God that they have been given these positions. In turn they lay or throw their crowns before the Lord. All rewards come from God but in turn those who receive them are more than willing to return them because of grace and love.
Vs 11 – These creatures remind all that the Lord is worthy of honor, glory and thanks because all things were created by Him. As a clay jar represents the skill and creativity of the potter so we do the same with God. He skillfully created us and endued us with talents, skills and capabilities to show through our lives His love, grace mercy and glory. These creatures also remind us that all things were created by His will and in Him they have their being. We live because God wills it. He sustains us and if He withdraws His life force we no longer exist. It is bizarre to think of men cursing God when He is the very one that gives them all the attributes to think, talk and live. Man is a silly thing according to Shakespeare.
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