Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Fools for Christ

Fools for Christ – 1 Cor 4:9-10

Vs 9 – Paul was not complaining but he was wondering why God seem to put the apostles like men chain at the end of a procession.  Like men who were condemned to die in the arena.  Paul is using two well known analogies familiar to his readers, common spectacles in the ancient world to illustrate his reality.  They have been a spectacle to three audiences, to the universe, angels and men.  This is not a verse of pity but reality.
Vs 10 – They are fools for Christ and the Corinthians are wise in Christ.  They are weak but the Corinthians are strong.  The Corinthians are honored but the apostles are dishonored.  Paul is using this logic to prove a point which will be revealed shortly.  Being a follower of Jesus Christ is not easy.  Those who are persecuted more pose a greater threat to satan also when you are not persecuted you should examine your walk.  John Wesley once went without persecution for three days.  He thought he had lost his way.  He went to a field and repented within 10 minutes a man threw something at him.  He got up rejoicing because he knew he was making an impact.  Are you?

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