Saturday, April 18, 2015

Warning to the Professional Religionist

Warning to the Professional Religionist – One Hundred and Twenty Three

     Today the Lord gives a warning to the so called pious and professional religionist.  I have seen your striving and struggles for recognition.  Your outward signs are an abomination.  You think you can gain my favour by what you do.  Do you not know that eternal life can only come through grace the Lord Jesus Christ?  You hide hatred, bias and prejudice under the guise or cloak of righteousness.  There is nothing righteous in what you do.  You kill, murder and destroy in my name.  I did not give you your mandate you gave it yourself. 
     You separate yourself from others because you hate and do not love.  You come across as righteous, pure and holy but in reality you are guilty of all kinds of inward sins.  You can fool others but you cannot fool me for I see the true condition of your heart.  Your displays are for man not me. 
     You steal and rob in my name.  You lavish on yourself great riches in my name but you are nothing but a greedy and vain.  You build kingdoms in your name and use my name as the premise for this.  I will have nothing to do with this fraud and forgery. 
     Repent or I will judge you harshly soon.  I will bring you down says the Lord.  You will be exposed for what you are.  Though your claims of innocence and worldly repentance will garner some sympathy from the weak and misinformed I will show you for what you are.  This is your final warning. 

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