Grace and Favour – John 1:4
Vs 4 – John was called to write to the seven churches in Asia Minor or modern day Turkey. John then addresses each one of these churches in chapter 2 and 3. For the moment he wants them to know that there two virtues are being released to them. Grace which is unmerited favour and peace with is absence of personal warfare or conflict to be given to them. These along with truth, righteousness and love were often common greetings given by the writers of the New Testament.
Grace and peace were being released by the one who is, and was and who is the come. The eternal one, the one who has always existed and will always exist. He has no beginning and no end. He is the one who does not change and when He says He will do something He will. So today, trust the eternal one for your situation and see His grace and peace activated in your life.
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