Monday, August 31, 2015
He is the First and the Last
He is the First and the Last – Rev 1:8
Vs 8 – Then the Lord says three about Himself. He is the Alpha and Omega. This is of course the beginning and end of the Greek Alphabet. All things begin and end with Him. He is the creator and sustainer of all things. This is what and who the Lord says He is. The testimony of the Lord is true and cannot be disputed. Secondly, He is the one who is, who was and is to come. This is a description of the eternal nature and character of God. He is the past, present and future. Thirdly, He is the Almighty. No one is and no one possesses His power, authority, might or dominion. These are simple declaration of who He is. What a wonderful truth as we begin a new month and the fall season. Let God have His way in your life. Let Him be your beginning and your end. Remember He promises to direct your path. It is a great path with a great destination ahead.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Friday, August 28, 2015
We are a Kingdom
We are a Kingdom – Rev 1:6
Vs 6 –This verse is amazing because all Christians are a kingdom. This has both a personal and corporate application. The Kingdom of God is within us and together we are the kingdom of God here on this earth. The three characteristics of this kingdom are righteousness, peace and joy. (Rom 14:17) Next, we priests to His God and Father. We are ministers before Him. We minister love and preach the gospel to people on this earth. Then comes the greeting and phrase, “To Him, be glory and dominion forever and ever Amen.” This is both a statement and greeting. God has glory and dominion over all. Amen is the exclamation point to this fact. Imagine every Christian has this wonderful connection to this fact and truth. We have the glory of God in us, the characteristics and essence of God. We will also one day rule and reign with Him. Amazing and awesome truths.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Three titles of Jesus Christ.
Three titles of Jesus Christ. – Rev 1:5
Vs 5 – In this verse were are introduced to three titles, characteristics of Jesus Christ. He is the faithful and true witness. He spoke of the Kingdom when He was on earth. He testified of the Father during His earthly sojourn. Next, Jesus is the first born among the dead. Paul would use this same phrase in Romans 8:29. Jesus was the first to be resurrected but He will not be the last. He is the ruler among the kings of the earth. Jesus is known as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
John then reveals three things that Jesus did for us. He loves us. Jesus loved us so much that even while we were yet sinners He died for us. No greater love than this that a man will lay down His life for a friend. Amazingly enough is that Jesus did this even before we knew Him or about Him. Next, Jesus freed s from our sins. We are no longer sinners but saints. We can be free and stay free from the power of sin. Thirdly, this was brought about by and through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus Christ is the most powerful element in the universe. Nothing can stop or overcome the blood of Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
More about the Spirit
More about the Spirit – Rev 1:4
We have learned that all comes from the Father. Grace and peace comes from Him, wisdom, understanding, might, counsel, fear of the Lord and knowledge. All these comes from God by the Holy Spirit and they can be translated into our life and situation. James 1:5 gives us the clue. All you have to is ask. Jesus said, “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find and knock and the door shall be opened unto you.” The answer to your need is available right now. You do not have to walk in darkness or fear any longer. Just ask. God is more than willing to give it to you. He is loving and generous. People do not have because they do not ask. They don’t have because they do not receive. The biggest problem with most is they do not believe that God would give it to them. So today throw off your doubt and fear and receive all God has for you.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Seven Spirits of God
Seven Spirits of God – Rev 1:4
In Vs 4, this is obviously is the Father . Here we are introduced to the seven spirits who are before His throne. There are two thoughts here. The "Sevenfold Ministry of the Spirit" interpretation holds that the seven Spirits refer to Book of Isaiah 11:2. In this interpretation, "The "seven Spirits" represent the sevenfold ministry of the Spirit as depicted in Isaiah 11:2." [2] As it is written in the Holy Bible in the Book of Isaiah, 2 And the Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; Isaiah 11:2 (KJV). Including the Spirit of the Lord, and the Spirits of wisdom, of understanding, of counsel, of might, of knowledge and of fear of the LORD, here are represented the seven Spirits, which are before the throne of God.[4] The reference to the lamb in Revelation 5:6 relates it to the Seven Spirits which first appear in Revelation 1:4 and are associated with Jesus who holds them along with seven stars.[5]. The second is in the New Testament, the term "Dynamis" (translated as Virtues) suggests a class of exalted spiritual beings; the same perhaps parallel to the "chief Princes" (Sar rishown) in the Old Testament, of which Michael is stated to be one (Daniel 10:13).[6]
Note: the word "Dynamis" means something closer to 'strength', 'power' or 'ability' not 'virtues', as examinations of a Greek lexicon or concordance would reveal. "Dynamis" is used by Paul to refer to spiritual beings in Romans 8:38, Eph 1:21, 3:10, 6:12, Col 1:16, 2:10 & 15. "Powers and principalities" can apply to both angelic and demonic beings, more often in the New Testament to demonic beings.
Sevenfold may also be connected with the Biblical understanding of the number 7 representing perfection. The "Seven Fold Spirit of God" could be the "perfect" Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit.[7] (Wikipedia)
Monday, August 24, 2015
Grace and Favour
Grace and Favour – John 1:4
Vs 4 – John was called to write to the seven churches in Asia Minor or modern day Turkey. John then addresses each one of these churches in chapter 2 and 3. For the moment he wants them to know that there two virtues are being released to them. Grace which is unmerited favour and peace with is absence of personal warfare or conflict to be given to them. These along with truth, righteousness and love were often common greetings given by the writers of the New Testament.
Grace and peace were being released by the one who is, and was and who is the come. The eternal one, the one who has always existed and will always exist. He has no beginning and no end. He is the one who does not change and when He says He will do something He will. So today, trust the eternal one for your situation and see His grace and peace activated in your life.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Friday, August 21, 2015
The Prologue
The Prologue -Revelation 1:1
The book of Revelation is a revealing of Jesus Christ and events that will happen in the near future. Even though John saw this some 2000 years ago the events portrayed in this book are more up to date than tomorrow`s newspaper. The first truth is that book is about Jesus Christ. God the Father gave Him a message to show to His servants all who called Christ as Lord and Savior. This was for John’s time and for ours. The message and intention of this book is timeless. Should Jesus tarry it will have relevance to the next generation. The reason for this book is clear, to show the things that will soon take place. God wanted to make sure that His servants were not caught unawares. Another truth is that these things will happen because the Lord Himself has ordained it. The Lord is not man who is a liar. His word is true and what He says will come to pass will come to pass. The message was made known by an angel sent to John the beloved. John would be the writer and revealer of this message.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Author of the Book
Author of the Book
John is the author. He was put on the isle of Patmos which is just a rock in the middle of the ocean. It was on this island that he had this great vision. The book addresses all Christians. Jesus Christ wants man to be prepared by accepting Him or He will be part of these events in the area of judgment. John is on the island because of his Christian faith. He was a very old man when this happened. He wrote the book in 95 A.D. during the reign of Domitian. John was to share about he knew and saw. We are given the same opportunity. Never waste it.
August 20 - Outline
Revelation of Jesus Christ Ch 1
Message to the Seven Churches Ch 2-3
Scene in heaven Ch 4
Seven sealed books Ch 5
Opening of six seals Ch 6
144,000 and tribulation saints Ch 7
Seventh seal and four trumpets Ch 8
Fifth and sixth trumpet Ch 9
Angel and the little book Ch 10
Two witnesses and the seventh trumpet Ch 11
War in heaven Ch 12
Beast of sea and earth Ch 13
Lamb and 144,000 Ch 14
Scene in heaven Ch 15
Six bowls of wrath, Armageddon, seventh bowl of wrath Ch 16
Doom of Babylon, victory of the Lamb Ch 17
Babylon has fallen Ch 18
The coming of Christ Ch 19
Satan bound and judgment comes Ch 20
New heaven and earth and the New Jerusalem Ch 21
River and tree of life and the final message Ch 22
Statistics: 66th book of the bible, 22 chapters, 404 verses, 12000 words, 9 questions, 53 verses of history, 10 verses of fulfilled prophecy, 341 verses of unfulfilled prophecy and 83 promises.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
No Shame
No Shame – Gen 2:23-35
23-24 – Adam called her woman because she was the bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh. She was taken out of man and is part of him. This became the mandate for family. A man would leave his father and mother and would be united with his wife and they would become one flesh, one unite or family. God intended man and woman to work together in creating a family unit. Just a note here. God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. The family is the foundation and bedrock of society. No government, cultural change or special interest group will be able to change God’s view of the family.
25 – Adam and his wife were both naked and they felt no shame. This was a time of innocence and harmony. The only time where man and woman were truly equal and happy.
Monday, August 10, 2015
Taking care of business
Taking care of business – Gen 2:15-17
15 – Man’s mandate in the garden was two fold. To work and take care of it.
16-17 – God gave man one commandment. He was free to eat from any tree in the garden but not the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The consequence of breaking this commandment is that man would die. Seems simple but this shows that mankind can even foil the simplest of instructions. God was testing the man to see if he would obey. Obedience is key and foundational to kingdom living. Andrew Murray says the Christian is living in a School of Obedience. Obedience is greater than any sacrifice we can do. God demands it and love for Him responds. Man would fail be you do not have to. Make God`s will a top priority and goal today.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Friday, August 7, 2015
A day of rest
A day of rest – Gen 2:1-7
1-3 – God institutes the Sabbath. He rested on the seventh day after He had created all things in six days. God blessed the seventh day and made it holy and instituted it as a day of rest. The body is designed for six days of work but it needs to rest and relax.
4-7 – The full account of how the universe was created has been made. Shrubs and plants had not sprung up because God had sent rain on the earth. Streams from the earth came up and watered the ground. The earth was like a hot house. Science has confirmed this. God formed man out of the dust of the earth breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. Life begins and ends with God. He is sustainer of life. God gave us life and we became a living soul. We are a tri-part being. We have a body, soul and spirit. We have a will, intellect and emotions. We were created for God`s purpose and design. You will only find it through Jesus Christ.
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Our mandate
Our mandate – Gen 1:28-31
28 – This verse us our mandate. We are to be fruitful, subdue, increase in number and rule over this earth and all its inhabitants.
29-30 – Seed bearing plants and trees that bear fruit is ours for food. All creatures who hath breath is ours to rule. Ruler ship and dominion was man’s original mandate. We turned it over to satan when we fell but one day it shall be all restored.
31- God saw that it was all good and this was the sixth day. God created the world in six days. He spoke and it came about. No wonder Isaiah said, “God honors his word above His name.” His word brings life. Let His word bring life to you today.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Made in His Image
Made in His Image – Gen 1:26-27
26 – God made man in His image. A mental, moral and spiritual likeness of Him. We are the only creature who has a mind to comprehend and communicate with God in a spiritual manner. Man’s mandate from the beginning has been dominion and care taker of the earth.
27 – God created both the male and female of our species in His image. Man is not an accident of nature or a product of amino acids over a billion years. We have a divine maker who has eternal and divine plans for us. It is our job to seek Him because He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. When you seek God first all things will be added unto you. His divine plan and purpose are yours as you seek His face.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Reality Check
Reality Check – Gen 1:14-25
14-18 – God then created the sun, moon and stars to help mankind mark time, space, matter and motion. The sun is the source of heat and light. The moon governs seas and lunar movement associated with the earth. The stars were designed for navigation and a reminder of a creator. This was the fourth day.
20-23 – God made all the living creatures, those in the sea. He created the birds that fly. Each after their own kind. Reality check, you can mix breeds but their offspring is always sterile. All creatures great and small had one mandate to be fruitful and multiply. This was the fifth day.
24-25 – God then commanded the land to produce its creatures. Livestock, wild animals and insects each according to their kind. God saw that is was good. All God does and makes is good. That is why the Psalmist says, “God is good.” Never forget the goodness of God. There are days where it may not be good but God is good and He has your best interest at heart.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
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