Pay the Pastor what he is worth – 1 Cor 9:11-2
Vs 11 – Paul and his fellow workers had sown spiritual things among them and so they should have the right to expect material reward for their labours. A pastor should expect that his flock would take care of his material needs or he will not be their pastor very long. If you rob your pastor of his living you are wronging God. Always pay the pastor what he is worth and also what the average person who works in the church. When I move to Yellowknife the church board paid me what a teacher made in that city. They view their pastor on the education level of a teacher. This was a good living wage and enabled me to care for my family.
Vs 12 – It was evident that others were exploiting this right among the Corinthians and so Paul sets the record straight that he and his party would not only expect this same right but even more so because of the fact that they started the work. Paul makes it clear that even though they have this right they have not used it. They have chosen to endure all things so that there would be no obstacle in the way of the gospel of Jesus Christ. So do not rob the pastor of his living and be generous and God will be generous with you.
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