5000 fed – Matt 14:13-21, Luke 9:10-17, Mark 6L30-44 and John 6:1-14
Jesus went out into the desert with the people for many days. The people ran out of food and Jesus asked His disciples to feed them. Immediately the disciples panicked. They answered that they did not know where to get enough food and that it would cost a lot of money to feed the people. They wanted the people to go to nearby villages and buy food for themselves. A little boy offered his lunch of five small loaves and two fishes. Jesus fed the people with this lunch. He had them sit down in rows of 50 and 100 and the people were all fed. After Jesus blessed the food and the food was distributed there were twelve baskets up of food left over.
This story shows that Jesus was a man that did things in abundance. Eph 3:29 says that the Lord can do abundantly beyond what we can think or imagine. Jesus came to multiply of meagre resources. With God little becomes much and there is always some left over. Jesus can do miracles in abundance but also it takes an act of faith to do whatever He says.
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