Saturday, April 18, 2015

Do not shrink back

Do not shrink back  -  One Hundred and One

     The Lord once again admonishes and exhorts His people to not shrink back but draw close to the Him.  You will be rewarded.  When you draw near to God, He will draw near to you.  The Lord will give you assurance in your heart.  His peace will fill every part of your life.  When you draw near to Him in faith your will see success and prosperity. 
     The Lord today is telling you to have faith in Him.  He will never be slack in fulfilling each promise that He makes.  His timing will be perfect for you.  Next, hold fast and be faithful.  The Lord blesses faithfulness.  If you are faithful in the small things He will give you greater influence and responsibility.  The Lord believes in you because He does see you not as you are right now but as you will be in the future.  The Lord lives in the eternal present.  That is why He called Gideon a mighty man of valour because that is what Gideon became.  You are His man or woman of valour.  You are mighty in His sight. 
     Encourage one another in the faith.  Love God`s people.  When those around you are letting go of their love for me and the church grows cold do not let your faith grow cold.  Remember the day of my returning is close.  In fact every day you live you are one day closer to the coming of the Lord.  Consider one another in love.  Be compassionate towards each other.  Deliberately avoid sin in any form.  Be like Joseph and flee temptation.  Run from it like a sprinter in a race. 
     Do not throw away your wonderful confidence in the Lord.  Remember confidence comes when you have a guarantee behind you.  You have heaven’s guarantee.  Faith is the title deed of eternal life.  Remember what I have done, says the Lord.  The nation of Israel needed constant reminders of the goodness of God fortunately you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you to help you with this. 

     Many in these last days are turning away and shrinking back.  They have forgotten their first love.  They have become rich and increased with goods lacking nothing but in reality they are naked, blind, lame and poor.  Believe what the Lord has said.  The truth is you have no other option.  There is no other way but Jesus.  To accept another way means death and eternal separation from the Lord.  So believe what the Lord has said and live by faith.  Be holy, faithful and consistent.  You will be rewarded and you will see all the promises of God come true in your life.

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