Jesus reveals the hearts of the Pharisees. – Luke 16:14-18
The Pharisees who loved money sneered at Jesus. He replied, “You know that you try to justify yourself to men but God knows your heart. He told them that the things that ate highly esteemed among men are an abomination to God.
Jesus then taught that the law and prophets were waiting for Jesus. He stated that right now the Kingdom of God is being preached and every man is being pressed by it. The Lord is looking for decisions right now. The day you hear about Jesus Christ is your day of decision. You become responsible the very moment you hear about Jesus Christ. You are in the valley of decision. Jesus also said that when the Kingdom of God is being preach many will try to for force their way but they will not succeed.
Jesus then stated that heaven and earth will passed away before one letter of the law will pass away. Jesus never came to do away with the law but to fulfill it and then institute a new covenant created in and through His blood. As one the writer of Hebrews puts it, “He gave us a new and living way.” Today in your time of decision make sure you choose Jesus and not the law. Choose life and not death.
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