Friday, October 31, 2014

Preaching is a Privilege

Preaching a privilege – 1 Cor 9L15-16

Vs 15 – Paul tells his readers that even though he has this right that he has not used it and neither will he use it.  He will not let anything or anyone deprive him of his boasting.  Paul had a conviction of never becoming a burden to the church.  In fact he would rather die than do this.  Paul promoted this reality for others but not himself.  
Vs 16 – Paul looked at preaching the gospel as a privilege.  He boasted about the fact that he was a preacher.  It burned within him.  He knew the only thing he could do was preach the gospel and woe if he did not preach the gospel.  Paul’s call and commission came from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.  Paul’s call was clear and strong.  He had the right to exercise a living from the gospel but he chose not to for the sake of the gospel.  If God has placed a call on your life to minister the word do it will passion, power and purpose.  Also be generous to help all those in the ministry in whatever form it takes because how you treat those in the ministry is how you view God.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Responsibilities of Pastor and Church

Pastor and Church Responsibilities – 1 Cor 9:13-14

Vs 13 – Paul the points out a reality both in Corinth and Jerusalem.  Those who are employed by a temple get their living through the offerings given to the temple.   The last couple days we been talking about a churches responsibility to their pastor.  Churches need to look at their pastor as a gift and compensate him accordingly.  How we treat a pastor is really how we treat God.  If we are generous with a pastor love and respect them that is also our view of God.  How you treat your pastor is shows what is in your heart.  

Vs 14 – In the same way the Lord has commanded those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel.  Paul is setting here at the beginning of the church a principle that will be employed for generations.  It is reminder to both the pastor and the church at large about their responsibilities.  When we are generous in the work of God, God in turn will be generous with us.  It is law of sowing and reaping.  

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pay your pastor what he is worth

Pay the Pastor what he is worth – 1 Cor 9:11-2

Vs 11 – Paul and his fellow workers had sown spiritual things among them and so they should have the right to expect material reward for their labours.  A pastor should expect that his flock would take care of his material needs or he will not be their pastor very long.  If you rob your pastor of his living you are wronging God.  Always pay the pastor what he is worth and also what the average person who works in the church.  When I move to Yellowknife the church board paid me what a teacher made in that city.  They view their pastor on the education level of a teacher.  This was a good living wage and enabled me to care for my family.

Vs 12 – It was evident that others were exploiting this right among the Corinthians and so Paul sets the record straight that he and his party would not only expect this same right but even more so because of the fact that they started the work.  Paul makes it clear that even though they have this right they have not used it.  They have chosen to endure all things so that there would be no obstacle in the way of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  So do not rob the pastor of his living and be generous and God will be generous with you.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Benefits of working for the Lord

enefits of Working for the Lord – 1 Cor 9:8-10

Vs 8 – Paul again uses the same method of questioning.  Does he say these things from human authority?  Does not the law of Moses say the same?  It is obvious that Paul is addressing his critics from the Jewish wing of the church.  Paul in their eyes had abandoned his Jewish roots and now was living like a gentile.
Vs 9 – Paul then quotes the law of Moses and reminds his critics that even the oxen should not be muzzle as it treads out the grain.  The he asks another question, “Is God concerned over the oxen or is there something greater at stake here? “  Obviously Paul is making a point.
Vs 10 – Paul’s point is that God does not care about the oxen as much as he cares about us.  What is written and spoken is for our sake Paul’s says.  The person who plows should plow in hope and does the thresher.  They both hope and right so to reap in the benefits of the crop.  When you do not grow weary in doing well in due time your will reap a reward to today do not give up doing good but in time God will balance the books in your favour.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Dad love your children

Proper View of Ministries

Proper View of Ministry – 1 Cor 9:5-7

Vs 5 – Paul then asks if he and his fellow apostles do not have the right to bring along their believing wife.  In this verse we see that Peter brought his wife along with him.  We knew Peter had a wife because Jesus healed Peter’s mother in law.  This verse all gives us a glimpse into the personal lives of the earth apostles.  
Vs 6 – Paul and Barnabus supported themselves by working.  They had chosen not to be a burden on the churches they served.  This however brought criticism.  Support for clergy and money manners from Paul’s day to today are issues of contention.    The world will always attack the church on the issue of money because most people today are greedy and covetous.

Vs 7 – Paul uses three illustrations to make his point.  First, does a solider serve at his own expense? Next, does a man who plants a vineyard not eat from its fruit or lastly does a person who tends a flock not drink or eat from this flock?

Friday, October 24, 2014

Be a doer of the word

Be careful how you walk

Be careful how you walk – 1 Cor 8:11-13

Vs 11 – Paul says that when we use our freedom in Christ in the wrong manner we can cause others to be destroyed and their spiritual life dies.  Our knowledge allows us to something but it could lead to the spiritual death of another.  Paul is literally saying that we are our brother`s keeper.  What we do does matter.  
Vs 12 – Paul even goes further in this discussion by saying that when we know that a person is weak and in our selfishness we do in their presence what they are weak in then we are sinning against them and Christ.  Paul is talking about knowing weaknesses in others and yet excusing ourselves by saying that is their problem and not ours.  The stumbling block principle says, “I will never do another to hurt another knowingly.”

Vs 13 – Paul says if food causes his brother to stumble, sin and fall, he will become a vegetarian to keep his fellow brother from falling.  The issue here is watching your life for the sake of others.  

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The word is our spiritual food

Do not cause others to stumble

Do not be a stumbling block – 1 Cor 8:9-10

Vs 9 – Paul then warns his readers that they should not take our knowledge of the gospel and use it to declare their liberty and then it becomes a stumbling block to someone else who does not have this conviction.  Paul is preparing his readers for a life principle.  All Christians do not have the same convictions.  What is important to one is not necessarily important to another.  
Vs 10 – If someone sees you doing something that they feel is wrong they could be tempted to justify doing it because you did it.  An example is the drunkard.  They have a weakness for drink.  You do not have that same weakness so you drink.  The drunkard feels that because you do it as a Christian that they can do it.  The problem is they do not have the same self control that you have so they sin and fail.  We are our brother`s keeper you may like the thought but it is reality and God will hold us accountable for it.  So never knowingly do something that causes another to stumble or fall.  When you do you are being selfish.  Not a good quality to exhibit.  Remember the rallying cry for the Christian is others before ourselves.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

To eat or not to eat

To eat or not – 1 Cor 8:7-8

Vs 7 – Paul pointed out that many people in his day did not possess this knowledge.  This still goes on today.  They eat meat offered to idols because they do not know better.  Their conscience is weak and defiled.  Their ignorance causes them to sin and they do not even know it.  The god of this world has blinded them from the truth.  They are living like based beasts doing only that which is natural and not super natural.

Vs 8 – Paul makes it clear that food does not give us any special commendations with God.  Jesus had declared all food clean.  Paul was re-emphasizing this claim.  This is quite a step for Paul because at one time he was a Pharisee and dietary laws were a huge part of their teaching.  They confronted Jesus many times over this very issue.  Each time Jesus reminded the Pharisees that their laws were based on the teaching of men and not the teaching of God.  Paul said that we are not better off if we eat food or not.  Food has one function and that is to give the body the energy it needs to survive.  

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Bible has cleansing power

MO of the devil

MO of the Devil – 1 Cor 8:5-6

Vs 5 – Paul says that though there are so called gods in heaven and on earth they are small deities created either through the imagination of man or the work of demons.  These so called gods or lords are spiritual beings who follow satan and have only one agenda, to rob, kill and destroy.  They want to divert worship from God to themselves.  It is what they need to prove too themselves they have worth and power.  They have been separated from God and are eternally damned.  Their sole goal is now to attack and the God who banished them from heaven because of their disobedience.
Vs 6 – Paul points out to the Corinthians for them and himself there is only one God.  The Christian is monotheistic in their world view.  We serve the living God.  He is our Father.  He is in whom all things have come from and for whom we now exist.  He is the reason why we live now.  Our sole purpose is to do His will and live for Him.  We have traded our loyalty from satan to God.  Jesus Christ is our one Lord.  He like the Father are the ones in whom we live and have our being.  The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit participate in our lives now.  The will of God is now our sole reason for living.  

Monday, October 20, 2014

You are loved by God

You are loved by God – 1 Cor 8:3-4

Vs 3 – This purpose of knowledge is now revealed.  If anyone loves God they are known by God.  True knowledge is knowing that you are loved by God and in turn love others.  Human knowledge puffs people up.  They used their knowledge and wisdom to impress each other.  Schools, degrees, education in themselves are not wrong but what they can do is wrong.  They create a group of educated fools going to hell.  Knowing God is what life is really all about.

Vs 4 – Eating food offer to idols is not a real issues because Christians know that idols have no real existence.  They cannot harm or help anyone.  They are pieces of silver or wood.  They cannot hear, see or think.  There is only one God.  He is creator of all things.  In Him and through Him all creation has existence and life.  Idols are nothing but images created by men because they cannot grasp the truth about an eternal invisible God.  The idols of today are fame, status, power, education and popularity.  Avoid them and you will live and see God.  Follow them and you must the true value of life.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Do not Keep sinning

Do not keeping – 1 John 3:6

John is black and white.  I have discovered this is a trait with all biblical writers.  They don’t care about political correctness.  John says, “if you live or abide in Him you will make the choice to stop sinning.  Sin will not be something you will try to do.  You will do the opposite.   David wrote in Ps 66:18, that iniquity, which is a habit of continuous sin.  The Lord  will not hear your prayers.  The Canadian church establishment, their ministers or leaders may not be clear about this but the Bible is.  Purity is a virtue highly prized by God.  John states those who continue to sin, have not seen or know God.  Simple, succinct and to the point.  Carlyle wrote, “The greatest security against sin is to be shock by its presence.”      There was a Scotsman who wore a dress shirt which he used on special occasions. after he used it several times he would question his wife on its cleanness and take it to the window for better light.  His wife’s words were very wise; “If it’s doubtful, it’s dirty.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Dream chasers

He who knew no sin

He who knew no sin – 2 Cor 5:21

This verse is the essence of Christ’s ability to be a sinless sacrifice.  This statement is a cardinal doctrine of the church.  Jesus Christ was sinless.  His virgin birth provided the means.  His ability through the Holy Spirit to live a sinless life gave Him.  Paul states, He who knew no sin became sin for us.   On the cross Jesus had all the sins, past, present & future placed on Him.  Jesus’ sinless perfection qualified Him to be the perfect lamb.  His blood cleanses us and all mankind from all sin.  All we have to do is ask.  That is why I love redemption.  The blood of Jesus can cleanse all these sins.  Why, because in Him there is no sin.  He was God’s perfect and loving sacrifice.  Nothing needs to be added or subtracted.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Think about the Word

He will be made known

He will be made known – 1 John 4:1-10

John states that we should not be surprised by the world not knowing or understanding us.  The world scorns, hates and persecutes us.  They are doing this because they did not know Christ.  They killed him.  His purity, lifestyle, teaching and love was beyond them.  Jesus was the prime example of perfect love and yet this mark Him as an enemy of this world.  Jesus stated that men darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil.  So do not think it strange when trials come your way.  Peter stated this in his letter.  The beautiful thing is that one day we shall see Him as He is and when He does come all things will be made known.  

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Word of God brings life

The Word of God brings life

Sons of God

Sons of God – Gal 3:26

  We are Children of God.  Paul talks about this concept in his writings.    Sonship comes through Jesus Christ.  We were strangers and slaves but now we are sons and daughters of God.  This bible has many titles for those who belong to Christ.   We are besides children of God, heirs of salvation and God, Children of the light, family of God, the body and bride of Christ, children of the day and the church.  Paul  beautiful puts its this way in Gal 4:6, “because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba Father,”  John closes this  sentence by stating with an exclamation point.  And that is what we are, the children of God.  Enjoy this blessing.  

Friday, October 10, 2014

Ah Yes Faith

Ah Yes Faith

Ah Yes Faith

Jesus called his disciples

The Twelve Disciples Called – Mark 3:13-19 & Luke 6:12-16

Jesus went out into the hills and spent all night in prayer.  He was facing a tremendous decision.  He was choosing the men who were going to take His message to the world.  He saw in them much potential.  That is what I love about the Lord.  He does see as we are right now but what we shall become.  Jesus wanted to make the right choice.  Jesus was a man of prayer and we must be the same.  If Jesus needed to pray how much more should we be praying.  Jesus called men not according to ability but potential.  He saw in them faith and trust.  He sent them out to preach.  They had authority over demons.  In His name we can overcome any foe or adversary.   His twelve disciple were:  Peter, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the Son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot. He is calling to you as well.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

A gold mine

A Gold Mine - - John 5:1-47

This is a rich gold mine of truth.  John reveals six more truths from the Life of Christ.  

    Jesus did not accept the praise of man.  He knows that many do not have the love of God in their hearts even though they claim to have it.  Jesus knows who are His own.  When Jesus came many did not accept Him.  What is amazing that even now many will not accept Him but they will accept false messiah’s. The question being asked today is why do some people willing to give praise to men but refuse to give it to God who truly deserves it?  It is better to get praise from God than from man.  

   Jesus reveals today that the Jews own accuser will be Moses who will judge them by the law.  Moses wrote about Jesus and believed.  The Jews don’t and so Moses will be their accuser.  They refuse to believe what Jesus was saying.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

One step closer to eternity

One step closer to eternity

Jesus in Galilee

Oct 8 - Matt 4:23-25, Mark 1:35-39 and Luke 4:22-24 – Jesus’ First Tour of Galilee

Jesus begins His first tour of Galilee.  He taught, preached, healed and cast out demons.  Large crowds followed Him every where.  On this tour Jesus preached the good news of the Kingdom.  He healed all the sickness and diseases of all the people who came to Him.  The good news of Him spread every where.  No matter what kind of thing He faced, He met and healed everyone who came.  
Jesus was a man of prayer and it was this communion with God that enabled Him to do all these things.  He was also a man of the Spirit.   This formula or pattern of life will enable us to be successful in our spirit walk with God.  This was the secret of the success of the early apostles and disciples.  Stephen for example was known as a man of faith and the Holy Spirit.  This should be our testimony as well.
Jesus in this account is shown as the universal saviour.  He came to reach all the people not a select few.  People may try to keep Jesus in one place but Jesus came to bring good news to all people.  

Monday, October 6, 2014

bad Patterns

bad Patterns

Jesus at Home

Luke 4:16-31 – Jesus at home

Once again we are looking at the Jesus in His home town of Nazareth.  Jesus had revealed He was the Messiah and the people took it the wrong way and wanted to kill Him.  Jesus however walked away and was not harmed.  Here are the lessons we can learn from this account today.

1.  Jesus came to give sight to the blind both in a physical and spiritual sense.
2.  He came to release the oppressed and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.  Jesus has come to your free from your oppression and He wants you to know you are blessed and highly favoured.  I have a friend that always greets those who meet him with the phrase, “I am blessed and highly favoured.”  Which of course he is because of Jesus Christ.
3.  When everyone’s eyes were fastened on Jesus, He told His audience in Nazareth that the scripture He had just read was now being fulfilled.  All who heard Him said He had gracious words but they did not believe in Him.
4.  Jesus revealed that people won’t believe a prophet from their home town because they know his past and cannot believe they could change.

5.  Jesus was to face death through all His ministry.  He claimed from the very beginning to be the Son of God.  His claim to deity would eventually lead to His death.

Friday, October 3, 2014

We are of God

We are from God – 1 John 4:4-6

We are from God and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us.  This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.

1.  John says that those who are of God listen to the truth of God’s word.  They are  anxious to learn and receive it.  The characteristics of those who listen are receptivity, desire to learn, teach ability, childlike faith, humility and willingness.  
2.  Those who are not of God refuse to listen to men and woman of God talking about the Bible, Jesus Christ and Christianity.  With John it is black and white.  As the last of the apostles, as one of the three pillars of the church named by Paul.  John saw it as his duty and responsibility to keep the church of the second century on track.  

3.   This John says is how you tell the difference between the Spirit of truth and the Spirit of falsehood.  

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Help and Counsel from the Lord

How to Overcome

How to Overcome – 1 John 4:4-6

The fourth truth of this verse is that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the World.  You have the power, victory, ability, to defeat the world, the flesh and the Devil.  You have God Himself as a resident in you heart and life.  You win church.  In every battle when you remember this.  When you pray, share God’s truth, exercise

Your authority and put on the armour of God.  This shows the limitations of satan.  Remember submit to God and when you resist the devil he will flee from you.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Overcoming Confusion

Overcoming Confusion

Viewpoint of the world

Viewpoint of the World – 1 John 4:4-6

They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world and the world listens to them.  

1.  John talks candidly and honestly about false spirits and teachers.  They are of the World.  Their info, reasoning processes, thoughts, attitudes, priorities, philosophy and words are from the world.
2.  They speak from the viewpoint of the world.  Their logic, point of view is from man’s ideas and concepts.  North America has over 350 cults who based their beliefs on the Bible.  
3.  They world will listen to them.  All world religions have moral truth to them.  They also appeal to mankind because everyone of them allows men to work their way to Heaven. Christianity is different because it is clear that Jesus Christ is the only way to God and that accepted of His provision is the only condition for heaven.  Man cannot

work his way to heaven or merit acceptance through some sacrifice or great work.  You must accept Jesus and received it by faith.